The SHORT Report
Welcome & Farewell
Honours & Recognition
Change in Leadership
- MTU Director
- Quality Director
Department of Medicine Branding - Logos and E-signatures
Nova Scotia Health Email on iPhone - Step-by-Step Instructions
Proposed Changes to MAiD
- Transplant Research and Awareness
- QEII Foundation TRIC Grant Recipients announced January 2021
- UIMRF Funding Applications approved by DoM Research Committee
- COVID-19 Vaccine Study
- E-prescription Research Study
Nova Scotia Health
- Fireside Chat with Dr. Brendan Carr – Reflections on my first year as CEO
- 4P Challenge – Let's Audit! Measuring our Adherence
Faculty of Medicine
- Town Hall: Refresh of Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum
- Mini Medical School
- Call for applications - Associate Dean, Research
Upcoming Events
- February 10-13: Heart Health Summit & Wear Red Canada
- February 12 & 26: QEII New Generation Project - Open House
- February 16: Teach the Teachers
- March 29: Dalhousie University Cardiac Research Day
- April 26 – 30: DoM Research Week
Quick Reference / Recurring Content
Hi everyone!
I hope this note finds you all well.
Last week was spring and this week we find ourselves back in the throes of winter with our first major winter storm. I hope you all stayed safe. I am grateful for my winter snow tires this week for sure.
Despite the unpredictable weather our COVID epidemiology in the province has been excellent as we continue to be vigilant in our IPAC practices while the vaccine program roles out. I thank you all for your ongoing leadership in this area. The Health Authority has launched the 4P audit challenge to keep us all on our toes and I encourage clinical teams and areas to participate in this - Week 1 Video (Our People) / Week 2 Video - Physical Distancing. One of the shifts in our pandemic planning has been to boost asymptomatic testing. Thank you to Lisa Barrett and her team for the fantastic pop-up clinics that have helped fuel this initiative. The health authority has also launched on-line booking for COVID testing in asymptomatic people. There are several sites where you can have this done. The DGH has an awesome drive through and the set up at the Homburg Centre at Saint Mary’s University is really well run and close to work for any of us to go. I encourage all department members, vaccinated or not, to sign up for asymptomatic testing in February. Snap a selfie while you are there and we can post them!
The Faculty of Medicine has put out their call for applications for this year’s awards and the Nova Scotia Health Making Waves Awards deadline is February 28th. Please take a bit of time to check them out and think about a deserving colleague to nominate. Don’t be modest. If you think you might be deserving reach out to your Division Head, Manager or Me and we will be happy to support an application for you. It is really important to seek recognition for the excellent work you are doing on a daily basis.
Last week, Nova Scotia Health announced the new organization structure for the health authority. In the coming weeks we will work with all of our divisions and programs to understand how we fit into this new structure and how it will help to strengthen the care we give to Nova Scotians.
There are many other great things happening in the Department and around the Faculty and Health Authorities. We have highlighted just a few of them below.
Enjoy the newsletter and don’t hesitate to contact us with stories and items for next month.
Keep well,
Christine Short, MD, FRCP(C), FACP
Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University / Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
We welcome the following staff to their new positions:
Vickie Sullivan will be Nova Scotia Health’s interim Vice President of Operations for Central Zone effective January 25. Vickie will work closely with her co-lead Dr. Todd Howlett, Executive Medical Director, to provide leadership and support to the Central Zone while the national search for a permanent vice president proceeds. Vickie is an accomplished health leader who has held the role of Executive Director of Operations in the Central Zone since 2015 and has stepped into the vice president role on an interim basis previously. An expression of interest will be issued to fill the Central Zone Executive Director role on an interim basis in the coming days.
Manpreet Kaur joined the Division of Geriatric Medicine as Administrative Assistant.
Karen Walters is joining the Division of Hematology as Administrative Assistant.
Krista Wagner is joining the Division of Palliative Medicine in mid-February.
Dr. Chris Lata, Infectious Disease Specialist, from Sydney, NS, has joined the AFP in the Division of Infectious Diseases. He also holds an academic appointment.
Dr. Todd Hatchette, has joined the Division of Infectious Diseases, backdated to April 1, 2020. Dr. Hatchette also holds a cross appointment to the Department.
Dr. Helmut Hollenhurst is the Interim Senior Director for the Cancer Care Program
We say farewell and best wishes to:
Terri Baker, Education Assistant, transitioned from the Division of Geriatric Medicine and to Emergency Medicine in early January.
Our condolences:
- Our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Mr. Ryan Clow who passed away suddenly on the weekend. Ryan was the Director of MedIT Enterprise Systems and a well-known, well-liked, and highly respected member of the Dalhousie community.
Acknowledging the strengths and actions of others creates a positive and empowered environment.
Do you know someone that should be nominated for an award?
Have an award that you'd like to include on the list?
Medical Teaching Unit (MTU) Director
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Nabha Shetty as the Medical Teaching Unit (MTU) Director effective Jan 1, 2021.
Dr. Shetty joined the Department of Medicine in 2015 as an Assistant Professor of Medicine with the Division of General Medicine. After finishing her residency training program in General Internal Medicine at Dalhousie University, she completed a Master’s of Science Degree in Healthcare Quality through Queen’s University. Dr. Shetty’s leadership in quality improvement has led to several great research initiatives in both the inpatient and ambulatory care setting.
The MTU has evolved over the past several years and continues to be well known for great patient care and an excellent setting for student/resident education. The MTU is a model within Nova Scotia Health for both clinical research and scholarly activity. Dr. Shetty brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to this role having recently served as both the associate MTU Director and the Director of the DoM Quality Committee.
Congratulations Dr. Shetty on this new leadership position within the Department of Medicine. We look forward to the contributions your team will make as you continue to build on the successes of the MTU going forward.
Steven Gruchy and Christine Short
Dr. Nabha Shetty is the Medical Teaching Unit (MTU) Director effective Jan 1, 2021.
Thank you to Dr. Steven Gruchy who was MTU Director since 2017.
The Department of Medicine is happy to announce that Dr. Ferhan Siddiqi is the new Director of the Quality Improvement Steering Committee (QISC) as of January 2021.
Dr. Siddiqi joined the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in 2014. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University. Dr. Siddiqi graduated from the University of Toronto with his M.D. in 2008. He went on to complete his Internal Medicine residency at Dalhousie University, and further postgraduate subspecialty training in Adult Endocrinology & Metabolism at the University of Toronto. He subsequently completed a Banting and Best Fellowship in Diabetes Care at the Keenan Research Centre at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, with a research focus in diabetic nephropathy. He holds a Master’s of Science in Healthcare Quality (MScHQ) from Queen’s University in Kingston. Dr. Siddiqi has recently been the Chair of the Quality Improvement Committee for the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism since 2018. His current research interests are diabetes complications and improving the quality of diabetes care and the management of adrenal disorders.
We welcome Dr. Siddiqi as he takes on this important leadership role and thank Dr. Shetty for her hard work as the chair of QPAC. She was a valued leader in this role for several years and made a number of important advancements in Quality improvement.
Christine Short
Dr. Ferhan Siddiqi is the Director of the Quality Improvement Steering Committee (QISC) as of January 2021.
This committee, formerly known as QPAC, was under the direction of Dr. Nabha Shetty since September 2018.
A reminder we have new branded stationary, PowerPoint and e-signature templates.
These can be found on the DOM shared drive in the folder named:
DoM Logo,Letterhead,e-signature copypaste, PPT NEW 2020
Step-by-step process of how to get Nova Scotia Health email access on your personal iPhone device for physicians:
For Android devices, the info is basically the same, just needs to be done in the mail app of your choosing on your device.
These steps will only work until Nova Scotia Health migrates to Office365.
Proposed changes to Canada’s MAiD legislation
Revisions to the Bill would change the Criminal Code.
It would mean that people who have extreme suffering, but are not expected to die, will be able to receive MAID.
The court ruling will come into effect on February 27, 2021.
Great interview between CTV News Atlantic and Dr. Karthik Tennankore, Nephrologist and Transplant Researcher, on transplant awareness.
Quick Facts:
Multi-Organ Transplant Program of Atlantic Canada (MOTP) provides solid organ transplantation services for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland.
Effective January 18, 2021, if Nova Scotians don't register their donation decision and are eligible, individuals will be seen as having consented to organ and tissue donation after death. This is called ‘deemed consent’ under the new Human Organ and Tissue Donation Act.
Dr. Karthik Tennankore was appointed on July 1, 2020 as the QEII Foundation Endowed Chair in Transplantation Research for a five year term.
QEII Foundation TRIC Grant Recipients announced January 2021
Competition date: September 14, 2020
Announced: January 2021
Note: The May 1, 2020 QEII Foundation TRIC Competition was postponed until Sept 14, 2020 due to COVID-19.
Translating Research Into Care
Project Title: Improving care for patients with germline predisposition to hematologic malignancies
Level 1 ($2,997 over 1 year)
Dr. Amy Trottier (Scientific Co-PI), MD Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology, Nova Scotia Health and Dalhousie University
Dr. Jo-Ann Brock (Administrative Co-PI), MD, PhD, FRCSC Division Head, Clinical Genomics Lab, IWK Health Center
The hypothesis of this study is that the expansion of local germline genetic testing capabilities will improve the detection and management of patients with a germline predisposition to hematologic malignancy. This hypothesis will be investigated through two specific objectives.
1) To design and implement comprehensive genetic tests including genes for which germline variants are known to be associated with increased risk of hematologic malignancies.
2) To evaluate the impact of genetic testing on patients and family members using patient and physician surveys.
Project Title: Accelerated Remote Cardiopulmonary Tele-POCUS by Augmented Intelligence In COVID-19 Assessment (ARCTICA)
Level 2 ($30,000)
Dr. Sharon Mulvagh, MD, FRCPC, FACC, FAHA, FASE, Professor, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University
Katherine Connell, Interim Health Services Director, Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
Project Title: GUT LINK Embedding Best Practice for Management of Digestive Disorders through an Integrated, Collaborative Virtual Platform
Level 1 ($3,000)
Dr. Jennifer Jones, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine, Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie and Team lead Collaborative IBD Program
Kim Munroe, Director, Ambulatory Care, Nova Scotia Health
Project Title: More-2-Eat Nova Scotia Implementation Phase 2: Scaling up improved nutrition care to detect and treat hospital malnutrition
Level 3 ($59,899)
Dr. Leah Cahill, PhD, PDt. Assistant Professor and Howard Webster Department of Medicine Research Chair, Dalhousie University and QEII Health Sciences Center
Tina Strickland, MPH, PDt, Director of Policy and Planning, Nutrition and Food Services, Nova Scotia Health
Congratulations to all award winners!
UIMRF Funding Applications Approved by
DoM Research Committee
The following UIMRF funding applications have been approved by the DoM Research Committee:
Dr. Chris Blanchard, DoM Research – Pilot Funding - "Dyadic Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in SOT Recipients"
Dr. Janet Roberts, Rheumatology – Junior Department Member Funding - “Prospective study of rheumatic immune related adverse events during or following immunotherapy for cancer and the impact of immunotherapy on pre-existing rheumatic disease: Establishing a Prospective Nova Scotia cohort”
Dr. Thomas Brothers, Internal Medicine/CIP – Resident Research Funding - “Implementation and evaluation of a novel, unofficial, trainee-organized hospital addiction medicine consultation service”
Dr. Elizabeth Blundon, Palliative Medicine - Internal Research Fellowship - “Describing aspects of brain function at end of life”
Dr. Erica Kelly, Hematology – Internal Research Fellowship - “Tumor thrombus: A single-centre prospective registry study”
Dr. Alexandra Legge, Rheumatology – External Research Fellowship - “Using administrative health data to construct and validate a frailty index as a measure of susceptibility to adverse outcomes among patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases”
Dr. Mohammad Pulok, Geriatric Medicine – Internal Research Fellowship - “The impact of retirement on health care utilization in Canada: The role of frailty”
Dr. Samuel Searle, Geriatric Medicine – External Research Fellowship - “Prognosticating Adverse Outcomes in Acutely ill Hospitalised Frail Patients”
Dr. Shanna Trenaman, Geriatric Medicine – Internal Research Fellowship - “Uncovering how medication use moderates dementia neuropathology and how to improve medication use among older adults”
Dr. Jasmine Mah, Internal Medicine/CIP – Extended CIP Sponsorship - “Social vulnerability and social admissions in older adults presenting to acute care”
The Center for Vaccinology is recruiting participants to take part in the following COVID-19 vaccine study:
Research title:
A Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose-Escalation Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial of COVAC Vaccines in Healthy Adults
Project title:
A randomized study, assessing the safety and immunogenicity of a COVID-19 vaccine in healthy adults
Protocol # COVAC-001
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Joanne Langley, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, IWK Health Centre
Dr. Scott Halperin, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, IWK Health Centre
Dr. Jeannette Comeau, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, IWK Health Centre
Dr. Shelly McNeil, Infectious Disease Specialist, Nova Scotia Health
The study is looking at 3 different dosages of the study vaccine given as two injections (28 days apart) and compared to a placebo (inactive solution).
E-prescription Research Study
The Faculty of Computer Science is recruiting participants to take part in an online survey to evaluate the proposed e-prescription system. The system aims to introduce a more robust and secure method to share the patient medication information with all parties (i.e., prescribers, pharmacists, and patients) in an e-prescription private network.
Project title: Developing an e-prescription system using machine learning and blockchain to minimize medication errors.
REB file # 2020-5367
Lead researcher:
Bader Aldughayfiq, graduate student, Faculty of Computer Science (email:, or phone: 902-880-0798)
Dr. Srinivas Sampalli, Faculty of Computer Science (email:, or phone: 902-494-1657)
Who Can Take Part in the Research Study?
Patients - In the past year have experienced using an e-prescription or paper prescription to pick up prescribed medication.
Prescribers - In the past year have experienced using any electronic health record system and had any e-prescribing method (e.g., email or e-prescription system such as PrescribeIT).
Pharmacists - In the past year have experienced using any pharmacy management system and had experience with any e-prescribing method (e.g., email or e-prescription system such as PrescribeIT).
The survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete.
The study will help to enhance and improve the proposed e-prescription system by giving feedback about the implemented features. Thus, contribute to the research area of minimizing medication errors.
Fireside chat with Dr. Brendan Carr
– Reflections on my first year as CEO –
On February 3, 2021, IPAC Nova Scotia welcomed Dr. Brendan Carr for a virtual fireside chat covering reflections on his first year as CEO of Nova Scotia Health.
Hosted by:
Institute of Public Administration Canada (IPAC) Nova Scotia
Paula Gallagher, Atlantic Public Sector Leader, Deloitte
55 minutes
4P Challenge -
Let's Audit! Measuring our Adherence
Starting February 1, 2021, this campaign is a 4-week challenge aimed at reinforcing physical distancing and proper PPE use in team members and volunteers.
- IPAC asking clinical teams to do audits on units across the province to identify where improvements can be made
- We need to practice physical distancing while we are working in our respective care areas, even during breaks.
Week 1 - Our People
Week 2 - Physical Distancing
Week 3 - PPE
Week 4 - Protection
Undergraduate Medical Education
Curriculum Refresh
In August 2020, the Curriculum Refresh Committee (CRC) was formed to assess the strengths and gaps/areas of improvement of the pre-clerkship and clerkship years of the undergraduate medical education program.
The next step of the curriculum renewal process is to gather feedback from the medical school community on the work completed to date.
You may also send feedback / comments to; include applicable theme in subject line.
"With your help and participation, we look forward to continuing the tradition of training medical professionals with a commitment to lifelong learning, excellence in patient care, high ethical standards, and accountability to society for the responsibilities entrusted to them."
- Dr. Evelyn Sutton
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
The 15th season is underway.
(Jan 13 - Feb 24)
7 - 8:30 PM
Microsoft Teams
Associate Dean, Research
- Call for Applications -
The Faculty of Medicine is seeking applications to the position of Associate Dean, Research. This is a five-year appointment.
Reporting to the Dean of Medicine, the Associate Dean, Research (ADR) promotes and champions research excellence, has overall responsibility for leadership and administration of research and graduate programs, and plays an active and central role in faculty-wide decision making, operational planning and strategy setting. The ADR supports all forms of scholarly endeavor, helping researchers to secure ongoing support and investments from all sources. The ADR is responsible for oversight of the Medical Research Development Office and plays a crucial leadership role in initiating and facilitating efforts to achieve research success within and beyond the Faculty of Medicine. The ADR works collaboratively with faculty, department heads, senior leaders, and staff, within and beyond the Faculty of Medicine, and with senior research leadership of the relevant health authorities and government.
For more information:
Applications due: February 28, 2021
Heart Health Summit & Wear Red Canada
Canadian Women's Heart Health Summit
February 10-13 - online
This event started in Halifax, and has spread nationally. Cardiologist, Dr. Sharon Mulvagh speaks at the Summit on Day 3: Addressing the Gaps: One Project at a Time
Wear Red Canada - February 13
Heart disease is the #1 killer of women worldwide and the leading cause of premature death in Canadian women.
Read more
Atlantic Canada session Saturday, February 13th
2:30 to 4pm
In Halifax, the day has been proclaimed by Mayor Savage as Wear Red Canada Day. Halifax City Hall, Province House, and Alderney Landing will be lit up in red on the evenings of Feb 12 and 13th, as well as many other businesses and locations around town.
QEII New Generation Project
Open House
Friday, February 12
12 – 1 p.m.
Friday, February 26
12 – 1 p.m.
Join the leadership team for a virtual open house.
Teaching Across Different Environments and Populations
Becoming an Anti-Racist Faculty
Dr. Gaynor Watson-Creed, NS Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Dean-Serving and Engaging Society, Dalhousie University
The afternoon will then be broken into three small group sessions that all participants will rotate through:
- inclusivity
- teaching large groups
- virtual teaching
Tuesday, February 16
12:30 - 4:15 pm
(via Zoom)
Open to DoM Physicians and Residents
Dalhousie University
Virtual Cardiac Research Day 2021
Hosted by:
- Division of Cardiology
- Division of Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiovascular Research Group
Zoom meeting ID:
847 4011 6228
March 29
8 am – 10 am
DoM Research Week - April 26 - 30, 2021
(via Zoom)
Tuesday, April 27
8 - 9:30am
Thursday, April 29
12:30 - 3pm
Website available: April 26-30
currently in hospital due to COVID-19
currently in ICU due to COVID-19
total completed tests
Rapid tests at pop-up locations
Total vaccine doses administered
People who have received second dose
As of February 10, 2021
On January 19, a new data dashboard launched. Display includes graphs and tables of COVID-19 data by location (health zone or network), age, gender, hospitalizations and number of tests and vaccine doses.
After getting a COVID-19 vaccine...
You must continue to follow all public health guidelines (eg. wearing a mask/PPE, washing your hands and physical distancing).
If you are symptomatic (fever, cough, etc.), you must contact Occupational Health for testing. All COVID-related symptoms need to be reported to Occupational Health, even if you think it's a side effect of the vaccine.
After getting the vaccine, you could still be infectious to others, so it is important to report symptoms to Occupational Health.
Anyone entering Nova Scotia from New Brunswick (unless they are exempt), must self-isolate for 14 days. Details in news release:
$25 million for 10 NS Universities to help manage the impact of the pandemic
Rotational workers must get tested on Day 1 or 2; again on Day 6, 7, 8. $1,000 fine for non-compliance
Voluntary testing started on Dec 18 and about one third of rotational workers got tested. From Dec 1st to Jan 11th, 21 cases have been rotational workers (9.4%).
Update on Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan
Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues to expand this week with clinics at two more long-term care facilities and another regional hospital.
Some restrictions easing in Province and at Nova Scotia Health
Update on Nova Scotia's COVID-19 Immunization Plan
The first community-based clinic for Nova Scotians age 80 and older will begin later this month.
Public Health Restrictions Easing to allow events and other gatherings.
Newfoundland and Labrador Border Tightened due to recent spike in cases.
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Uploaded: June 15, 2020
Video: 1 min 25 seconds
Uploaded: July 20, 2020
PDF – 8.5" x 14" poster
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
Complete online then download or email document. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.
Spectrum MD
(Antimicrobial Stewardship)
Nova Scotia Health logo needs to be visible in the upper left corner of the home screen to ensure you are accessing local content.
Nova Scotia Health staff and physicians experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact Occupational Health:
Potential COVID Exposures
Helping Healthcare Heroes
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.