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Stable Sheet - May 2020 Part 2
Book Review:
The Ultimate Guide to Horse Feed, Supplements, and Nutrition 
Author: Lisa Preston 
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about everything to do with feeding horses this is the book for you! 
This book covers everything from Equine nutritional Physiology, to understanding feed labels, types of feed- both hays and grains, supplements, the impact of dental health, parasites, feeding for different life stages, feeding the overweight and underweight horse, feeding the performance horse, and feeding those with special dietary needs. 
This is a very thoughtful and well written book that gives us a scientific breakdown of the issues yet keeps it easy to read. I’ve found most books on horse feeding to be either too rudimentary, or far too technical. Lisa Preston does a fabulous job of explaining an exceedingly complex subject and still keep it interesting to read.

Even if you subscribe to the most basic feed regimen (the classic “hay, oats, and water”) you can still get a lot of useful information from this book. It also comes with a poster sized fold out chart to calculate how much feed your horse technically needs based on a few body measurements. 
If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between feeding Timothy or feeding Alfalfa you can learn the nutritional and digestive differences in types of feed.  
This time of year pasture management is a good topic to brush up on. I’ve found most books on the subject to be geared more to those growing hay for cattle feed or commercial farming. This book discusses how to manage your horses on pasture. Such as what makes spring grasses potentially dangerous to the horse and how to make sure your horses don’t have issues caused by turn out management in the spring and fall. 
I found this book to be very helpful and interesting!

Karen Weiderman
Meet the Members
Scandias Morgan Horse Farm introduces us to NSS Night Moves. A very nice yearling colt they brought to the Northwest.
I saved this beautiful picture, but accidentally not information on whose picture it is. Can someone help us fill in the blank?
Buckskin: Porsche Cayenne, 2019
Bay: Lucy’s Sky Full’O Diamonds, 2019
Black: MTE Pixie Quest, 2018
Sue Beach enjoying a visit from Ellie Mason. And look at the wonderful poster Ellie gave to Sue.
Another mystery shot of a young horse getting a lesson. Can someone claim it and tell us the story that goes with it?
Here is Scandias Marvelous Reverie with one of her favorite people. She is truly a people horse. A very special picture from Becky Bean.
Roseridge Morgans has done it again! 2020 Splash blue eyed fillies, Roseridge Elegant Blues and Roseridge Harlequin’s Joy enjoying the spring grass. Great picture, Gloria James!
New colt for Sue & Dale Beach is 3 days old in this picture. It is a good snapshot of the future horse. We are calling him “Twister” because of the cyclone shaped blaze. We are testing for splash with UC Davis. He is a mellow fellow and his mom is starting to share a bit.
Becky's Corner
It has been a rough week. No article this month, but I'll have an entry for the June newsletter. Stay healthy out there. Send me your news, or tag me on Facebook!
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