"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." - Matthew 25:40

March 14, 2020

Dear Christ the King Community,

As you are undoubtedly aware of the COVID-19 virus and the impacts that is having as things are changing minute-by-minute. The leaders of CtK have been staying connected and engaged throughout the process as well. Yesterday, I attended two different meetings where national, state, and local leaders were engaging the discussion of planning, preparation, and communication. What I kept hearing from our US Senator down to several Alderman, the Police Chief, Fire Department, Mayor, and direction of Nashua public health is that the time is now - even though those actions were still being figured out. This heightened even more for me when the President declared a National Emergency, and the Governor followed suit with the state of New Hampshire.

Additionally, medical doctors and scientists keep saying we need to "flatten the curve" or slow the contagion so that we do not overwhelm the medical systems in our nation and more greatly impact the populations most at risk - people over 60 and those with compromised immune systems. What is being urged from most levels is what is called - social distancing - basically the call to NOT gather in groups and to stay home.  

With the health and well-being of the most vulnerable in mind, the health of our CtK community, and our ability to respond from a place of preparedness when a need arises in the midst of this crisis, the Christ the King Church Council, after several emails and a ZOOM video conference decided to close the church building down effective immediately - until further notice.  

What does this mean? 

Effective immediately, all gatherings at the church building will cease. We will not gather in the building for worship tomorrow, for midweek Lenten services, meetings, fellowship gatherings, nothing will happen in our building.  

This doesn't mean that Christ the King is shutting down. We will be very much alive, connected, and engaged in the world - just in different ways for the time being.  You may know that our Lenten theme is: "Changed by God for the Sake of the World" and I believe that we are being called to change how we are church for the sake of the world.  Called to change how we gather in worship. Called to change how we gather for fellowship. Called to change how we connect and care for each other, our neighbors, and the world around us.

Much of this is not fully planned out, yet - but we are working on it, and we will communicate in every possible way that we can. What we do know is this - go to  or our Facebook page  for a link for a video worship opportunity tomorrow morning.  

Then at 4pm, Sunday, March 15 we will host a LIVE Zoom Congregational Q&A where you will have the opportunity to hear more of what's to come and ask questions you may have.
A few other things to note at this time:

+ If you need pastoral care please call me @ 603-664-4632 and you will be connected to my cell phone. Or drop me an email at

+ I will post daily on our website and Facebook page a schedule of things you can do with our faith community during day - online "Open Office Hours," an online prayer group, Bible Study, fellowship space, etc. 

Please check in on your neighbors or families who may be in need.  Go outside for a walk. If you are going to work, be safe and let us know if there are any prayers or support we can offer. We do this life together, as God's people - and that together sometimes means we stay physically apart for the sake of the other, while supporting in other ways.

Finally, while the building is NOT being used we continue to do ministry and mission. I invite you, if you haven't already done so, to engage our online giving option - which is a safe, simple, and faithful way to continue offering your tithes and offerings, or you can mail them to the church and they will be picked up daily. To give electronically please visit:

Watch for daily (and sometimes more frequent) updates, pray, and know we are doing this as God's people changed for the sake of the world. "See" you in worship tomorrow.

Here is a prayer that guides us in this uncharted time:
Gracious God, it is good for us to gather as your beloved in community. We treasure your presence with us in word and meal, song and prayer. Be with us in these days when gathering together as often as we would like is not possible. When we must be apart for reasons of safety, we trust that you surround us with your sheltering wings. Encourage us in connecting as we are able, reaching out to our neighbors in need and being persistent in prayer. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our constant companion. Amen.

In Faith and Promise,

Pastor Kim 

603-882-6142 + +