Volume 01 | January 1, 2021
The AMHA Youth Scoop
Welcome to the AMHA Youth Scoop!! This NEW Monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on all youth news across the country. Get the latest scoop on everything from youth contests, AMHA Medals, the AMHA Merit Program, Teams and what our Youth Council is up to! Things are moving fast here in the youth department, so be sure to tune monthly to stay up to date.
AMHA Medals
The Morgan Grand National and World Championship Horse Show took place in October of 2020 where six new AMHA Gold Medal Champions were crowned! Congratulations on this amazing achievement!!

Saddle Seat: Else Heinke
Hunter Seat on the Flat: Abigail Marry
Dressage Seat: Hensley Moses
Hunter Seat over Fences: Hensley Moses
Stock/Reining Seat: Lydia Groshong
Western Seat: Olivia Brackin

Grand National Youth Contest
The 2020 Grand National Youth of the Year Contest was held virtually this year. There were 15 YOTY Participants that all rolled with the punches with the new virtual format! All of the contestants participated in a judging contest via zoom, uploaded their patterns, took a test on our virtual testing site, and gave awesome speeches in Zoom rooms! In the end it was Noor Jerath who took home the 2020 Youth of the Year title, with Amanda White coming in close as Reserve Youth of the Year winner.

Laugh it up!
Why do Morgan horses jump??

Because they have frogs in their hooves!!
AMHA Youth Council News
Have you check out the AMHA Youth Network yet?

Head on over to the AMHA Youth Network Facebook page to get all the latest Youth news. The page is entirely run by the AMHA Youth Council and features monthly episode of the "the Morgan Horse Source" and educational show guest starring professionals in the Morgan industry. Also, don't forget to join them for Kahoot! Night, a interactive trivia game on horse knowledge via zoom. Stay tuned for more fun and games that you can participate in monthly!

"Save the Bays...
Buy some Hay!"
AMHA Youth Council's 2020 Fundraiser

In December of 2020 the AMHA Youth Council conducted their second fundraiser of the year to raise money for buying hay to donate to a Horse Rescue. The Council created their own logo and slogan, and worked hard on selling T-shirts for the campaign, overall raising $490 that was donated to two Horse Rescues to purchase Hay!

The Council also held a fundraiser in June of 2020 to support AMHA by selling water bottles that they designed on their own to advertise their new Youth Network! Overall the fundraiser was a great success, providing AMHA with check for $460.39. Great Job!!

Would you like to become part of the AMHA Youth Council?

The Morgan Horse Source
Join the AMHA Youth Network on Tuesday, January 5th at 8pm eastern for another episode of
The Morgan Horse Source!
Featuring Sarah Gove in "a Day in the Life of a Trainer"!
Brought to you by the AMHA Youth Council

Check out the NEW AMHA Teams Program!!
AMHA Youth Clubs/groups has gotten a new look! Introducing the AMHA Teams Program! This amazing program includes everything you love about the Youth Club program and rolled it into a new points based competition! Enjoy all of the classic Youth Group activities while earning points to compete with other teams across the country! Enrollment applications are accepted in the whole month of January...sign up your Team today!

Join us on Wednesday, January 13th for a Zoom information forum! Get all the details on how to start and run your team!

Did you know?
You can advertise your Youth camps with AMHA for free! Just let us know the dates and prices and we will put your camp up on the AMHA Youth Webpage!!

Contact Nikki at
Introducing the AMHA Youth Patch Project!

Now with every Youth program you participate in you receive a really cool patch! So what do you do with all these patches? Get a really awesome jacket to put the on of course! Check out the jackets in the AMHA Marketplace!

What's new with the AMHA Merit Program!

The AMHA Merit Program (Formerly the AMHA Horsemastership program) has gotten a brand new Facelift! The AMHA Youth Committee has been hard at work updating and revising the Bulrush, Woodbury and Sherman Levels of the Merit program to be more relevant to today's Morgan Youth. Also check out the new Figure level, and introductory Merit for young AMHA Non-members. Once completed they can turn this in for a FREE AMHA Youth Membership for the remainder of the year!

Do you have Youth News you'd like to share??
email to see yourself or your Team in the next edition of the Youth Scoop!
AMHA Youth Member of the Month

Sophie Proctor
Meet Sophie Proctor from Newbury, MA! Sophie is involved in the AMHA Youth Programs in a serious way! Not only is she the 2018 AMHA Youth of the Year, as well as the 2020-2021 Youth Council President, but she is currently serving on the Youth Committee as well! She is now in the process of starting an AMHA Youth Team at Taylor River Farm, in Hampton Falls, NH, where she grew up riding. When not doing horsey things, Sophie is pursuing a bachelor's degree, double majoring in business administration and political science at New England College in Henniker, NH. Sophie works hard and was one of the lead members in launching the Council's Youth Network Program, and is always there to help with "the Morgan Horse Source." Thank you Sophie for all of your hard work and we continue to look forward to her accomplishments in the future!