Wrapping up Summer

The above image shows one of our faculty, Jen Swan, teaching 8-10 year old students about temporary art using sand painting as a media. This lesson is a great reminder that nothing ever truly stays the same and that something beautiful can be made through change. The students worked as a team for over an hour painting this image in sand, then experienced transforming it with brushes (images below).

Speaking of change, it has been a strangely quiet summer for us, working remotely. Summers usually mean studios and hallways full of young artists by day and transitioning to adult students for the afternoon and evening. We miss the normalcy, the buzz, and the excitement just outside our office doors.

We also miss seeing all your artwork - both finished and in-process! If you would like to share your recent work with us, please email an image of your work with your name and title to elizabethbuck@worcesterart.org. We would love to be able to share more student art images and perhaps even put together a summer video exhibition!

Change can also bring great things, like our new WAM Art Clubs for youth, and new ways to teach Printmaking at home for adults! The full fall schedule is up and registering for adults and the first session of youth classes is also ready for students! Take a peek on the portal to view the upcoming options!

Elizabeth Buck
Manager of Studio Class Programs, Worcester Art Museum