Upcoming Virtual Worship Opportunities
We are working to develop several online worship opportunities
for this upcoming Sunday and beyond. You will receive an additional email from Chad by midday on Saturday informing you of how you can connect for virtual worship on Sunday
from the comfort of your own home.
Check your inboxes Saturday afternoon.
Let's Stay Connected
Over the next few weeks, we would love for any of our members to share any personal reflections, poetry, or stories of hope that will keep us connected and lift our spirits. You can send them to:
connect@stbedes.org and we will offer these in the weekly e-newsletter or on Facebook.
The following events at St. Bede's have been cancelled or postponed:
Sunday Services and All Christian Formation
Youth Events
Claudia Fedarko's Mission Trip to Cuba
Interfaith Women's Book Group - March 21
Showing of the movie "Harriet" - March 22
Mostly Mysteries Book Group - March 23
Lenten Quiet Day - March 28
Please stay up to date with all that is happening (and not happening) with St. Bede's over the coming weeks by continuing to read the e-newsletter. Remember that our St. Bede's community is beyond the walls of our church building.
Sermons online
We have an archive of Sunday sermons on our website. Check out the list of available sermons. Each sermon lists the Gospel reading for that Sunday and many have a public domain painting that relates to the reading. Filters on the right side of the page allow you to see all of the sermons for a particular speaker.
You can locate "
SERMONS" under the "Connect with Us" heading on the website.
In Our Prayers
Peggy Allen
, mother of Lisa Main
Dixie Snider
Ray Lampros
Suzanne Shapiro
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means,
sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Jim Sease
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Dixie Snider
Beth Cannon
Margie Klein,
mother of Jody Klein
Ed Bennett
brother-in-law of Laura Martin
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar,
mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry,
son of David Newberry,
stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Mark Ahlfinger,
son of Jean Ahlfinger
Carolyn Branan,
mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz,
friends of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty,
granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Bill Stegall
friend of Jan & Jeff Swoope
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter
grandson of Sarra David
Andrea Abelman
friend of Junior Abraham
Judy Penney
sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
3/24: Carolina Lopez-Martinez
3/25: Jose Mendez
3/25: Alan Huston
3/27: Fran Snider
3/28: Deisy Rocha
QT Cards, Snacks and Vitamins and Analgesics
Thank you so much to all those who contributed QT gift cards and snacks for the Stewart Detention Center. In the end we were unable to make the trip to Stewart last weekend given that a prison population is extremely high risk because of the close quarters. However, I delivered the snacks and the QT cards to the program director of El Refugio, and she was so happy to receive them. She said they are the number one things that families who visit their loved ones need because they often come from far away. They can easily hand a juice pack and a granola bar or the like to the children in the back seat. Please remember these families in your prayers as they experience continuing distress.
Thank you also to the amazingly generous congregation of St. Bede's that provided us with vitamins for children as well as adults and many analgesics (aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.) We collected around 15,000 pills or so, and they are all nicely cataloged and organized, living in my guest bedroom. We hope to return to Cuba and deliver all the pills late summer or early fall. Thank you for your open hearts. You are a gift to so many people! As the Presiding Bishop said last Sunday in his sermon: "Be contagious in love and healing and help." You are doing so.
Blessed To Be A Blessing Pledge Campaign
Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your Blessed To Be A Blessing pledge card. If you haven't yet returned your completed pledge card, additional pledge cards are available in the Connect Center.
Join with others from St. Bede's to visit detainees at the
Stewart Immigration Detention Center
St. Bede's congregation has the opportunity to visit detainees at the
Stewart Immigration Detention Center in Lumpkin Georgia on the following Saturday dates; we hope to visit three times this year. If you are interested in joining in this ministry for one or more visits, please sign up on the sheet in the commons or email Junior Abraham
July 11, 2020
November 7, 2020
We will leave St. Bede's at about 7:00 am and return in the afternoon. Orientation is required for first time visitors and will be provided at St. Bede's. English, Spanish, and French languages are spoken, as well as others. Visits are a maximum of one hour. This has been a blessing for those who have visited and we hope you will consider joining us.
NET Food Pantry News
St. Bede's staffed the NET (Northlake/Embry Hills/Tucker) Food Pantry located in the Tucker Recreation Center in January. Fifty-one families were served. Many thanks go to our volunteers: Elaine McClean, Cathe Echterhoff, Nancy Bruce, Carlin Lutz, Helen Ackall, Alyssa and Ashley Sali, Lewis and Sally Cook, Gwen Cordner, Kay Howington, Anita Montelione, Dixie and Fran Snider, Nina Daniel, Cindy Huston. In addition to operating the Pantry every eight months, St. Bede's provides jelly for the families' orders. There is a basket at the Connection Center for your donations, or you may write a check to St. Bede's and designate it for NET jelly. For more information about the Pantry, contact Nancy Ward (nlbward@comcast.net)
If You Need a Name Tag ...
Please let the Parish Office know if you need a name tag. The procedure is simple. Just put a note on the Parish Administrator's desk in the office and by the next Sunday your new name tag will be on the "spinners".
Welcome to St. Bede's Episcopal Church
Welcome! We're delighted to have you here. You are invited to visit our Commons Area for coffee and conversation after the 10:00 service. There you will find parish life materials to the right as you exit from the church.
Here are some other ways to get better acquainted with St. Bede's.
- Visit stbedes.org and sign up for the church's weekly email and learn more about the active life of St. Bede's. Also visit St. Bede's Facebook page, another way to check out the activities.
- Fill out a visitor information form located on the Visitor's table located in the commons area. Let us know more about you so we can be in touch.
- Contact the church office, 770-939-9797, to be placed on the mailing list or learn more about the life of St. Bede's.
The Invite Welcome Connect Committee has dinners for our newcomers with some of our "seasoned" parishioners. These dinners help you connect with the activities and life of St. Bede's. If you are a newcomer watch for an invitation to an "Invite Welcome Connect" dinner.
Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the
Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.
You can also
sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,
click here
Help us be there for communities impacted by COVID-19
Last week the deadly spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus 2019) was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.
Please know that all of us at Episcopal Relief & Development are praying for you and your loved ones in these difficult and frightening times.
While the full extent of the virus's impact is still not clear, and knowing what actions to take may feel uncertain, one thing we can always do is prepare. Now is a time to hold fast to our faith and continue on with hope. Or, as Luke 12:35-38 says, "Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit."
That is why Episcopal Relief & Development will continue to be that light for our neighbors in need right now. I hope you will join us
by making a donation to our COVID-19 Pandemic Response efforts today.
COVID-19 is having wide-ranging effects - in our own church communities here at home and in communities around the world.
Your support
today, will help us:
- Provide our partners with critical resources to help local communities both immediately and in the long run
- Ensure the most up-to-date and accurate knowledge about the disease is continuously shared, including training on personal and community preparedness
- Help partners support high-risk communities who are most vulnerable to COVID-19
- Adapt and act to meet the changing needs of those we serve as the emergency evolves
As you know, our preparedness and response work are devoted to helping communities recover and emerge stronger from COVID-19 and its devastating impact. Your support is critical in this, so please make a donation to our COVID-19 Pandemic Response efforts today. Stay healthy and safe, and thank you again for keeping your lamp lit for your neighbors both here at home and around the world.
Yours faithfully,
Robert W. Radtke President & CEO
Pilgrimage-Study Week in Spain
with The Rev. Canon Rodriguez
A pilgrimage-study week in Avila, Spain, based on the life and writings of St. John of the Cross will be led May 4-13, 2020 by the Rev. Isaías Rodríguez, the Diocese of Atlanta´s canon for Hispanic ministries. Pilgrims will be based at the Carmelite International Center of Teresian and Sanjaunistic Studies in Avila. Visits to holy places in the lives of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila are planned. All talks will be in English. To obtain a brochure and for more information, contact Canon Rodriguez,
or call at 404-707-1217
More St. Bede's Information
Wi-Fi is available throughout St. Bede's building!
Password is: 0011223344