March 25, 2020
Dear St. Isidore School Community,
Throughout this situation, I have promised to keep you updated as changes occur—and so, I felt I needed to reach out this evening to communicate the latest information. As of this afternoon, I have been notified by the Diocese of Oakland that we will align with the Contra Costa Health Services office and the Contra Costa County Office of Education’s decision to extend school closure until May 1. I know this is two weeks longer than we had planned; however, the safety and health of our community remain our priority.
We will continue with our online learning to ensure we meet our goals of delivering quality instruction and educational support. We recently developed a COVID-19 information page on our website as a resource for you and your family. We will continue to provide useful tips and updated information on this platform. We are here for you!
As we all know, this is a fluid situation and can change at any time, but we will continue to keep you informed. Thank you for your continued partnership with us at this time.
Stay safe,
Maria Ward & Dennis Keane