
Can you believe it’s already Week 6 of the digital AIDS Walk LA experience?! Today marks our third Checkpoint! But it’s all good — that means you’re hopefully close to meeting your fundraising and fitness goals for whichever APLA Health program you’re Getting With this year.

As we move quickly towards that September 13 finish line, here are some quick reminders from our Checkpoint 3 host, ABC7!
To our Star Walkers
  • We’re so proud of you, and so grateful you are a part of the AWLA family! You’ll be recognized on our website for all to see.
  • You’ll receive a personalized Drag Queen shoutout this year to feature on your profile, and also can submit a 30 sec video to be featured on the social media pages of both AWLA and ABC7 Community
  • You make a difference! Star Walkers raise at least $1,000 to benefit APLA Health, allowing us to provide more vital services for at-risk communities in LA County. This is an especially difficult thing to do this year, but you’re doing it.

Now that we’re in the home stretch, it’s time to pull out all the stops to reach your fundraising goal. How many of our 14 steps to reaching Star status have you tried?

Need flyers? Check out our tools here.
Thank you thank you thank you! Call us if you need anything!

Your friendly neighborhood AIDS Walk team
AIDS Walk Los Angeles
213.201.9255 (WALK) ·