Grace Notes Weekly is a newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, TN,
and is used to communicate the upcoming activities of this community.
Creation Season
OCTOBER 8, 2021
Pride Mass
COVID may have cancelled the city's Pride events, but we at Grace, having heard in our own community and beyond a need to remind ourselves and our LGBTQIA+ siblings of our belovedness, will proceed carefully with an outdoor celebration that honors all LGBTQIA+ people as the children of God. Join us on October 9th at 6pm in the courtyard for worship that will include holy communion, scripture readings and prayers that speak of God's love for LGBTQIA+ people. An outdoor reception will follow the service.
Pride Mass (Saturday, October 9)
Sunday Worship (Pet Blessing Rescheduled)
Adult Classes on Sunday
Youth Event Sunday Evening (10-10)
Children's Ministry
Daily Worship
Food Pantry
Parish Prayer List
Sunday Worship (continued)
Blessing Pets, Take 2
With rain falling enthusiastically and no ark to shelter the animals, Grace postponed blessing our beloved pets last Sunday. We will, however, offer that service this week at the 10:45 a.m. service in drier weather and without the intoxicating aroma of wet fur wafting through the air. Bring your critters to the courtyard -- leashed or in carriers for their safety -- and make official what we already know -- that they are among the great blessings bestowed by a God who sees the harshness of our world and knows how to sooth it. This service will be live-streamed via Grace's FACEBOOK PAGE; you can find the bulletin HERE if you are unable to come.

8:00 a.m. Service
The 8 a.m. service will go on as usual in the Nave. If you are usually a 10:45 a.m. attendee but are allergic to dogs or cats or undue interruptions in worship, please feel free to attend this calmer and less furry service.
Adult Classes on Sunday
The Past is Present -- This week April our rector will lead the class, discussing the history of LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the church! We will meet at 9:30am on Sunday in the backyard belonging to Grace member Pat Milburn (thanks Pat!). If walking is a hardship, or you're unsure where to go, contact David Burman at -- we can probably get a car or two in Pat's driveway.

Lectionary Class -- This group is resuming after a long hiatus! Meet in the courtyard at 9:30am on Sundays as we look through the readings assigned for that Sunday. Scripture is a wacky and beautiful tapestry -- join us as we discuss diverse parts of it!

Those who are blessed with children but who would like to attend a class without having to worry about them are welcome to drop them off at the Pavilion, where Children's Ministry leader Betsy Hawthorne Bedwell will have activities to keep them busy and give them good things to think about.
Youth Event on Sunday
For the second time, Grace Church is partnering with St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Hixson to put on a youth event. We'll meet at Grace Church this Sunday (October 10) from 5pm to 7pm, with dinner provided! We'll do a couple of activities related to peer ministry, or how we can minister to each other in our daily lives. Teenagers welcome!
Children's Ministry
This Sunday we will celebrate October birthdays! Please let me know if your child has an October birthday so we can celebrate together. 

On Sunday, October 31, we will observe All Saints’ Day a little early by dressing as saints! It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the family of God. I have included some links below for easy, quick, and thrifty costumes. So much fun in store for October! 

Last week we painted watercolors. It is a joy to spend time outside creating together! 
Daily Worship
Grace offers Compline services at 8pm each evening; you can join

& the password is: compline 

Morning Prayer continues every day (except Sundays) via Zoom, beginning at 9:00 a.m.; click the link below or paste the URL into your browser.

For Morning Prayer, click here:

or paste this URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 746 8859 6599

Passcode: amprayer
Food Pantry
In spite of Wednesday's rain, 12 souls braved the humid drizzle to come to pantry; they left with food for 50 -- 23 adults and 27 children. Supplying them left us (unsurprisingly) with a few thin spots on the shelves; the items listed below will help us fatten those spots up again:

* hearty chicken and beef soups
* canned hams
* Spam or similar
* canned chicken
* beef stew
* fruit (larger cans -- 15 oz. or so)
* beanie weenies (larger cans)
* baked beans

We could also use some travel-size toiletries and some toothbrushes; if you've got a stash of hotel shampoo and such or would be willing to pick some up at your next trip to Target or Walmart, our homeless clientele will be grateful!

Thanks to volunteers Linda Wideman, Gail Dooley, Jim Harris and Dixie Riall, who have honed the business of selecting, bagging, and toting to an art; thanks also to our parishioners and neighbors, who in spite of trying times have come through week after week, month after month and year after year in keeping us stocked and able to help those who come for aid. We and our clients are very, very grateful!
Parish Prayer List
Please remember: Joseph, our President; the Senate, the House of Representatives, and our Courts of Justice; together with all elected officials, and the other leaders of our country and the nations of the world.
We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Brian, our Bishop; for April, our priest; for David, our Curate; for Sarah and Caroline, our seminarians; for our missionaries, and all other bishops and ministers.
We pray for the unemployed and underemployed, especially those in our congregation and community. We pray for the homeless and the hungry, and for those in special need of prayer, especially
Wilma Laney, Bill Clark, Patricia Kelley Williams, Tony Hill, Jennifer, Scott, Julia, Tony, Mary Cooper, Russell, Susan Landis, Jamie Stone, Martha Smith, Sue Sears,
William Simpson, Neil Robinson, Ash Gunlock, Bill Strang, Sally Cauthen,
Mary Lou Walden, Jennifer Thompson, June McEwen, Amy, Deborah, Jim Hinkle, Andrea, the Hale family (Austin, Amanda, and Autumn); the Brown family, Reba, Niysah, Terrie, Alex, Angela,  Dwight McMillan, Doris, J.R. Hicks, Libby Workman, Jean Williams, Barbara Reed, Jim May, and Ann Swint; 

We pray for Wil Mabry, Jake Dorris, Kevin Kelley, Tripp Mouron, Mike Mabry, Alexander Ross, Russel Webb, Logan Roberts, Jim Makepeace, Sean Benson, 
Evan Watkins and all of our Armed Forces, here and abroad;
We pray for Emily Brelsford, Mary MacDonald, and Katie Poulos Moore , who are with child.

We give thanks for the birth of twins -- Margaret Latimore Bishop and George Bosang Bishop -- to MerryMadeline Bishop and her husband David. These new babies are the niece and nephew of Betsy Hawthorne Bedwell, our Children's Ministry director.
We pray for this community: For our local leaders; for our schools and marketplaces; for our neighborhoods and workplaces, for protesters and for police. Help us to honor your image in one another. Give us courage to strive for justice and peace among all people, beginning here at home. 

We pray for all whose homes are in peril or uprooted because of climate change, for all displaced because of hurricanes, fires or other disasters. We pray for the people of Haiti as they recover from the earthquake, and for the people of Afghanistan during political upheaval.
We pray for those who have died, that they may share with all your saints in the full revelation of your eternal glory.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for The Church of the Province of West Africa. The Anglican Communion has adopted a cycle of prayer called "From Aba to Zululand," praying its way alphabetically through its members on a daily basis between January 1, 2021 and September 2023. The newsletter and, in the future, the printed bulletin, will include the prayers for Sunday; if you would like to see the daily prayer requests, you can find them at ACoP.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Pray for St. Albans, Hixson, and St. Thaddaeus, Chattanooga; and for these South Dakota Churches: Christ Church, Lead; Grace Station, Soldiers Creek; Church of Jesus, Rosebud.

Those in need of continued prayer: 
Valorie Lephart, Jeanette Cureton, Wanda Kirkpatrick, Emma Andrews,
Jim Strickland, Michael Conner, Bo and Mary Minor Brown, Helen Williams, 
Peggy Fugate, William Simpson, Timothy Penny, Donald Jones, Cooper Jones, Charles Smith, John Woodham, Elaine Harrison, Marcia Magers, 
Major McCollough, John Cox, Gayanne Silver, Heather Nelson, Robert Clark, 
Dexter and Helen Williams, Cheryl McCurry, Ethel Rutledge, Lanie Lundgrin, 
Terri Harvey, Anne Getz, Michael Roberts, Jeannie and Andy Williams, 
Jaime Cooper, Teresa Noel, Tina Knowles, Joyce and Greg Snyder, Martha Killeffer, Robert Durham,  Jessica Ricketts
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