Peak Alert, next 2 weeks!
Protect our climate by reducing your electricity use
on weekdays from 5-8pm

From Green Energy Consumers’ Alliance

Typically, if we receive information that the peak will occur on one particular day or two, we let you know via text, email, and social media (Twitter and Facebook).
But this alert is unique; the forecast is not currently calling for one or two days that might be brutal, like 95 or 100 degrees. We’re talking about two solid weeks in which the temperature will be between the high 80s and low 90s. We just wrote a blog about it.

So, our message is this: Do what you can to reduce electricity usage from 5 - 8 p.m. every day (If it’s sunny, think most about 6 - 7 pm). The most impactful thing you can do is reduce your need for AC.

Here are practical ways to "shave the peak" during those specific hours:
   1.   Pre-cooling works! Focus your AC usage on a couple of rooms, and get them nice and cool before 5pm. Then, turn the AC up a few degrees, or turn it off if you can handle it.
   2.   Use fans wherever possible to compensate for AC, and draw the blinds to help keep rooms cool. If you're planning an outing to the pool or to the air conditioned library or mall, do it during peak hours!
   3.   Don’t do the laundry. When you do, wash in cold water.
   4.   Don’t run the dishwasher.
   5.   If you have an electric car, schedule your charging session for 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Avoid peak times!

And if you haven't, sign up for our Shave the Peak alert app, so you'll know exactly when the peak is on!

Thanks for taking steps to clean up our electric grid! Stay cool!

The team at Green Energy Consumers

*Image above is a screen shot of ISO-NewEngland's amazing site. You can see real time data of the energy mix and demand, plus the day's prediction.
The race to finish the climate bill continues!

Thanks to all of you who turned out for our Legislative Wake Up Call rally in Pittsfield on July 11th. The rallies held across the state from Pittsfield to Providence a difference. The Conference Committee in the Mass Legislature started talks again the next day and are STILL working to hash out a final climate bill. But time is running out for them to pass it with a veto-proof majority.

If they don’t pass it out of committee by tomorrow, July 21, Governor Baker will be able to veto out of hand.

Members of Mass Power Forward have been putting on the pressure in the State House, with others pushing the message to the legislators via Social Media. Check Twitter hashtags #MA11thHour, #WakeUpCall and #ComprehensiveClimateBill to see the action and retweet or comment in support.

See an important call to action below from PFPI to ensure that subsidies for biomass stay out of the bill.
Today and Tomorrow:
Keep calling to stop subsidies for wood burning power plants


Last week, we flooded the State House with calls and emails. We know elected officials are hearing us, and we have to keep up the pressure.
We are down to the wire. Unless the Massachusetts state legislature takes action by tomorrow, July 21, the Baker administration will succeed in its quest to weaken the state’s renewable energy (“RPS”) regulations and expand subsidies for wood-burning power plants.

The legislature’s energy committee - the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy (TUE) - is required by law to issue a report on the regulations before they go into effect. At the same time, the chairs of this committee are negotiating critical climate legislation.

Let’s not miss this opportunity to tell the TUE committee to oppose the Baker Administration’s biomass subsidies, and to pass a climate bill that takes woody biomass out of Massachusetts’ renewable energy programs altogether!

Take action!

   1.   Tell the energy committee to SAY NO to Baker's biomass regulations and pass climate legislation now! Click here to send an email to the whole committee.

   2.   Call the House and Senate TUE Committee leaders today and tomorrow!

Rep. Jeff Roy, Chair (617) 722-2030
Rep. Paul Mark, Vice Chair (617) 722-2017
Senator Mike Barrett, Chair (617) 722-1572
Senator Marc Pacheco, Vice Chair (617) 722-1551

Sample Script:

I am calling you in your leadership role on the TUE Committee. I urge TUE to issue a report opposing DOER’s amended RPS regulations, which weaken the current restrictions on subsidies for burning woody biomass. Please also urge the conference committee to act quickly to advance a final climate bill that removes woody biomass from Massachusetts’ renewable energy programs completely. Thank you for standing up for our environment!

   3.   Call or email your own legislators if they are on the TUE Committee:

Senate TUE members:
Michael J. Barrett, Chair
Marc R. Pacheco, Vice Chair
Adam G. Hinds
Julian Cyr
Barry R. Finegold
Bruce E. Tarr (Ranking Minority)

House TUE members:
Jeffrey N. Roy, Chair
Paul W. Mark, Vice Chair
Dylan A. Fernandes
Joan Meschino
James K. Hawkins
David Allen Robertson
Kate Lipper-Garabedian
Richard M. Haggerty
Steven C. Owens
Lenny Mirra (Ranking Minority)
Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

*Not sure who your legislators are? Check here

Sample Script:

My name is ________ and I live in your district. I am calling you in your capacity as a TUE Committee member. I urge TUE to issue a report opposing DOER’s amended RPS regulations, which weaken the current restrictions on subsidies for burning woody biomass. Please also urge the conference committee to act quickly to advance a final climate bill that removes woody biomass from Massachusetts’ renewable energy programs completely. Thank you for standing up for our environment!
Thank you for all you have done to get us to this point. This is going to be a race to the finish line!

Laura Haight
U.S. Policy Director
Partnership for Policy Integrity
518-949-1797 lhaight@pfpi.net
Mass Energy Efficiency Advisory Council gathering comments on MassSave Renters’ Strategy Plan

If you're a renter or someone who works with renters and/or low income residents, the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) is interested in your input on the new "Strategic Renters' Plan" drafted by the Mass Save Program Administrators. Mass Save has historically been far less accessible for renters, especially renters of color, lower income or with lower English proficiency.

This report, like previous reports, cites "lack of knowledge", "lack of interest", or "other priorties". It doesn't mention the very real barriers of older housing stock that needs repair before Mass Save can make energy efficiency upgrades, lack of funds to make those repairs, the fact that participation in Mass Save often needs multiple calls and appointments that are hard to fit into tight schedules of folks working multiple jobs, taking care of multiple generations, etc.

Input to the EEAC of your on-the-ground experiences as a renter or someone who works with assisting renters can be very valuable.

Send comments to:
Maggie McCarey (she/her)
Director, Energy Efficiency Division
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Reminder: MEPA Comment Period for proposed Eversource Pipeline
is Open until July 28th

Eversource moves forward in permitting process for it’s Springfield / Longmeadow “Reliability Project” pipeline
and meter station

Comments may be submitted my email to alexander.strysky@mass.gov or via the MEPA Public Comments Portal.

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Homeowners, Renters, Landlords
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Fill out the Online Home Energy Assessment at MassSave.com/OHEA

Or if you're a Small Business owner, call 844-887-1400.
Whether you rent or own your business location, you'll want to save money!

The cheapest, cleanest energy available is the energy we DON'T use!
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