It has been a difficult month for everyone as we have found ourselves pivoting to deal with this anomalous situation. In order to better assist the business community, OED connected with partners such as Workforce Services, the SBDC, WBC, and others to ensure that we present a unified front. 
We immediately created an Economic Impact Survey to get a better understanding of the needs of the community. To date we have followed-up with over 230 businesses in Frederick County who have responded to our survey, and we continue to provide updates as we see daily changes. 
In the last month we have seen a 75% increase in web traffic compared to this time last year.  We know that you rely on us to provide the latest information on resources. With that in mind, in March, we created our Resources and Information for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 webpage. This webpage offers the latest news regarding financial assistance, unemployment, webinars and more.  Additionally, to better assist restaurants with these temporary changes, we created a webpage that provides a list of carry-out and delivery options to the public.
To help businesses navigate the ins and outs of State and Federal funding programs, we created the Frederick County Financial Tool in partnership with Orases, TechFrederick, and other local leaders. This live document continues to be updated as funding changes. When used with the Maryland Business Relief Wizard, businesses can quickly decipher which programs they are eligible for.
Our agriculture webpage, Homegrown, offers information on local farms that are open for sales, and you can find information on what the wineries, breweries, and distilleries are doing. There is also information on grant and loan programs for the ag community. Our social media accounts, discoverfrederick and homegrown, continue to be a great place for businesses to get daily updates.
We want you to know that our team is here for you.  If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  Until we see each other face to face, stay healthy and stay safe.


Frederick County Economic Impact Survey
If you have not done so, please take this short 10-15 minute survey.

The Maryland Business Relief Wizard is now live. This tool helps connect businesses with the resources and programming they are eligible for.

Business News
Masks on Maryland
Businesses prepare as state mask requirement begins Saturday.
Implementing a National Return to Work Plan
What will a return to work look like? That is the question weighing heavily on the minds of government leaders and public health officials, employers and their employees, and American families striving for the delicate balance of staying safe and making ends meet.
Businesses Supporting Businesses: ProList Prints for Good
Frederick company ProList, Inc. is using their resources and skills to print rack cards and menus for local businesses in need.
Tips to Look Your Best on Video Conference Calls
With so many meetings occurring online now, here are some helpful tips to look your best.
INPRO Technologies Inc. changes the game with respirator-cleaning machine
Frederick company INPRO Technologies, Inc. has found a creative way to help essential workers during the pandemic.
Frederick County Best Places to Work Campaign
We know our Frederick County businesses are the best - we want to hear it from your perspective! Nomination surveys open until May 1st!
MARBIDCO Pandemic Adjustment Loan Fund Program Now Open 
To help Maryland's food and fiber producers, harvesters and primary processors adjust to the business disruptions caused by COVID-19.
American Farmland Trust launches Farmer Relief Fund
Farmers can apply for cash grants up to $1,000 each, eligible applicants include small and mid-size direct-market producers.
Comcast Business Launches Webinar Series to Support Businesses of All Sizes
Comcast and industry experts explore critical topics facing today's business community.

Information and Resources
Due to unprecedented volumes of claims, the Department of Labor has updated the process for applying for benefits.  

Frederick County COVID-19 Resource Page

OED  Resources and Information for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Maryland Business Express Coronavirus Information for Businesses

Frederick County Office of Economic Development
118 N. Market Street, Suite 300
Frederick, MD  21701