Good afternoon,

With the rapid spread of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know that DAC is making complex decisions on a daily basis to keep our team and communities safe while also moving our business forward.

With our experience working as an almost virtual company, we are already set up to conduct business remotely, and we will continue to do so in order to help contain and mitigate the spread of the virus. We are proud to already be leaders in living a cleaner and healthier lifestyle.

The current status of this virus is rapidly changing and the only thing we can say for certain is it will spread if change does not take place. To mitigate all of our exposure, we have implemented the following guidelines:

  • We have canceled all manufacturers' visits to Boston and will be conducting those visits online
  • We will not be conducting business to other countries by plane or car
  • We are limiting our service visits to emergencies only for the next two weeks.

That said, we remain committed to offering cutting edge, custom HVAC product design. No matter how complex your project, we are here to help you create innovative, energy efficient, HVAC solutions that exceed your expectations without exceeding your budget.

Thank you for your support during this challenging time as we seek to safeguard our community while continuing to keep our business operational and offer the best possible services for our customers.

Most importantly, we wish good health for you, your families, and your communities.

Best Regards,

Brad Carpenter, President