Mr. Thomas Olausen Recommended for High School South Principal Opening
In a Jan. 15 community letter, Superintendent of Schools, Mrs. Mary Ellen Walker announced she would recommend Mr. Thomas Olausen for the position of High School South Principal, effective July 1, 2021.

The Board of Education will vote on Mrs. Walker's recommendation during its Jan. 26 voting meeting.

Mr. Olausen is a graduate of Middletown High School South with 28 years of experience as an educator, 26 of which were in the Middletown Township Public School District.

For more than seven years, Mr. Olausen served Middletown High School South as an Assistant Principal, Social Studies teacher and coach, followed by his role as principal of Nut Swamp Elementary School. Over the last 11 years, Mr. Olausen has served as Principal of Thorne Middle School.

Mr. Doug Covert will remain the Interim Principal of High School South through June 30, 2021.

The search for Thorne Middle School's new principal will begin after the Jan. 26 Board of Education voting meeting.

Watch the Jan. 14th Board of Education Special Meeting
The Board of Education met on Jan. 14 for a special meeting, during which our Board members and members of the administrative team heard comments from members of the school community for approximately one hour regarding the District's phased reopening plan.

The Board also heard a presentation by Director of Staff Development and Special Projects, Mrs. Devyn Orozco about elements of our phased reopening plan, in addition to supplemental student attendance data provided by Assistant Superintendent of Student Activities and Services, Mr. Patrick Rinella.

You can watch the meeting in full by following the video link.
Access the Jan. 20th BOE Workshop Meeting
The Board of education is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, Jan. 20th for its Workshop Meeting.

The meeting agenda is available by visiting the "Board of Education" section of the District website.

Executive session is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.

The public portion of the meeting is scheduled to begin at approximately 8 p.m.
Please follow the link, or the U.S. dial-in phone option, to attend the meeting.

Watch the Jan. 12th MTPS Parent Information Committee Meeting
On Tuesday, Jan. 12th the MTPS Parent Information Committee met with members of the District Administrative Team to discuss a multitude of topics, including:

Learn more about this organization by visiting the "Parent Information Committee" section of the District website, and watch the Jan. 12 meeting in full by following the video link below.
High School South Students Offer District Peers a Helping Hand
Middletown students in need of help with school work are now able to look within the district for a helping hand.

Helping Hand is a group of High School South honor roll and Advanced Placement-level students motivated to offer free academic aid to fellow district students in need.

Additionally, the group offers services to parents to help better understand the work their students are focused on.

To learn more about Helping Hand and the different aid available, please visit
Watch the 2021 MTPS Kindergarten Orientation
On Wednesday, Jan. 6th members of the district administrative team hosted more than 270 families of incoming kindergarten students during an annual Kindergarten Orientation event.

This was the first time administrators conducted this event virtually, and you may watch the orientation in full by following the video link.

Following a presentation that discussed the registration process, and a day in the life of an MTPS kindergartner, team members took more detailed questions from the audience.

MTPS Kindergarten registration opens on Monday, Jan. 11. For more information regarding the registration process, please visit the Registration section of the District website.
High School North News Team Releases Third Episode of 2020-21
MTPS Food Provider Supports Middletown Community with Food Donations
Earlier this week, along with its regular meal distribution, our District food services provider, Whitsons, distributed boxes of food to the families of Middletown. 

These food boxes were courtesy of the Farmers to Families program, an effort in which Whitsons supports to provide aid during the unprecedented times of COVID-19. 

The boxes included one gallon of milk, chicken, potatoes, onions, carrots, yogurt, cheese and additional food items. 

Along with the families that came to pick up meals at the Whitsons regular distribution locations, the culinary group was able to welcome local organizations like Lunch Break and Middletown Helps Its Own to take part in the distribution. 

In total Whitsons distributed 500 boxes of food!
District Launches Course Selection Website for Middle & High School Students
On Thursday, Dec. 17, the District hosted more than 300 eighth grade families for its virtual 8th Grade Open House and Pathways & Academy Night. This informational session for incoming students of High School North and South served as an introduction to the course selection process.

On Friday, Dec. 18 the District launched its new MTPS Course Selection Website, a user-friendly and interactive platform dedicated to providing middle school and high school students with information, resources and supports for their future course selection process.

The MTPS Course Selection Website includes course descriptions, informational videos and slideshow presentations, important documents and applications, and additional content pertinent to student experience.

Please visit the MTPS Course Selection Website today.
Harmony Remains #LucaStrong
with new Planting & Monument
Harmony Principal Erik Paulson, Middletown Police Chief Craig Weber, Middletown Mayor Tony Perry and the parents of Luca Iacono stand outside Harmony Elementary School where a new planting and monument to Luca have been set.
Last year the Harmony Elementary School community lost a beloved member of its family in Luca Iacono.

During a recent private ceremony in front of the school building, Luca's parents were joined by Harmony Principal Erik Paulson, Middletown Township Police Chief Craig Weber and Middletown Township Mayor Tony Perry for the planting of a dogwood tree and the placement of a monument in remembrance of Luca.

The planting and the monument were set near bench that was previously placed in loving memory of Luca.

Harmony Elementary School and the entire Middletown Township Public School District extend its gratitude to the Township Committee for the donation of the dogwood tree, and Uras Monuments for the donation of the foot stone.

We will always remain #LucaStrong.
YMCA Academy Space & Child Care Subsidy Available for Expanded Care
The New Jersey School-Age Tuition Assistance Program can help you pay for care for your school-age child in need of child care as a result of COVID-19 remote learning schools schedules. To be eligible for this assistance, you must be:
a NJ resident; your child must be attending school remotely, either part-time or full-time; and
your annual gross household income must be $150,000 or less.

As part of this initiative, the state will pay your licensed or registered child care provider through December 30, 2020 for child care during the school day.

To apply for this visit And for more information about YMCA before and aftercare, or to request a registration packet, email
The Middletown Township Public School District requires that a daily health screening form must be completed each day before your student(s) enters the building. Please visit the home page of your school's website to access your school's unique screening form, or follow the links below.