Weekly Newsletter
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Mar 9 - 15, 2020
MONDAY, MAR 9 - Day of Miracles Monlam Chenmo


Upcoming Calendar Items
This merit-making day concludes the Prayer Festival
12:00 pm Group reading of Golden Light Sutra
12:30 pm (immediately after sutra reading) Medicine Buddha Puja

Registration open!
Light of the Path Retreat 2020 is the sixth in a series of teaching retreats led by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Black Mountain, North Carolina, USA, and hosted by Kadampa Center.
Find out what it means to take refuge in the Three Jewels and the essential practices of refuge. Learn about the advantage of taking lay vows and their role in enhancing our spiritual growth.
When: Mondays, March 2-30
Meditation 101 is an introductory course on basic Buddhist meditation techniques for complete beginners, and includes Buddhist meditations that can be used by anyone to create more peace and happiness in daily life. Presented in five sessions.
The class is led by  Jill Marie.
Registration requested
WHEN: Tuesdays, March 17 - April 14
Geshe Gelek advises that beyond study, we need meditation and thoughtful engagement in the text in order to have realizations. 
In these practice sessions, we will combine these preliminary practices, with additional prayer and meditation on selected lamrim texts.
When:  Wednesdays 7- 8:30 pm
Meditation 101 is an introductory course on basic Buddhist meditation techniques for complete beginners, and includes Buddhist meditations that can be used by anyone to create more peace and happiness in daily life. Presented in five sessions.
The class is led by  Andre Smith.
Registration requested
WHEN: Thursdays, March 19 - April 1
Practices to offer
Enter your 2020 Mandala Offering Pledge count here! We'll offer them all to Geshe-la at the end of the year. We have 1,431 as of today!
Message from the Board of Directors about Covid-19
Dear Kadampa Center Community,

There is so much information, misinformation, disinformation... and fear... regarding Covid-19.

"We have an opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene and limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society. Let's meet this challenge together in the best spirit of compassion for others, patience, and above all, an unfailing effort to seek truth, facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture, speculation and catastrophizing."

Please remember to practice effective...
Merit Makers & Side Notes
Thanks go out this week to David Strevel, Cary Brief and Paul Krebs who worked hard repairing current leaks in our roof as well as preventative maintenance. They also replaced the stained ceiling tiles for a fresh new look. It takes many hands to keep our wonderful Center well maintained and we appreciate the labor and time involved from our marvelous volunteers. Thanks guys!
We are all dealing with fear on a level not faced before with the news of Covid-19. Everyone has advice and is sharing information. Thought a quote might be just enough information for today.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~ Nelson Mandela
Family Program
Winter Session - "How We Relate to Others"
Sunday morning classes begin at 10:30
Our Sunday Program is a vibrant mix of drop-off and family programming. Much of our curriculum content is based on the 16 Guidelines .

We have kicked off our winter session of the kid's classes at Kadampa. As we develop our schedule, we want to share what we are up to and hope you can help us plan for things like spring break. Please take a couple minutes to answer these 3 questions .
Outreach Events
Two events coming up this spring:

Environmental Justice: Meeting the Needs of People Disproportionately Impacted by Climate Change - Tues, March 24, 7:00-9:00 pm

Habitat for Humanity - Sat, April 18
Social Opportunities
Would you like to meet other Kadampa Center friends to share a hobby or interest in a small group setting?
The hospitality team has expanded our social activities to include small groups with common themes, hobbies, interests or lifestyle.
Groups will meet informally and as often as you like.
Quick Connections
Tune to 90.3 FM when listening to teachings live in the Gompa
Amazon Smile
Interested in supporting the teachings,
programs and events at Kadampa Center?
Know someone else that would be
interested in Kadampa Center?
Kadampa Center is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation
of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) in the lineage of
His Holiness the Dalai Lama