June 2022
Book Group
10:30 am
City Island Library
July 11—“Sparks Like Stars,”by Nadia Hashimi. An Afghan American woman returns to Kabul to learn the truth about her family and the tragedy that destroyed their lives. Bold, illuminating, heartbreaking yet hopeful, a story of home –of America and Afghanistan, of survival, reinvention, and remembrance. 

If you would like to hear a short interview with the author
Great Decisions
June 27

The ideological divide in the United States on the subject of climate change has impeded progress in curbing greenhouse emissions. But extreme weather events at both ends of the thermometer have focused attention on the consequences of inaction. What role will the United States play in future negotiations on climate? By Ron Bee

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 1465 6693
Passcode: 998604

All members are invited to participate! If you would like a copy of the 2022 book, please contact Lucy Jackman.
Membership Renewal 

Members can renew now by sending a check for $90 payable to AAUW Daytona Beach to Treasurer, Joanne Meder at
AAUW Daytona Beach
174 Florida Shores Blvd
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118
The branch membership form is available here.

You may also renew on the AAUW Community Hub  If you have not already signed in to this new database, please start by resetting your password.

AAUW National dues ($67) + AAUW Florida dues ($12) + Branch dues ($11). $64 of the $67 national dues is tax-deductible; $3 of the national dues payment is not deductible because it supports the AAUW Action Fund’s section 501(c)(4) Lobby Corps and election-related activities.

AAUW Florida Tech Trek
Will be held virtually
June 19th to June 24th

Plans are moving along well for Tech Trek 2022.  Two girls from Holly Hill Middle School have been selected. Sixty girls will be attending the virtual camp.  Registration information is going out as we speak and supplies will be mailed before June 1.  Thanks to a grant from Stetson University for covering most of the supply costs.

For a list of class offerings check out our website at There will be an option to participate in the girls' presentations on Friday. Please let me know if you would like to receive the link.

Thank you to all the branches sending checks to cover the cost of camp for these awesome girls.  
Please make checks payable to AAUW FL Supporting Foundation, Inc
Write Tech Trek 2022 on the memo line
Mail your check to: 
Tech Trek Florida 2022
Post Office Box 2938
Jupiter, FL 33468

Contributions are income tax-deductible

Be looking for an invitation to our closing ceremony June 24 at 2:30pm.  It will give you a brief look at our virtual camp and the girls who attend.
We are tenacious and trailblazing — 
advocating for women and girls since 1881 and into the future! 
Together, we can achieve a vision of equal opportunity for all!
For information contact: 
Patricia Ross- AAUW Daytona President:

See what's happening on our social sites:

AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls
through research, education and advocacy.