Specific Guidance for Faith Leaders and Faith Communities - 2nd Resource
Office of Governor Ralph Northam
and the Virginia Department of Health
Dear Faith and Community Leaders:

As promised since our first historic call on March 23, we have been in constant contact to provide information about resources to the communities you serve. As a follow up to your most asked questions and in addition to a guidance document to faith leaders we sent last week, we've created a second document, with over 500 of your questions synthesized that summarizes our responses and is based on the most current information from the Unified Command Response Team and the Northam administration. You can find both faith leaders' documents translated in five major languages  here . For example, many of you shared that due to the COVID-19 crisis, many people in the faith communities have suffered unexpected job loss. We want you to know that as of Monday April 6, 2020, those who have suffered job loss from a place of worship  may now  be eligible for unemployment benefits. Applications for unemployment in English and in Spanish can be found  here . Further, because of the feedback we've gotten from you, we have planned a webinar to answer your specific questions and help you navigate the steps for applying for financial assistance. You can learn more about registering for the April 16th webinar, hosted by the Virginia Partners in Prayer and Prevention   here

Also, we are so encouraged by how so many places of worship have innovatively supported their communities and congregants by using virtual streaming and remote conference calling. A special shout out to some places of worship all over the state, who have united with smaller places of worship, who don't have online capabilities, so that congregants in these smaller organizations can safely enjoy a virtual religious message. These innovative solutions make us stronger and demonstrate our heroic willingness to keep each other uplifted and connected, even during a time when we are physically distanced.  


Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to examining additional ways we can collaborate going forward. As always if you have questions or suggestions, please contact the Unified Command Health Equity Task Force leadership at  DEIDirector@governor.virginia.gov  or you can learn more about the work of the Health Equity Task Force  here .  

Sincerely Yours, 
Dr. Janice Underwood and the Health Equity Task Force

Faith Communities Guidance Document - 2nd Resource

COVID-19 Response: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Grant Program


On March 23, 2020, Governor Ralph Northam ordered that all public and private K-12 schools close for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year in an effort to control the spread of COVID-19. Division leaders are now making decisions about how learning will continue and when/how students will make up the rest of the content from this year.

Some of the resources on that site include:
Meal Sites (4/2/2020)


Using State Feeding Task Force to coordinate the implementation and expansion of food and nutrition programs during COVID -19

State Agencies: VA Department of Education, VA Department of Social Services, VA Department of Health, VA Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, VA Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Non-profits and community organizations: Food banks, Food pantries, Community kitchens, Meals on Wheels, Area Agencies on Aging, and others

Children and students 0-18 years old

Families and seniors

Guidance for Using Virginia 211

2-1-1 is Virginia’s central source for information and referrals for essential health and human service needs.
  • At the 2-1-1 website, 211virginia.org, people can search for resources, view important alerts, and find out how to contact 211 by email, chat or phone.
  • People can dial 2-1-1. This is a free phone number that provides information about local resources such as food assistance, shelter, utility assistance, and health care. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When someone dials 2-1-1.
  • If an organization provides ongoing services to the general public, they are encouraged to add their organization to the 2-1-1 database through the link “Update/Add Your Agency” at the top of the 2-1-1 web site.
  • New time-limited services that are open to the general public during this health emergency, can be sent to 211admin@councilofcommunityservices.org.

Virginia Department of Health

For the most recent information from the  Virginia Department of Health  regarding the impact of  COVID-19  in the Commonwealth of Virginia, please visit:  http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/

Prevention Tips (What is social distancing and how can I do my part to slow the spread of COVID-19??)  http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/prevention-tips/

Veronica Cosby, VDH
Office of Health Equity