Building Bridges. Opening Minds. Empowering Communities.
December 2020
The APF U.S.-Pakistan Relations Timeline Project
For over 70 years, the United States and Pakistan have engaged in thousands of exchanges, from government and economic to cultural and educational, that have shaped our understanding of one another.

The APF U.S.-Pakistan Relations Timeline Project weaves together the stories of peoples, cultures, and governments to bring a big picture perspective on how the Pakistani American community came to be, and how its two parent nations have shaped its experiences along the way.
Sunday August 19, 1990: Women watch the Pakistan Independence Day parade on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Mayor Daley and Secretary of State Jim Edgar led the parade down Michigan from Wacker to Van Buren, followed by floats and marching Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. (Photo Credit: Jon Sal, Chicago Sun-Times)
Share Your Stories
Your story is part of our collective history. Share your own experiences of migration to the United States or of visiting Pakistan by filling out a timeline entry.
What's On the Timeline?
Pakistani students 1962 exchange trip to United States as part of American Field Service
The first U.S. Embassy building in Karachi designed by famed midcentury architect Richard Neutra
Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan's 1950 visit to the United States
Bara Din Mubarak Ho!
In our Christmas message this month, we recognized the many contributions of the Christian community in shaping the multicultural fabric of Pakistan. In case you missed it, be sure to:

  • view the beautiful book Churches of Pakistan by historian Dr. Safdar Ali Shah and photographer Syed Javaid Qazi;

  • read about how Pakistanis of all backgrounds enjoy holiday markets and parades, which include camels decked out for the holiday. 
If you like what APF is doing to share our community's authentic experiences and stories, then join us in creating a sustainable foundation to honor our heritage.

December Dialogues
APF and the Atlantic Council co-hosted a discussion with award-winning journalist and writer Declan Walsh on his new book The Nine Lives of Pakistan. Watch the discussion here.

Join us Tuesday January 5 at 4:00 p.m. EST for a discussion of the Washington Leadership Program, a non-profit organization that provides South Asian American students summer internships to work in Congressional offices and U.S. government agencies. RSVP
Together, we will empower communities and build bridges.
Your donation will expand APF’s reach, programming, and impact in the United States and in Pakistan.