Thank you for your efforts to help flatten the curve and protect the health of all residents in Santa Barbara.

As we navigate through this unprecedented period, the local downtown business community needs your support. You can purchase gift cards for future use, shop their online stores, order takeout or curbside pick-up, follow and share their promotions on social media, post a positive review for them online, or donate to your favorite nonprofit. 
You can continue to support your favorite restaurant, retail store, gym, brewery, or winery. Click the link above for our list of local business offerings for to-go, delivery and curbside pick-up options.There are other great resources for this such as The Restaurant Guy and Visit Santa Barbara .
The City of Santa Barbara has made it easier to pick-up your takeout or retail purchases and your local downtown businesses. Currently there is: 

  • No street sweeping enforcement 

  • No charge to park in the City’s downtown lots 

  • No enforcement of timed parking zones