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June 2022



"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1

Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen
your faith and connect with the community.

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A Letter From Rev. Leslie Latham, Moderator of the Synod of the Northeast

On Saturday, May 14, I was driving through the Adirondack mountains, listening to music, eager to arrive at my sister’s house. Another sister called me, frantic, asking if I was safe. Because I live in Buffalo.

I had been in my city earlier that day, rallying with 1,000 women and men seeking equity and justice for all human beings. But suddenly, my city became another gruesome statistic: yet another site of a mass shooting, carried out by a young man apparently motivated by grotesque racist hatred, and with a legally obtained assault weapon. He drove many miles to carry out his violence, targeting a supermarket in a Black neighborhood, at a very busy time.

Obviously, Buffalo isn’t the first city targeted by hate-filled people with high-powered weapons. Alas, as much as NYS Gov. Hochul wanted my city to be the last, in the last two weeks there were more attacks, including one in a PCUSA church in Orange County, California, and another in Houston. And now, Uvalde is scorched into our memories for a horrific attack on an elementary school.

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The Synod has compiled a Gun Violence Prevention Toolkit. Please take a few moments to look over these resources and share them with your community.


Mission and Ministries Commission Actions 

April 30-May 1

The synod honored the life of Rev. Dr. Harold Delhagen. His memorial service was on the second day of the commission meeting and was attended by several commission members. Rev. Stephen Park Choi, Synod Moderator-Elect, attended on behalf of the Synod. 

Elder Mark Bennett was introduced as the Synod’s new part-time Communication Specialist. He described his mission as helping those who have a strong and good message to tell their story, making it as inviting as possible. 

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Upcoming Events

June 18- July 9, 2022

225th General Assembly

July 19, 2022

Equipping Your Mission w/Legacy 

September 16-17

Synod Mission & Ministries Commission

October 20-22

Synod Assembly

View All Events

Around the Synod

Check out the latest events & job postings from ministries across the Synod.


The Synod Introduces Presbytery Support Grants

Recognizing that financial hardships have greatly affected some presbyteries and they are not able to adequately support congregations and pastors, the Synod Commission on April 30, 2022, voted to designate 200k from the budget for the next three years to provide needs-based support grants.

The purpose of the grant is to provide financial assistance to help fulfill Presbytery’s vision for mission and ministry. The grant amounts range from $20,000 - $40,000 and are renewable annually for up to two additional years.

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Professional Coach Certification - Synod of the Northeast

Do you wish you had a way to get your congregation unstuck?

Are you searching for some methods to help motivate and engage people in the ministry?

Do you dream of being able to help people connect with their potential?

Then becoming a professional coach may be a great next step for you!

The Synod Coaching Network is partnering with Loaves & Fishes Coach Training to offer a virtual 60-hour training as a path to certification as a professional coach.

November 14-16, 2022

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Eary Ministry Institute 2022


Rev. Kyle Anderson

Ministry is hard. Yes, for those called to it, Ministry is certainly life-giving. It’s truly a joy and an honor to be invited to share in the lives of those who find their way into our congregations and whom God places on our path; often in very meaningful ways.

It’s a gift and a privilege to step into the pulpit and proclaim the good news of God’s love and welcome to a world so in need of both love and welcome. But, if we’re being honest, Ministry is hard. Ministry can be isolating and lonely. Imposter syndrome is real. And it doesn’t take very long to realize how much we didn’t learn in seminary.


That’s why I’m so grateful for my experience at the Early Ministry Institute.

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Presbyterian Historical Society: Recording Black History

Through the African American Leaders and Congregations Initiative, The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) is requesting your help in documenting the Black individuals that live, work, and witness in our denomination.

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Synod Assembly

Oct. 21-22, 2022

Synod Assembly is scheduled this year for October 21st and 22nd in person at the Desmond Hotel in Albany NY. The October 20th pre-assembly event will also take place at the Desmond. The topic is our PCUSA Matthew 25 Initiative with breakouts on Dismantling Structural Racism, Eradicating Systemic Poverty, and Revitalizing Congregations.

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Comings and Goings: Transitions of Leadership Around the Synod

We say goodbye with grateful thanks to the following people who have left and are leaving their mid council leader roles. 


CRE Pieter Visscher retired as Stated Clerk of Northern New York but has been commissioned by the presbytery to serve as the Boy Scouts Chaplain. 


Rev. Sue Smith has retired from her position as Acting Stated Clerk of Coastlands.  She is now freer to pursue her passions around fossil fuel divestment and greening our environment. 


Elder Bill Henderson left his transitional position as General Presbyter in Albany Presbytery. He will continue to provide leadership to his home congregation Brunswick Presbyterian Church in retirement.   


Rev. Candace Provey is leaving to relocate to California with her family.  Her time as Presbytery Leader of Northern New England was short but much appreciated.   


Rev. Dee Cooper who has served as Gap Presbyter of Coastlands Presbytery leaves on June 30th to become the next Presbytery Leader of Denver Presbytery.  As with Candace, her time has been short but much appreciated.   


Rev. Dr. Robert Foltz-Morrison will retire as the Presbytery of New York City Executive Presbyter on July 31st. 


At the same time, we welcome two new mid-council leaders to our Synod and wish them well in their new journey


Rev. Marjorie Ackerman recently became the Geneva Presbytery Leader.  Previously she served as Presbytery Leader of Northern Plains in North Dakota.  


Elder Robert Trawick from Hudson River has just become Presbytery Leader of the Albany Presbytery having left many years as a professor.   


Rev. David Torrey is now the Gap Stated Clerk of Coastlands Presbytery while the newly elected Stated Clerk Search Committee begins it work to identify the next called Presbytery Stated Clerk.  

Columbia Theological Seminary Names Eleventh President


Columbia Theological Seminary’s presidential search committee and board of trustees are pleased to announce Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo will become Columbia’s 11th president effective August 1, 2022.

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Synod Communications Survey

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Tell Us What You Think !
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After 30 years of service to the Synod, 14 of them as treasurer, Elder Alan Ford has retired. He served as treasurer of the Synod from 2006 to 2012 and from 2014 to 2022.

First-Call Candidates and Other Denominations

Mid Council Ministries staff have been receiving an increasing number of inquiries from individuals, pastor nominating committees, and mid councils about the possibility of candidates for ministry in other denominations receiving first calls to PC(USA) congregations and being ordained to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament, either by their church of preparation or by a PC(USA) presbytery

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Let the Summer Begin!

Sign Up For Additional Communications From The Synod

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