APRIL 2021 | www.joanechilds.com | (954) 854-7764
 “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.
- T.S. Eliot
Dear Friends,
The meaning of this statement, from T. S. Eliot's "Little Gidding," is about the concept of productive struggle. We as a nation and as a planet can appreciate the wisdom of TS Eliot. Now is a time for healing, a new birth and a new normal. 

April brings the flowers that bloom in May along with lots of good news to share with you today! (Not like TS, but with the heart of a poet!)

The vaccines have opened up the world again, at least moderately and it seems positive change is in the air. Restaurants are filling up. The beaches are beginning to appear alive. People are traveling with caution and less fear, and the economy seems to be on the rise. We have so much to be grateful for and of course, sad for those who struggled with Covid-19 and those who lost the battle to the pandemic. Our world will never be the same again. Hopefully it will be a better, a new normal with gratitude for what we have rather than for things we don’t. Let’s stay positive, hopeful and grateful!

Not unlike many of you who struggled through the trials and tribulations of the pandemic, I suffered the fall out of Covid-19. My book was released at the worst time imaginable with 78% of all book sales down. The loss of book signings made it impossible for me to connect with readers and offer them book signings to pique their interest in my book, I HATE THE MAN I LOVE: A Conscious Relationship is Your Key to Success. I have nearly 200 books in boxes in my garage waiting to be read and no where to sell them. Zoom has been a great equalizer so I have been able to continue my practice and support the emotional needs of others on this viable platform. I have learned to trust that there is always a silver lining in all adversity. It depends on how we respond to it. It can either make us stronger or sink our spirit. The choice is ours.

I welcome you to my April Newsletter. I hope you will enjoy the blogs that have been posted and the virtual book signings I created to navigate through these challenging times. I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to email me with your comments and questions. Stay safe and be well!

A Conscious Relationship is Your Key to Success.

If you missed my Virtual Tour series, you can view all of the Episodes on my YouTube channel.
Very Therapeutic!
Amazon Review | 5 stars

So well written and informative!
This book takes a deep look into our relationships introducing us into our inner child wounds that have manifested into our adult life.
The book is very therapeutic and a real eye opener. This is a winner on all levels for me!

Perfect gift for your friends, lover, spouse or for yourself! ORDER TODAY!
The Power of Inner Child Work
Introduction to Inner Child Work

Joan describes the origin of Inner Child Work, what it is and why it is so important. It is well known that our childhood wounds and insecure attachments, manifests in much of our choices and behaviors as an adult. It is up to us to have a corrective experience and learn how to re-parent ourselves from what we lacked as defenseless children.


I met John Bradshaw in 1989. My daughter, Pam was employed as a psychotherapist at The John Bradshaw Center in Ingleside Hospital in West Hollywood, California. I had been visiting her when she introduced me to John and his staff.  I had seen his series, Bradshaw: On the Family on PBS and resonated with his concepts and presentation—so much so, that I watched it more than a dozen times, taking notes each time. Having been a therapist since 1978, my work intuitively included healing the unresolved wounds of childhood. I knew I had to bring him to Florida to do an Inner Child Workshop.


Inner Child Experiential Psychotherapy, also known as Inner Child Work, builds upon the work of renowned therapists such as John Bradshaw, Virginia Satir, Hal Stone, Milton Erickson, Alice Miller and many others whose efforts focus on the unmet needs of childhood, and how fulfilling those needs can lead to a complete, more confident and self actualized individual.


Without proper guidance of a therapist who is trained in the practice of Inner Child Work, it is not possible to achieve optimum results. The same is true with reparenting your inner child. It takes a well trained therapist who can guide you through the process.

Follow me on medium.com, where I will be posting my articles at joanechilds.medium.com