Before Sunday
Friday, October 8 and Saturday, October 9
Be the Healing
This two day virtual workshop has objectives that include: understanding how the structural inequalities beginning with the period of enslavement continue to impact African Americans and their communities today; analyze relevant concepts of the Relationship Approach and the Philosophical Aspect of cultural difference as a basis for understanding the behaviors of African American individuals and families within their social/cultural environments; and understand the role that social learning theory and learned helplessness has played in America.

Dr. DeGruy’s research focuses on the intersection of racism, trauma, violence and American chattel slavery. She has over thirty years of practical experience as a professional in the field of social work. She conducts workshops/trainings in the areas of intergenerational/historical trauma, mental health and social justice.
There is a fee associated with this Conference. PUCC would like to help pay for this – just ask.
Saturday, October 9 - any time that works well for you
Take a walk on what my weather app says will be a gorgeous fall day.
Enjoy the cooler temps and notice the way things are changing.
What is changing in you?
Worship with us this Sunday!
Worship In-Person in the Sanctuary or on Facebook Live… or later on YouTube

Our scriptures are Psalm 31:1-5, 9-17a (how God and others treat us) and Mark 10:17-31 where the man with many possessions went away grieving when Jesus told him that it wasn’t enough to just follow the ten commandments, but he also needed to share his money and possessions with those in need. What have you done lately and what are you planning to do next to serve those in need?

This is also a New Member Sunday.
This link lists bulletin posts, with the top one as the most recent.
Livestream worship on Sundays. Look under videos for previous livestreamed services.
All our worship service videos in one place!
All Mid~Week Meditations that have been recorded on YouTube.
Sunday School Live and via Zoom
Sunday School for children through 5th grade:

Meeting ID: 383 733 977
Password: 819680
Sunday School for Youth/Teens each week:

Meeting ID: 815 6130 3581
Password: 702228
Sunday, October 10 | 11:15am
Heritage Room and on Youtube:
The Twists and Turns of the Law of Divorce in Missouri [pt 1]by Judge Tom Frawley. Divorce is the death of a dream you thought was going to last. If you have some insights into the law and the process, you may be more helpful and effective in offering care and empathy to someone going through divorce. 
Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue October 19
1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 1:45 Fellowship | 2:00pm book discussion| via ZOOM
We continue the book, The Beekeeper of Aleppo, a novel by Christy Lefteri. It is a story about the refugee experience, full of hope and very timely as we welcome immigrants into our city and nation. We will meet and discuss on October 5th, 19th, and November 2nd. Each meeting will cover about 100 pages, first through page 100, next pages 101-206, and lastly page 207 until the end. Fellowship starts at 1:45, and book discussion starts at 2.
Join by phone: 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 836 7061 7428 Passcode: 480007
Tuesday Evening Dialogue October 12
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:45pm social time | 7:00pm Book discussion | via Zoom
Jesus and John Wayne has been reviewed as a sweeping, revisionist history of the last seventy-five years of white evangelicalism, revealing how evangelicals have worked to replace the Jesus of the Gospels with an idol of rugged masculinity and Christian nationalism. A reexamination of perhaps the most influential subculture in this country, this author discusses how far from adhering to biblical principles, modern white evangelicals have remade their faith, with enduring consequences for all Americans.
Meeting ID: 861 7230 0024
(312) 626 6799 US
Passcode: BookClub
Outdoor Halloween Adventure
Sunday, October 24, 5:00-6:00pm
Travel around Parkway United Church grounds to meet masked Superheroes that will tell you their stories. Families stay together, physically distanced and also wearing masks. Candy will be dropped into the children's bags with tongs. Costumes are welcome! Come and enjoy a Halloween Outside Adventure! 
Loving our Neighbors at Thanksgiving
We look forward to sharing Thanksgiving with loved ones near and far.
We will provide 200 1-pound bags/boxes of sugar for Isaiah 58 families. Please consider donating one or two or more bags/boxes through 7 November. Place your sugar in the marked box in the church entryway.
Circle of Concern is also gearing up for their big Thanksgiving Basket Program for 700 families. Just like last year, we are committing to supplying 150 boxes of food items that will go alongside a turkey, frozen pie, fresh fruit, vegetables and a gift card from Aldi's. It would be helpful if your donation contained all eight items for the box, but all donations are appreciated.
Items in each box: canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, canned fruit, chicken broth, boxed stuffing mix, jar of turkey or chicken gravy, cornbread muffin mix, boxed mashed potatoes.
Many thanks for your kindness and generosity!
Prayer List Updates
Family and friends of Carol Aston - grieving and giving thanks.
Visitation - Friday, October 8th, 4-8pm at Schrader Funeral Home;
Memorial Service - Saturday, October 9th, 10am here at church;
Interment - Immediately at St. John UCC Cemetery, Manchester.
Marsha and David Peek - as her mother died last weekend; plans TBA
Mike and Lisa Mason - as they celebrate the life of Mike’s father…
Jim and Polly Winkelmann - healing for her spinal stress fracture and his shoulder after surgery…. Jim is at Ascension Living Sherbrooke Village for now – in the Lodge #310…
4005 Ripa Ave, St. Louis, MO 63125.
Dan & Kim, Ben/Henry/Davis Weas - Dan’s cancer treatment. 
Mona Herberg -kidney stone/stent removal, then plan to treat cancer.
Pat & Janet - his cancer diagnosis; radiation/chemo (Skip Larson’s son-in-law).
John Pavlovitz – recovering from surgery to remove a brain tumor.
All impacted by Covid-19 - individuals, families, healthcare workers; If anyone needs support or if anyone vaccinated would like to be on the Care Team, please reach out to [email protected]
St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending October 10 - St. Paul UCC (Giles), St. Louis;
Week ending October 17 -  Emmaus Homes;

Listen and/or look as long as you want to this: Enchanting Autumn Forests with Beautiful Piano Music - Autumn Ambience & Fall Foliage

To show compassion for an individual without showing concern for the structures of society that make him an object of compassion is to be sentimental rather than loving. ~William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
Because she was out standing in her field.
October Alzheimer's News
The link between gum disease and Alzheimer's

PUCC Mental Health Training - Bridges to Care

In honor and memory of Tyler Wessel and Gloria Wandless, we have applied to participate in some mental health training with other churches in St Louis. The program is called Bridges to Care and Recovery hosted by The Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis. The goals of the training are to reduce the stigma of mental illness in faith-based communities by equipping congregations to talk about behavioral healthy issues and increasing congregation participants' understanding and acceptance of behavioral health through training and education; establish partnerships between area mental health professionals that enable congregations to better access care and treatment; and equip congregations with tools needed to develop wellness ministries and volunteer companions for long-term sustainability.

We are looking for 5-7 PUCCers who would commit to this free training.
This training is all virtual and runs from October - May... most months it is from 6-8pm on the third Thursday of the month beginning on October 21.
If you would like to know more about this important opportunity/responsibility, please reach out to [email protected]

The Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis is a collaborative effort of providers, advocacy organizations, government leaders and community members dedicated to developing an accessible and coordinated system of behavioral healthcare throughout the eastern region of Missouri.
Crop Walk 2021
Sunday, October 24
4:30 check in | 5:00pm walk Eden Seminary: 475 E Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves MO 63119
Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Saturday, October 23
10:00am The Enterprise Center

Habitat Work Day 11/20
Welcoming Afghans to St. Louis 
We appreciate your submissions of jokes, quotes, photos, videos, weekly opportunities, Mid~Week Meditation ideas, scriptures that are important to you, hymn/song suggestions, poetry, etc. We would love to hear from you [email protected]
Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.
Please post a picture of you/yours on our social media:
(314) 872 9330 [email protected]
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Monday.