Bible Verses for Times of Trouble... from Pastor Mark
A few years ago, I was with a few pastor buddies on April Fool's Day. We were talking about the times when people aren't thinking, times, when snap decisions become long-term disasters. We talked about church people and churches that make foolish decisions. We told stories about ourselves, our lives, marriages, and ministries when we did something foolish. One of my buddies called it "the spirit of dumb." And that got me thinking.
If I were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write a verse on this, it would go like this: "Now the spirit of stupid came upon them and the folly of dumb descended upon them. We were sore afraid." (That's the Reversed Standard Perversion in the Book of Plattitudes.)
For the purpose of alliteration and rhetoric, I would like to rename this phenomenon and call it "the spirit of stupid." It is the behavior that causes Dr. Phil McGraw on television to ask people: "what were you thinkin'?" It is when people "check their brains at the door." If one looks at society, you will bizarre and crazy things everywhere. "The spirit of stupid" throws good judgment, good sense, good logic, and good ethics out the window. This is what I am calling "the spirit of stupid."
Now I know the word "stupid" sounds harsh. But the word is a synonym for Bible terms "fool," "foolish," "foolishness," or "folly". Sometime take a concordance and follow these words through the Bible. It will help you in your pilgrimage with God.
Education is no cure for "the spirit of stupid." Pastors, physicians, professors, and CEOs often get "the spirit of stupid." Factory workers, janitors, and truck drivers can have it too. "The spirit of stupid" is an equal opportunity employer. It is a choice, not something that just lands on you out of nowhere. "The spirit of stupid" is a chosen lifestyle and a way of life for many people.
Nations, cities and state governments can get "the spirit of stupid" when they violate God's laws and common sense. Deacons, elders, and pastors can get "the spirit of stupid." Many of us can tell stories of how churches chose the wrong pastor, made the wrong decision, took the wrong strategy, and followed "the spirit of stupid."
Sometimes whole nations can get "the spirit of stupid." How the German nation could follow a former house painter with a funny mustache to kill 6 million Jews, invade several countries, and start a multi-front war is beyond comprehension! How could Japan invade China, takeover the Philippines for no good reason, and bomb Pearl Harbor? That is "the spirit of stupid." If you know world history, this paragraph could go on for days.
The Bible is filled with examples of "the spirit of stupid." Here are just a few:
  • Abraham lied and said Sarah was his sister to Pharaoh in Genesis 12. And then he did the very same stupid thing to Abimelech in Genesis 20. The father of many nations got "the spirit of stupid."
  • While Moses was on Mount Sinai, the people and Aaron made a golden calf, thinking Moses was not coming back and that God was ineffective to care for their needs. "The spirit of stupid" rides again!
  • The nation of Israel got "the spirit of stupid" when they wanted a king. This "stupid" decision cost them dearly for centuries with some very bad kings that lead Israel and Judah into great sin and the punishment of God
  • It was "the spirit of stupid" that got King David, the man after God's own heart, to sleep with Bathsheba and kill her husband, Uriah.
  • Luke 15 speaks of a time when the prodigal son finally understood his situation. Verse 17 says: "when he came to his senses." This phrase is based on the fact that sin makes a person crazed with foolishness. That's "the spirit of stupid".
  • 2 Timothy 2:26 and Hebrews 5:14 speak of the lapse of judgment to discern both good and evil that comes to many people. "The spirit of stupid" brings on sin.
What are the characteristics of the "the spirit of stupid?" How can you spot it in your life?
1. "The spirit of stupid" is ego-based. It is arrogant and wise in one's own eyes. Proverbs 16:18 says: "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
2. "The spirit of stupid" thinks the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. They don't realize that if they watered things on their side of the fence it could be just as green.
3. "The spirit of stupid" doesn't think in the future tense. Stupid people don't see cause and effects. They only think of what feels good at the moment.
4. "The spirit of stupid" is unaccountable to anyone. These lone rangers don't think they need anyone's advice. "The spirit of stupid" never listens to good counsel. Yet, Proverbs 15:22 says: "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."
5. "The spirit of stupid" does not think biblically. Tradition, feelings, expedience, prejudices, and other people's opinions have greater weight than the Bible to people afflicted with "the spirit of stupid."
6. "The spirit of stupid" moves fast and impulsively. Things like prayer and process are foreign to people who operate with "the spirit of stupid."
Let me give you a few examples of "the spirit of stupid." I have put in italics examples of these stupid things I hear all the time along with my answer:
"Jesus never spoke about homosexuality so we should not be opposed to same-sex marriage." This is what we call an argument from silence. It is an illogical argument. Just because our Lord did not talk about a topic does not rule out what Romans 1:18, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and other Bible passages say. Remember why God destroyed Sodom? That's why homosexual act is called sodomy. Do we just have the 4 Gospels in the Bible or is it 66 books? God does not contradict Himself or the entirety of His word!
"We are going to live together because we want to do it right." Are the right colors, tuxes, wedding dresses, a big ceremony, a ring, and some flowers more important than obeying God? What about following God's Word? God's prohibition on adultery is still in the Ten Commandments. Sex outside marriage is always sin!
"I am not happy in this marriage so I am getting a divorce." How can a person break their marriage promises, hurt their kids, discard a shared life, and dump their spouse? What about Matthew 19:19? There are no Biblical grounds for irreconcilable differences in God's eyes. "The spirit of stupid" in a divorce can bring on a lifetime of heartaches, tragedies, and regret.
The list of things directly connected to "the spirit of stupid" is endless but you get the idea.
Now you can control "the spirit of stupid." It is not something that hits you like the flu or the cancer. No, it is more something you can choose to do or something you can choose to avoid. "The spirit of stupid" is something you can prevent. How do you and I prevent "the spirit of stupid?" Here are some ways to put a stop to it:
1. Let God run your life. Proverbs 1:7 says: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." If God is first in your life, He will help you make wise decisions. The more yielded you are to the Lord, the wiser you will become.
2. Make the Bible your guide. Ask yourself: what does the Bible say? Just because the Bible is silent about a specific topic does not mean you can build a whole ethic on silence. Make sure you consult the whole Bible, not just a part of it. Make sure the one verse you use for your action really means what you think it means. Proverbs 6:22 describes the benefits of having God's word in your life this way: "When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you."
3. Seek the advice of wise and godly people. What do prudent and devout people say? Ask them! Proverbs 11:14 says: "Where there is no counsel, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." There is great wisdom in seeking the insight of good and godly advisors who can speak truth and guide you to follow God's ways.
4. Ask God for wisdom. Pray about any decision you need to make for a while. Are you getting any promptings from the Holy Spirit about this? If God isn't in your decision, you are doomed to failure. I know this from personal experience! John Wayne once said: ''Life's tough...it's even tougher if you're stupid." Life is hard enough, even harder yet if you are living on your own strength without God's Spirit. A good prayer to pray is in Psalm 25:4, 5: "Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
5. Move slowly and carefully . If the fruit is ripe, you don't have to yank it. If God is in it, you don't have to force it. Rushed decisions are often bad decisions. Ask yourself: Am I moving too fast? Remember the HALT principle - Don't make a decision if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired!
6. Check yourself and your motives. Be certain that you are operating in God's Spirit and not your own. Proverbs 16:35 says "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." Be sure that you are not working for your own benefit.
Forest Gump put it this way: "Stupid is as stupid does." Folks, let's be sure that "the spirit of stupid" does not show up in our talk, our thoughts, our behavior, our families, and in our lives. Let's help each other keep "the spirit of stupid" out of our lives. Let's not let "the spirit of stupid" invade our cities, state and nation. Let's not let the "the spirit of stupid" invade our church or our ministries!
In Jeremiah 6:16, God says: "Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls."
Well, those are my thoughts and prayers for this week. I am leaving the spirit of stupid to follow the Spirit of God! You too?
So, see you for worship this Sunday at the on-line campus of East Hills Church!   Bring your Bible, a smile, and your family to the couch and recliners. In the comfort and safety of your home, Pastor Jonathan and I will do our best to inspire you, encourage you, and teach you.
Go live with us on Facebook at 9 AM Sundays.  After 9 AM on Sundays, you can go to www.easthillscc.org.  On the first page of our web-page will be a link that says "Watch This Week's Sermon." That will take you to another page where you can click on this week's sermon which is titled: "Re-Train Yourself with Bible Heroes!" Then, at the top of the page on the left side it will say "TruthCasting requires Adobe Flash Player." Click on "Get Flash." You can expand the screen at the arrows to watch the music and message from there. Click on the arrow in the middle of the screen and the sermon should start. You can also download the sermon outline too.

I love being your pastor!
Pastor Mark Platt
You can also find these buttons on our website home page.
This Sunday's Message
When the Bible character, Job, dealt with trouble, he was overwhelmed by bad advice. Since he lost his wealth, his health and his children were killed, he was tempted to drop his promises to God and leave his faith in God. When trouble comes, bad advice and our own doubts can tempt us to throw away our commitment to God. This Sunday, Job will teach us to keep our trust in God vibrant and help us when trouble comes. Pastor Mark's title is "Refuse to Deny Your Integrity and Your Faith!" and is taken from Job 27:5. Go to   www.easthillscc.org for links to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and to our own Truthcasting. Printed outlines are available to download on Truthcasting. Our goal is encourage you, inspire you, and help you during this challenging time. Join us!
What's Next!
Benefits of Going to East Hills Church On-line
1. There are no parking problems
2. You can come in your pajamas
3. You can lay on your couch or recliner
4. You can shout loud "Amens" and "Preach It, Pastor Mark" and no one will give you dirty looks
5. There is a bathroom right down the hall
6. There is a breakfast buffet after the service if you wish
7. The coffee is made just as you like it
8. The commute is very short

Support God's Work at EHCC
The economy is hitting us all very hard. But don't stop giving to God's work on this hill! So, we need you to give regularly and sacrificially. We need to fully support our staff so they can pay their bills. We still have utilities and other bills to pay. We have missionary support to send. We want to expand our "on-line" presence during this time and that requires money. Please intensify your financial support of East Hills during this time.
There are 4 ways to give:
Option 1: Mail checks to East Hills at 12000 Campus Drive, Oakland, CA 94519
Option 2: Text "Give" to 510-800-7175
Option 3: Give on-line at http://easthillscc.org/online-giving.html
Option 4: Set up on-line banking with your bank and list East Hills as a payee.
Get Sunday Sermons in Your Mailbox
If you are unable to watch our on-line service, you can receive a transcript of Pastor Mark's message by US Post Office Mail. E-mail Pastor Jonathan here with your name and address and we will send it to you. (You might consider helping EHCC with gift to cover the postage.)
Submit Your Prayer Requests on our Website
"Need Prayer"

As we weather this storm together, we are trying to keep the lines of communication open, especially for prayer. If you have a prayer need, please click the button and submit your prayer. We have a dedicated team who will pray for you and your situation. Prayers can be marked "confidential" for Pastor Mark. If not marked, they will go to the prayer team.
Continue to pray for our search team and our elders as they seek God's next leader for our church. Each week, they are contacting potential pastors. They are looking for a godly, gifted, and faithful pastor that God has already chosen for EHCC.
Click the play button to play last week's message.

Re-train Yourself with Bible Heroes 
Re-train Yourself with Bible Heroes
In preparation for Holy Week, isn't it good to know that we can still be connected to each other and to God?
Garden Peace
Garden Peace
Do you know the creation story?

1) What was hovering over the waters on the first day?
a. the Glory of God, b. seagulls, c. the Spirit of God, d. an Angel of God

2) On what day was the sun created?
a. Sunday, b. first day, c. second day, d. fourth day

3) On what day did dry ground appear?
a. first day, b. second day, c. third day, d. fourth day

4) On what day did God make Adam and Eve?
a. third day, b. fourth day, c. fifth day, d. sixth day

5) What did God give Adam and Eve for food?
a. manna, b. only meat, c. meat and plants, d. only plants
Current Sermon Series
New Sermon Series
Right now, some people think they are in real trouble. This virus has hit jobs, businesses, finances, and so much more. People are in a panic so there are shortages, school closures, and health emergencies. Many have worries and even fear.
How do we handle real trouble? For the next 10 weeks, Pastor Mark will be giving a series of messages from the Bible called "How to Handle Real Trouble." Each Sunday, we will post a new video sermon at www.easthillscc.org. We want to inform you, encourage you, and give you God's help for the time you are in real trouble. Join us!


1. March 22 - Psalm 46;10 - "Rest in the Sovereignty of God"
2. March 29 - Hebrews 13:7 - "Re-Train Yourself with Bible Heroes"
3. April 5 - Job 27:5 - "Refuse to Deny Your Integrity and Your Faith!"
4. April 12 - Revelation 21:4 - "Rejoice in the Resurrection"
5. April 19 - Habakkuk 3:17-19 - "Refuse to Quit" 
6. April 26 - Romans 12:2 - "Re-program Your Mind"
7. May 3 - Philippians 4:6-7 - "Reach Out to God in Prayer"
8. May 10 - Lamentations 3:22-23 - "Remember God's Faithfulness"
9. May 17 - Philippians 3:13-14 - "Reboot to a New Life"
10. May 24 - Psalm 46:1 - "Rely on God"
In The Bible (Reading Plan)

Weekly Through the Bible Readings
Join us as we read through the Bible in 2020:  
April 5-11                  Ruth-1 Samuel 1-10; Luke 11-13
April 12-18                1 Samuel 11-31; Luke 14-17
April 19-25                2 Samuel 1-14; Luke 18-21
April 26-May 2         2 Samuel 15-24; Luke 22-24

Click to download a .PDF of our 2020 Reading Plan
Men's Bible Study is cancelled until further notice. 
Women's Bible study is cancelled until further notice.
To receive a daily devotional on the weekly Bible reading schedule, you might see the East Hills Facebook page or become a Facebook friend to Pastor Mark. If you would like a large print version of the current "Our Daily Bread" devotional, please let Pastor Jonathan know. Or send him an email here.
Answers to "Let There Be...":
1) c. the Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2) 
2) d. fourth day (Genesis 1:16) 
3) c. third day (Genesis 1:9) 
4) d. sixth day (Genesis 1:27) 
5) d. only plants (Genesis 1:29) 
We Need Your Help
*Text "Give" to 510-800-7175*