January 20, 2020
Weekly Message
Rev. Dr. Cathie Smith
Tell Them About the Dream

I learned something new this year. It turns out it isn't new news, but it is the first time I've heard it, and it has been on my mind and on my heart this week. It's about the origin of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech . I have borrowed from Timeline.org to help share this history with you, as I am still just learning the details myself...

The night before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s now famous “I Have a Dream” speech, his advisers were arguing in the lobby of the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C. Everyone had their own idea of what should be included in the speech. Should housing discrimination be the focus? Jobs? King would only have five minutes to deliver his message at the March on Washington. Every second would count. But one of his advisers, Walter E. Fauntroy, advised him to put the time limit out of his head and “do what the spirit say do.” “My brothers, I understand,” King replied. “I appreciate all the suggestions. Now let me go and counsel with the Lord.”

In his room, he worked on the speech all night by hand, which wasn’t his usual routine. For most of his speeches, he only scribbled a few notes on the back of a church bulletin. He finished writing at 4 a.m. and handed it over to his advisers to be typed for press. Draft speech writer and friend, Clarence B. Jones, said that version was “more political and less historical.” The words “I have a dream” didn’t appear in the final version.

On Wednesday, August 28, 1963, King was the last speaker of the day. Over 250,000 people had gathered — traveling by train, bus, and car — to stand at the Lincoln Memorial for the historic moment. Before King went on, Mahalia Jackson sang “I Been ’Buked and I Been Scorned” and “How I Got Over,” to which King tapped along to the beat.

King’s speech followed the script until the end. The plan was to conclude with “Go back to our communities as members of the international association for the advancement of creative dissatisfaction.” But, spontaneously moved, he skipped that and said,“Go back to Mississippi; go back to Alabama; go back to South Carolina; go back to Georgia; go back to Louisiana; go back to the slums and ghettos of our Northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.”

Mahalia Jackson, being a gospel singer bred in the black church, shouted, “Tell them about the dream, Martin!” With Jackson’s encouragement, he then improvised and added some of his most recognized words today. “I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”

King went on to give his historic speech which has been the inspiration for many efforts and movements toward equality and justice ever since.

Through the prophets, through the words of Scripture, in the words and persona and work of Jesus, we have been given an image, a vision, a dream of God's Kingdom of peace, love, mercy, and justice.

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Isaiah 11: 6-9

There is so much in our world, in our nation, and in our lives that can lead us to a place of despair, or fear, or frustration. Too often it seems that truth and goodness and rightness and justice just can't win. But we have been given this vision of a day, of a time, of a reality, of a kingdom in which truth and goodness and peace and love are the only reality. It is a vision and a dream that we are not told to just wait patiently for, however. We are invited and expected to begin to live into that vision, to live into that dream already, and even now. To do justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God. In our words, our actions, in our interactions and attitudes- in everything we do to live the vision, the dream we have been given. The world needs to see that there is something more, something different, something good and pure and right. They need to see the vision, the dream, we have. So, as we live out our lives in the now, holding the vision of the "one day" in our hearts, we are called to "tell them about the dream."

You are loved,

Pastor Cathie


This year, as a church family, we'll be focusing on how we can engage in our life of faith in new and fresh ways. One of the ways I encourage all of us to focus on our spiritual growth is to spend intentional and consistent time in God's Word. I'd like to invite you to join me this year in reading through the Bible- all of it!- in 2020. A helpful and refreshing way to read the Bible is chronologically- which in some cases will be in the way it is ordered in our Bibles, and in other cases will be a "little here, little there" order. To help us with this challenge, I'll put together a packet for each week with the readings that will move us chronologically through scripture at a pace that will get us through the- whole Bible in a year. I"ll post the packet on my Midweek Message and on the website each week. I'll also have a couple of hard copies available at the church. I'm excited about this challenge and hope you will join me!

The first three reading packets are below. You can attack them however works best for you- either a little each day, or big chunks on one or two days. However you prefer, set the goal of completing the first three packets by the end of January.
Let me know if you are joining the challenge!

May God bless unto us the reading of His Holy Word!

You can download the packets and reading lists below...

If you did not receive a star in worship on January 5, stop by Pastor Cathie's office to get one and find out what your star word will be to guide you into the new year...

If you have your star, spend this month learning and thinking about the word...
look up the definition, find Bible verses about it, find quotes that speak of it, poetry that imagines it, and so forth...

See where the Spirit leads you as you wonder, pray, think, and imagine on this word...

Support Our Youth Group!
The deadline for the FEBRUARY order is February 15 .
We are excited to roll out an easy way to help support our youth group as they prepare to attend the Montreat Youth Conference and the Inter-generational Mission Trip this summer!

Through our partnership with SCRIP, church members, family members, and friends can purchase gift cards from over 750 different stores, online retailers, hotels, movie theaters, restaurants, cruise lines and more.

Each gift card is purchased at face value, but a percentage of the amount comes back to the youth group from the company. So for example, say you buy a $25 gift card to Eat n' Park. You pay $25, you get a $25 gift card, and the youth group receives $2.25.

You can get gift cards to use for your weekly and regular shopping and use them instead of cash or debit card. For example, if you bought $150 in gift cards from Giant Eagle and used it for your groceries and gas for the week, the youth group would receive $6. Or you can get cards to give as gifts or for your vacations or date nights or all kinds of special occasions- even your trip to Disney!

Here's all you need to do...

  • If you prefer to do your shopping for cards online: Go to shopwithscrip.com and create an account. You'll need our enrollment code (5911E89D65629). You will be asked child's name and group- you can ignore these questions unless you are a parent of one of our youth group members. . Once you are enrolled, your account will be verified and ready to begin ordering. If you go to shopwithscrip.com on your phone, you will receive a prompt that allows you to place a link on your home screen like an app for quick access and ordering.

  • If you prefer to fill out a paper order and let us order the cards for you: Get an order form from the church office, fill it out and return it to the office.

A group order will be placed by the 20th of each month combining all online and paper orders received by the 15th, and we'll have the cards in the office ready for up just a few days later!

This is an exciting and so easy way that we can all help support our youth group! First orders are due October 15! Thank you for your support!
Sponsor a Hymnal (or a few)
Our new hymnals will soon be in use! You can help provide for these great new additions to our worship by sponsoring one or more hymnals in honor or in memory of someone who has been special in your life. Print the sponsorship form by clicking on the image to the left and return it to the church office.

A nameplate will be included in they hymnals you sponsor honoring those you honor with your donation. You can indicate how you would like the nameplate to be worded on the sponsorship form.

Did you miss a sermon?
Past sermons are now available to listen to on our website!!  
Recordings include music, prayers and other parts of the worship service, too!

This Week
at Bethel Presbyterian
Sunday, January 26
9:30 am Sunday School/Small Groups
10:30 am Worship and Ordination and Installation of Officers
11:30 am Fellowship Hour
12:00 pm Youth Group
2:30 pm Financial Peace Class

Tuesday, January 28
10:00 am Quilters Meeting
7:00 pm Deacons and Stephen Ministers Meeting

Thursday, January 30
6:30 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:45 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, February 2
9:30 am Sunday School/Small Groups
10:30 am Communion Sunday
10:30 am Worship
11:30 am Fellowship Hour and Souper Bowl of Caring
2:30 pm Financial Peace Class

Monday, February 3
1:00 pm Membership Committee Meeting
7:00 pm Planning Team Meeting

Tuesday, February 4
10:00 am Quilters Meeting
6:30 pm Committee Night
7:00 pm Supportive Services

Thursday, February 6
6:30 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:45 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Friday, February 7- Saturday, February 8
Youth Group - 30 Hour Famine

Sunday, February 9
9:30 am Sunday School/Small Groups
10:30 am Worship and Scout Sunday
11:30 am Fellowship Hour
2:30 pm Financial Peace Class
3:00 pm All Church Skating Party at South Park

Feb 2 Souper Bowl Sunday

Feb 7-8 30 Hour Famine

Feb 9 Skating Party

Feb 25 Pancake Dinner


21 Gladys Brown
24 Steve Kloc
25 Thomas Fetsick
27 Randy Burroughs
29 Noah Decker
29 Aaron Placke
31 Lana Kling
31 Mike Smith
31 Luke Stefancin


1  Christine Burford
2  Scott Lawrence          
5  Janet Ericson
5  Robert McKinley
7  Bonnie Opsal
9  Joan Sherbak
 11  Eleanor Coventry
11  Amy Placke
12  David Long
13  Bob Gales
14  John Miller
14  Veronica Walkuski
15  Craig Stefancin
17  Larry Jay
19  Brooke Cashman
20  Tanner Stroech
 25  Deborah May    
27  Chris Day
27  Patrick Quinlan   
27  Sean McGowan 
27  Joanne Wells        
28  Angus MacDonald 
28  Lisa Wilfong   
28 Jessica Sasso

412-835-0405    www.bethelpresby.org