IPUL's E-News for January 29, 2020
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
IPUL Vaccine Resources Page Added
With the ongoing rollout of the Coronavirus Vaccine in Idaho, IPUL has added a page specifically dedicated to that, with information on the process, as well as information on how to sign up to be vaccinated.

You can find this page on our website here:

This includes lots of excellent resources, for example the Act Early Idaho COVID 19 Resiliency Toolkit, Found here
IPUL Live - Lunch and Learn from January 27:
Sarah Tueller
IPUL was live this week, covering the topic of self-care. When you take care of others all the time, its incredibly important to take care of yourself.

Sarah and Melissa host a fast conversation about this topic!

We know what you're thinking...self-care? Who has time for that? Well, grab your lunch and join us for 15 minutes or so and find out how easy it can actually be, even if you might have to sneak away and hide in the closet or bathroom.

You can click the above image to watch the recording of this lunch and learn, or click this link to do the same.
Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day- 1/26/21
From our friends at the Consortium for Idahoans With Disabilities:

Thank you so much Governor Brad Little recognizing Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day. To kick off disability awareness and to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the Consortium for Idahoans with Disabilities, Governor Brad Little issued a proclamation declaring January 26, 2021 to be "Fred Riggers Disability Awareness Day" in Idaho. Thank you to Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for sign language and captioning! Disability Action Center NW, INC SILC - Idaho Idaho Assistive Technology Project Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities LINC Amoureux AT Consulting LLC Jennifer Makres Zielinski #DisabilityAwareness #CID #FredRiggers #Idaho #FRDA21 #IPULIdaho

Idaho Autism Summit
Flyer for the summit
Idaho Autism Summit (Un)Conference
This is an online conference that everyone is welcome to attend. Share stories from friends and family in the community. Looking for;
- Ted Talk like sessions - 5 to 15 minutes long
- Positive, inspiring, passionate solutions-focused talks
- Poems, art, comedy, and other forms of expression
You don't have to be an expert to share your story, just speak from the heart. If you are interested in sharing your story, please submit it to the link below!
All stories must be submitted by January 31, 2021
We'd like your input!
a phone showing social media appss
In an effort to reach and serve our Idaho families who have children with special health care needs or disabilities, Idaho Parents Unlimited would like to know what Social Media platform you prefer when looking for information or staying connected.

A Work Of Art - Coeur D' Alene February 2021
WOA Flyer for CDA Feb 2021
North Idaho, this is a great opportunity!

Are you a student with a disability age 14-21?

Get paid to work with a professional artist while receiving employment skills training. In person and online learning options available.

Wednesdays, February 10, 17, and 24 from 6:00-8:00 pm PST
And Saturdays, February 13, 20, and 27 from 9:00 am – Noon PST

Reception: March 12 from 6:00-8:00 pm PST

Human Rights Education Institute
414 W. Fort Grounds Dr., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814


*Must be a student, must be registered to attend, must have a case or pre-case opened and approved through the Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (this will be coordinated through the registration process).
February 2021 Statewide Training:
I.D.E.A. & Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities
Flyer for February  a man watches a woman explaining something
Parents receive an in-depth review of the Procedural Safeguards as defined in IDEA to ensure their student’s individualized education program is appropriate for their specific needs.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
6:00 - 7:00 PM MST
via ZOOM
Registration required - 208-342-5884

upcoming events flyer showing dates and times
Upcoming Events!

January 2021
27th Lunch and Learn
Self-Care in the new year for you and your child

February 2021
10th Monthly Webinar
IDEA & Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

24th Lunch and Learn
Dispute Resolution in Idaho: Exploring Facilitation
with guest Jeff Brandt, Idaho's Dispute Resolution Coordinator for the State Department of Education, Office of Special Education
question ask here
Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message.

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new news and events, and maintain a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
IPUL's programs are funded through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for F2F Family Voices and Ideas that Work