Back in Time and Leaping into the Future
On this cloudy morning I sat in the kitchen enjoying the glorious beauty of
many bare beech trees and a 30 foot Douglass fir tree planted many years ago, in a time of joy.  I felt truly present, in the moment. My soft-boiled egg was especially delicious and my toast could not be more perfect.  I soaked myself in the experience as I listened to "Pure Jazz," which I haven't played for years.

Fast Rewind:
I saw a man covered in white ash
, as most others were.  He was stunned, possibly in shock.  As I approached him, he said, "I'm thirsty" (he had just walked over the 59th Street Bridge into Queens from the World Trade Center).  I encouraged him to come with me to the Fire Department down the block, where EMS was able to take his vitals and attempted to reach his wife.  Cell phone service was out, transportation was non-existent and people walked for several miles to get home.  Some rose to the occasion, and volunteered their cars to drive many home.  We permeated empathy -- "I am with you." 
9/11 precipitated a national "reboot."  We awakened to what survivors of terrorism in other parts of the world were already accustomed to - a horrific new state of being after dramatic changes in their world. We found common ground as a nation, a coming together to offer help.  These circumstances brought forth our better selves.

But fear also took over our senses and with it created a new world "order".  In this complex world, the face of the enemy has a shifting quality.  We traded a level of privacy for the price of Homeland Security. 

Fast Forward:
How will this new pandemic
change the world once again?  Many people
have beliefs which fly in the face of science and reality, much to their detriment, and sometimes to the harm of others.  We hear purposefully shaded or misleading information orchestrated to manipulate the public.  Fear and stress pushes people into their dark side.  Yet, there is so much goodness and light.  Again, as before, we rise to the occasion.  Three weeks ago, the phrase "flatten the curve" had no context.  Today, it's embedded in all our psyches.  
Who will we become?  How will this experience change us?  As I self-impose staying in, my disrupted routine has made me shift priorities and consider what is really important.  I feel more connected to purpose but in new directions.  My sense of freedom has also shifted as I make an intentional choice to stay indoors. I'm also noticing the need to reach out and socially connect much more.  I cherish my people.    
 A time of uncertainty can serve to reveal more about ourselves and what we value.  A crisis is a time to take action, to regroup.  It's an opportunity for
deep conversations.  We've already seen how our smaller footprint on the planet has reduced some carbon emissions (less vehicles on the roads) and, as reported, the Venetian canals are a bit clearer.  It's a window into a possible future, a different world. We can learn to create the safety nets ignored in the past and plan for the long-term vs immediate gratification.
And just maybe, a collective consciousness will emerge and "infect" the industrial mindset to shift from short-term profits to investing in a people-oriented future.  This is the time to visualize a better future.

At this time, I am coordinating (pro bono) Zoom chats to share our upended lives, and to center ourselves in the knowledge that we are resilient, creative and looking at how this extraordinary experience is changing us:
How is this global event changing your world view?   
Where do you want to be on the other side of this?

When you drive, are you just looking ten feet beyond your bumper, or are you aim high and into the distance, as well?  Kicked into survival mode, you are in tune with your immediate risk factors.  Are you also thinking of what is next further down the road?

Now is the perfect time to join in the conversation.  Interested in Zoom chats or a one-on-one phone conversation?  Email me!

Warmest Regards,
Flo Mauri
Coach/Consultant to Emerging Leaders
Contact me for a complimentary session about realizing your big dream and what coaching can do for you.

[1] Coined by Dave Buck, Coachville: Adopting a "PLAY framework" in your personal, business and career life.
[2] DEFICIT COACHING vs. COACHING WITH COMPASSION, What it is, when to use it, and why it matters.   By Daniel White and Andy Satter

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