Equity Challenge: Week 14
This week we’re taking a break to check-in with you.

Our Challenge today is to let us know how you’re doing. If you’re taking the challenge with a group, this may be a good week to take a break or take some time for personal check-ins.
Week 14: Checking-in
Here are some reflection questions for you to think about:

  • How are you?

  • How are you managing this learning process?

  • Is there anything we can provide to improve this process for you or improve your engagement with the Challenge?

We are grateful to the more than 10,000 participants who signed-up to join us on this journey, and we are so impressed by your continued engagement in the weekly challenges. Many participants have shared their thoughts and reflections as we’ve moved through the topics. We’ve heard some stories of individuals taking action – implementing new trainings in their workplace or making personal efforts to recognize how bias is influencing their thoughts and actions. Some are hosting or joining community conversations.
In the coming weeks, we will delve into structural racism. We’ll share resources that explore how racism and inequity manifest in social, economic and political systems, and conclude the Challenge with ideas for next steps to continue your journey.
Below, we share some reflections sent to us in previous weeks. We invite you to send us your thoughts, reflections or feedback – we are also learning through this Challenge and appreciate the opportunity to grow and improve this process as we continue. Send us a note at unitedway@unitedwayracine.org

Week 14: Sharing Reflections
“I cannot tell you how eye opening these first 3 weeks have been for me. I feel like I am learning and opening myself to what is truly going on for others. I must say in week 2 the video The Urgency of Intersectionality had me in tears. It really hit home for me and created an emotional connection to the content.
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together in a consumable fashion because before this I had no idea where to start. I am truly excited to see what each week brings, and I look forward to seeing what is left for the next 17 weeks!” 
I have to say, I went back to read the article from Ali [Haigh] at the United Way [of Racine County] from week 1 (How I Became Comfortable Talking about Race). This was an excellent article. 

I believe we are all created equal and that I treat everyone equal, but I also believe that I could learn more about myself and others. I look forward now to attending workshops on race relations if I get the chance.”
 “The first few weeks have been great, and I'm especially grateful that there are other teachers in the district I work in that have formed a reflection group that met for the first-time last Friday.

As we collectively debriefed the first few weeks' worth of conversations, I noticed a consistent theme that came up in our processing: the omnipresence and unavoidability of racism and the idea that it's usually a lot sneakier than a hateful word or an overt act of violence.”
Share your reflections or additional resources about today’s topic on social media using #EquityChallenge - or send us a note at unitedway@unitedwayracine.org
Learn more about the Challenge and review weekly topics by visiting
Local Resources
A weekly book discussion group reading books on race and racism.

A yearlong, faith-based series of interactive and multidimensional public events. The series goal is to increase our understanding of how we think and feel about racism, resulting in actions that can help to transform us as individuals and the systems of racism in our country. 

The YWCA of SEW Wisconsin offers a variety of trainings about different facets of equity, such as structural racism, cultural differences, social transformation and more.

Higher Expectations engages community partners, aligns efforts, and maximizes resources to promote excellence and equity in education and employment outcomes in Racine County.
Hear from Deanna Singh, Founder/Chief Change Agent of Flying Elephant and her husband Justin on how to talk to your children about race to help children develop a healthy understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


The Legacy of Redlining in Racine Event Series
Join The Higher Expectations team along with some of our local and national partners as we examine the present-day impact of redlining in Racine.

Register for the event here. It is a two part series that will take place on May 17 and May 24 at 12 p.m.

NAMI Racine County Virtual Speaker Series
To attend, please email NSmart@namiracine.org for the Zoom link.
Wednesday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m.
Make your commitment to inclusion—the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with diversity—official by signing our Declaration of Inclusion Pledge. This pledge is to respect and appreciate all aspects of any person, including race, religion, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, physical abilities, age, parental status, work and behavioral styles, and the perspectives of each individual as shaped by their nation, culture and experiences. You will also receive our quarterly diversity newsletter to build your "equity muscle."