April 13 - 17, 2020
Principal Message
St. Luke Parents & Guardians:

We are about to finish our fourth week of St. Luke School being closed, but it is also Holy Week. Easter Sunday starts the Easter season and marks the end of Lent. Easter is the last day of the Holy Week – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday (Easter Triduum). 

Easter reminds us that Jesus is alive and is among us, and he welcomes us in a new life with him. By His suffering and dying on the Cross, Jesus Christ saved humanity from the constraints of sin. His resurrection is a promise of a new life. This is particularly significant in 2020 as we all cope with the effects of COVID-19, and it shows us that our faith in him is alive and powerful.

While we are required to stay at home, we can still come together (via technology), as we did yesterday morning, to celebrate Mass with our school community. We have been asked to find new ways to continue those things in our lives that are important to us, and celebrating our faith must be a priority. Please take the time this weekend to celebrate Easter and the fulfillment of God's promise to mankind.

There will be no e-learning tomorrow, Good Friday, or on Monday, 4/13. E-learning will resume on Tuesday, 4/14. We still have three weeks (at least) of e-learning ahead of us. This has been challenging for our students, families, and teachers, and I know this is stress provoking for all. While we want our students to be engaged and learning, we also need to be flexible. Grades during e-learning will not adversely affect overall grades. Teachers will continue to track student learning and understanding so that e-lessons can address learning needs. 

As we continue working together, I want to remind our students that they need to extend their best efforts on school work. Communicating electronically for extended periods of time lends itself to informal language. There have been some instances; however, where students have used emojis, “text language,” and unfortunately, inappropriate language in their communication with teachers. Also, all students in grades 4-8 must use their school email accounts when corresponding with teachers. If they use an outside email, chances are it will get quarantined, meaning, it will not be delivered to the teachers. Even though we are not physically together, we need to be respectful of each other by communicating appropriately. 

I want to thank our families, students, faculty and staff for your continued efforts during these very difficult and challenging times. We are all looking forward to when we can return to school, and for all of us to resume our lives without staying at home and social distancing. Until we can do this, I want to wish you all a Happy Easter. Take comfort in the significance of Easter in our faith and our lives.  

Tom Clausing
Interim Principal
Happy Easter!
We would like to wish all of our St. Luke families a wonderful and blessed Easter. We know that you may not be celebrating the occasion in all the ways you wish, but hope you find joy in knowing that Jesus is among us.

Celebrate the Triduum and Easter Sunday with St. Luke

Though we cannot be together in our church during this most holy week, we can share the important liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday by live-streaming them to you at home. All services can be viewed on the St. Luke Parish Facebook page .

Holy Thursday, April 9
  • Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:00 p.m.
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 8:00–9:00 p.m.

Good Friday, April 10
  • Service of the Passion of the Lord: 3:00 p.m.
  • Way of the Cross: 7:00 p.m.

Holy Saturday, April 11
  • Easter Vigil: 8:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 12
  • Morning Mass: 9:00 a.m.
Bearcat Spirit Activities
Each week we will have a few theme days and even some challenges for our students and families. We hope that you will participate and take pictures to share with us. Please email all pics to Jessie Wiktor. Here is what we have lined up for the upcoming week:

Tuesday: Pajama Day
Start your e-learning week off in your pajamas!

Thursday: Jersey Day
Wear your favorite sports jersey or t-shirt to your home 'classroom' and send us a pic.

Weekly Challenge: Easter Family Pictures
Easter is celebrated with family so what better time to share your family pictures! Whether you are dressed in your Sunday best or celebrating Easter in your sweats, we want to see your family.

Please continue to share your pictures of e-learning too! You can email pictures to Jessie Wiktor
Bearcat Pride
This year's Regional Science Fair, normally held at the Museum of Science and Industry, was held in an electronic format due to the COVID-19 virus. We have just been told that St. Luke School has two winners of special awards from this year's Regional Science Fair! 

Max Lopez won recognition and a small monetary award from ASHRAE (The American Society of of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) for his project Constructing a Real Hovercraft. ASHRAE recognized Max for demonstrating and applying practical use of air flow. 

Tom Colony and Andrew Garcia won medallions and museum membership for their project Finding and Antimicrobial for  Pseudomonas Fluorescens.  They were one of five projects recognized for the Poster Award of Excellence. Their fine poster was able to clearly convey all aspects of their scientific work.

Congratulations! We are so proud of you!
In Case You Missed It
This week we shared a special video message for our students. In case you missed it, here it is:

To Our Students and Families:

We miss you!

The teachers and staff miss seeing you all so much! Here is a special video message of love from us, to you:  https://vimeo.com/404704667
Links & Resources
As you have likely discovered, there are countless resources online to help us get through this unusual time. Here are just a few we wanted to share:

The Archdiocese of Chicago now has a library of lessons available on YouTube to provide extra resources to our students.

Scavenger Hunts : Mrs. Filice created a couple of fun home scavenger hunts!

Wide Open School : Curated and coordinated by the experts at Common Sense, Wide Open School features a free collection of learning experiences and activities for kids, organized by grade and subject. You will also find daily schedules with creative breaks and recommendations to keep kids engaged and exploring, one day (or one hour) at a time.
St. Luke on Social Media
Be sure to follow St. Luke School on Facebook (St. Luke Parish School) and Instagram (@stlukeparishschool). We are posting pics of our students working from home, videos from teachers, and other helpful items for our community. If you are on Facebook, please join the group 'St. Luke School Families', which serves as a resource for families to share pictures and links and to communicate with one another.
Weekly Catechism Corner
Want to learn a little bit more about our Catholic faith? Each week we will introduce a new topic in the weekly bulletin for you to enjoy.

Dates to Remember
April 10
Good Friday - No E-Learning

April 13
Easter Monday - No E-Learning

April 20
Faculty Planning Day - No E-Learning
St. Luke Parish School | (708) 366-8587 | school-stlukeparish.org