Last week we told you to save the date - now we have more information for you:
Welcome to the first annual Idaho Federation of Families parent education spring conference, YES you CAN(S)! It is the first, and hopefully last, time this conference will be presented 100% virtually. We all look forward to resuming our relationships in person and we embrace the adaptations that are ahead!
Join us for our parent and youth education event focused on the CANS tool and developing effective treatment plans for youth accessing mental health care in Idaho. During YES you CAN(S) speakers will help you understand the variety of options parents, providers, and youth have throughout the mental health journey. You can join sessions in which a team will illustrate skills for building a treatment plan based on the CANS assessment. And, as well, you will learn to identify points of decision-making so that you can assure appropriate supports according to the youth's level of need.
Register and see all information about the conference, here: