Dear Junicon Clients:
We hope this message finds you well and most of all in good health.
Given the current circumstances and unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak we all are struggling with, we wanted to let you know how Junicon is operating during these times.
  • Junicon is still fully operational and our currently active studies are being completed as planned, with the exception of medical conference recruiting and interviewing which has been postponed.
  • Junicon's global staff already works remotely, and Junicon uses secure, cloud-based technologies enabling our team to work at full capacity while remote and remain compliant with market research data protection legislation.
  • While there are obvious limitations in some areas where some clinicians and hospital administrators are busy responding to the COVID-19 crisis, research is still being conducted with little or no disruptions in many clinical areas. 
  • Given that in-person research is not currently practical, we are able to still conduct qualitative research using these remote methods:
    • Telephone interviews
    • Web-aided telephone interviews
    • Virtual focus groups
    • Online self-complete qualitative interviews
    • Online bulletin boards
  • Across virtually all clinical segments, our online quantitative studies' response rates remain high, and data quality is strong.
Of course, we want to fully respect our healthcare professional respondents' time and focus during this crisis, but we are finding that our respondents are still interested and engaged in our clients' market research activities.  If this changes as the crisis continues, we will change our approach appropriately.
We hope that your businesses are weathering the storm well and that we all will come out of this unforeseen event with the least possible damage and renewed strength.
Sending Best Wishes for everyone's health and well-being,
The Junicon Team

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