IMRF's 2021 Popular Annual Financial Report
IMRF invites you to read our 2021 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). Derived from IMRF’s 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, the PAFR shares a summary of our financial condition and highlights key insights.
Click here to read more.
IMRF Disability Benefit Information is Now Online
If you have questions about your IMRF disability benefits, the answers are now available on the IMRF website!

To view Disability Benefit information, click the link for your plan:

To locate the specific topic related to your question, check the table of contents in the right column of the webpage. Click on the topic you are looking for, and it will bring you to a page with detailed information on that topic.
Your Glass is Half Full Webinar Now Available on the IMRF Website
Your Glass is Half Full: Understanding Your IMRF Benefits
This webinar will explain how your pension is funded, your benefits as an IMRF member, and the importance of having more than one savings vehicle as you prepare for your eventual retirement.

July through October Online Webinar
For the months of July - October, the Your Glass is Half Full Workshop webinar will be offered online, on-demand on the IMRF website. You can view this recently pre-recorded webinar at any time. To watch the Your Glass is Half Full Workshop webinar, click here.
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