Friends of the Marie Drake Planetarium Newsletter | Feb. 10th 2021
Mudrooms Feb. 22nd 7:00 pm

This season their presentations of personal stories by locals will be broadcast on KTOO FM 104.3. The theme is "The Goods are Odd" and the planetarium will be the recipient of donations from attendees.

The planetarium will use these funds to bus children to planetarium shows. As you know, the Juneau School District's budget is tight. This is a worthy cause to help children enjoy educational field trips.

Click here to hear past stories.
Donate via Amazon Smile
While we encourage you to shop locally, if you make purchases from Amazon, please consider signing up for Amazon Smile to benefit the planetarium. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to designated charities.
Astronomical Beadwork
Check out the stunning Astronomical Beadwork of Native Artist Margaret Nazon.
An article from Brainpickings website describes her work as "Celestial splendor bridging ancient tradition and modern science".
Beadwork image from Adobe Spark
Carl Sagan's lesson about science
Talk by Dr. Michelle Thaller who is an astronomer and research scientist. She is also the assistant director for Science Communication at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
24 Hours of Reality: Earthrise video
Amanda Gorman is the Youth Poet Laureate of the USA. Here is a video she made of her poem/ It is posted on the Climate Reality YouTube channel.
Earthrise 1: Historic NASA Image by astronaut Dec. 18th, 1968
Share video on how people are healing Earth
With Earth Day coming up in April, it’s a great time think about ways to heal planet Earth. After all, there is no Planet B.

We invite you to share how you and others in Juneau are making our Earth healthier. We all need to do our part to make our human impact more sustainable and to combat climate change and other human caused environmental problems.

Please submit a video about what you are doing to make Earth healthier

We will select the best videos and put them on our YouTube channel.

Please keep your video under 4 minutes. Don’t forget to introduce yourself and keep it brief and on topic. We may edit your video. If you have links that go with the video, we will put them in the description so viewers can learn more.

You video can be in any style you want. Here are some ideas:
  •  Record something you are doing such as using an electric car, growing your own food, installing a heat pump or using public transportation.
  • Convert a PowerPoint presentation (with images, text and video) into a video.
  • Give an example of how you reduce, reuse, restore and recycle resources e.g. composting, buying second hand items, and fixing broken appliances.
  • Share how a business or organization is reducing their carbon footprint e.g. people by using local materials, recycling using energy efficient appliances.
  • Address how our you are making our voice heard to politicians and others people of influence of the necessity to combat climate change.
Email Cristina at if you have any questions.
Mars Photo Booth
Photo of board member Steve Kocsis and SpongeBob at NASA lab. They are preparing for the Mars Perseverance mission to Mars. Click button below to create your own photo.