July 2022 Issue
Your monthly BFF news & updates
In this issue: Upcoming Events- Podcast- New Location- Summer Book Study- Prayer and Praise
Upcoming Events
Summer Book Study
Zoom and in person
June 8th – July 13th.
6:30 – 7:45 pm

Annual Family Picnic
Saturday July 9th 
Rio Vista Park 11-1 Fun for everyone

Welcome Back to BFF!
Friday, August 5th
Back to BFF Party!

Check out BFF's weekly podcast on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!

We're Moving! Whhhaaatt!? YES, WE ARE!
“When I heard we were moving BFF to Christ Church on 18th Ave, and Camelback I was ecstatic. While working in that area as a substance abuse counselor and an advocate for people experiencing homelessness, I have grown to love that community. There is such a need for Jesus and BFF in that area! That being said I can’t wait to see the new thing the Lord is going to do with BFF”! – Jennifer Moran
The Harvest is Ready! And so are WE! Since the inception of BFF in August of 2014, First Christian Church has graciously hosted BFF 325 Friday Nights! WOW…Now, going into our 8th year, we felt God was calling us to something more. Of course, we had no idea of what that something more was, but we knew He was beckoning us.
After attending Christ Church Central Phoenix, I knew in my heart, this was the place God would choose. I have attended Christ Church now for over 1 ½ years, and after much prayer and many conversations, Christ Church has extended the invitation to host BFF and we have excitedly accepted.
Our new location is closer to the transitional homes we work with and closer to most of those who come on Friday nights. It is also right off the Light Rail which is also very exciting.
This area is also a little more “interesting”. 😊 And that excites us all! The Harvest is waiting, and we are willing & prepared to go and be used by our God to help bring this Harvest home!
After 7 years of being refined by God, He has chosen us for such a time as this.
I hope you will join us in this celebration, and that you will pray for us, come, and join us, volunteer with us, and check out our new home.
Our opening date is Friday August 5th. Doors open at 5:30 with a meal and our worship & meeting start 6:15. God is on the move! And we are thrilled to be moving with Him! ALL ARE WELCOME!

What a mighty God we serve! Christ Church...
Here We Come!!!

Change for all seasons, even SUMMER!
Yes, a book study CAN change your life. And we have a couple of testimonies from ladies who realize that in this recent study by Erica Wiggenhorn.

Holly A: "I am really enjoying the Bible study of the book letting God be enough. It has already opened my eyes to see where I am lacking in my relationship with God. I know I believe God can do anything, however, what I realized is that I don't necessarily trust Him to do the things I know He is capable of doing. I'm also enjoying being connected to my BFF sisters this summer. It's great to stay connected with them even if it through Zoom."

Amanda H: God really has perfect timing! The book “Letting God Be Enough” by Erica Wiggenhorn has been the perfect blessing at this time of my life. It is easy to read and goes through all the ups and downs you encounter when you are dedicating yourself to the Lord. Meeting every Wednesday night to share about the book in the summer Bible study has been an amazing experience. I think the best part though, is hearing all the woman speak about God and share their experience while reading the book as well. We are all in different walks of life, at different times but every subject and chapter is relatable and really helps you become more centered on God and in deeper relationship with Him!
Prayer and Praises!
We praise God for the love we have received and continue to receive from First Christian Church. They have been so gracious to us even in our move. We will continue to office there which we are all super grateful for.
Please pray for our upcoming move to Christ Church Central Phoenix. There will be new challenge as we integrate all of our moving pieces and there are many. Yet we trust God to provide as we faithfully obey & serve Him.

Please pray for our move and for volunteers! We need you! Just reply to this email and lets chat. We have many opportunities!
Please pray for the Harvest that awaits us that we will be found worthy by God of all the precious souls He sends our way.

Please pray for those struggling with illness and chronic issues. We ask the Lord for relief and healing. 
Please pray for the addict, the homeless who are homeless not by choice and those struggling with mental health issues.
Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.