Covenant Connections:
Toilet paper and speaking the truth in love

Disagreements happen all the time:
  • Whose turn is it to take out the trash?
  • What movie do you want to watch?
  • Classic rock, smooth jazz, or country?
  • Toilet paper over or under?

Whenever people get together, there are different opinions, disagreements. In our world today there are many divisive issues, with much greater significance than how toilet paper is hung.

Sometimes we handle these situations well, sometimes we don't.
Our "Seeking the Common Good: The Issues That Divide Us" series continues through February 16, with the hope of us all learning more about the issues, appreciating the different perspectives, and finding ways to work together (without sacrificing our principles) for the common good.

The Bible gives us guidance in times of disagreement, helping us to remember that we are in this together and we are called to a life of purpose:
  • “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” (1Cor. 12:7)
  • “For we are what God has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Eph. 2:10) 
  • “I will bless you . . . so that you will be a blessing. (Gen. 12:2)
  • “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
  • “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.” (1John 3:7)
  • “Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” (Matt. 6:34)
  • Speak the truth in love. (Eph. 4:15)
Several of these verses are part of a wonderful resource from the Presbyterian Church USA: Seeking to Be Faithful Together: Guidelines for Presbyterians in Times of Disagreement.

"Speak the truth in love" is on my mind and heart a lot lately. Dealing with divisive issues (politics, families, whatever) doesn't mean that we stay silent to make peace.

In the face of injustice or evil, we are called to be God's instruments and we should not remain silent. We need to be both humble and courageous, so we listen, learn, and speak--but in love. May God help us.

On the journey together,

PS--Last Sunday, the focus was abortion. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has done a great deal of reflection and Bible study on the topic. Amid the varying Presbyterian perspectives on abortion, there are several key areas of substantial agreement , several of which I included in the sermon. You can read those areas and more on the PCUSA website here: Presbyterian Reflection on Abortion . And you can read or listen to Covenant sermons here:
We are called to be the good in the world. On the cross outside the sanctuary, you can read about good deeds. Add one yourself--something you did, or something that someone else did.
Lent is not far off; Ash Wednesday is February 26. (Didn’t we just get through Christmas?). We will be encouraging everyone to read through the Gospel of Matthew through the Lenten season. To help everyone deepen their reflections on the Gospel, we are publishing a devotional written by friends and members of the congregation. 
We invite you to sign up to help write a devotional! Sign up on the bulletin board outside of the Sanctuary or online through SignUpGenius. Your contribution to this project is important. Even if you’ve never written one before, or if you don’t feel that you know enough about the Bible, this is a great opportunity to share something uniquely yours with your church family!
Click on the Matthew Bible image for more info and to sign-up.
We are collecting non-perishable, shelf-stable foods to support food pantries located in Madison School District schools.

We have collected a lot of food already--thank you! But there is still time to bring in more, and sadly there are many hungry people in Madison.
Not only are we collecting food, but there's a PACKING AND SORTING PARTY ON JANUARY 30 FROM 6:30-9:00 AT CHEROKEE MIDDLE SCHOOL! Click on the image above for a Signupgenius if you are interested in volunteering or sign up at the collection table in the church's gathering space on Sunday morning! Children as young as six are welcome to participate. There is no maximum age!
Sunday, Jan 19, at 10:00
The Genesis
of Exodus
Using engaging personal stories and Latinx commentators, this well-crafted film offers insightful perspectives on the reasons why people from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras risk their lives to come to the United States. It goes beyond the headlines to make history and current events personal. Viewing and discussing the film will provide context for Pastor Charlie’s sermon on the divisive issue of immigration scheduled for February 2.
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Learn, practice, and apply the following skills that can help with navigating difficult conversations around issues that divide us:
  • The importance of setting an intention for a conversation, and how our conflict management style guides the intention that underlies our conversations
  • How to calm reactive emotions and be more present and responsive in difficult conversations
  • The art of using self-empathy, empathic listening, and empathic expression in the context of difficult conversations
Led by Judy Von Bergen and Linda Nylund
Sunday, Jan. 26
Rev Deanna Hollas
Preaching at 9:00 & 11:00
Teaching at 10:00

"Gun Violence:
What Can We Do"
Deanna is the Pastor of Gun Violence Prevention for the Presbyterian Church USA. Click on her photo to read a New York Times interview with her. To read a PCUSA article, click here: PCUSA Minister of Gun Violence Prevention. Her visit is paid for by funds given in memory of Rev Bill King, who served Covenant from 1978 through 1998.
Sunday Worship
9:00 New Day Contemporary
11:00 Traditional
Sunday, January January 19
Sermon: RACE
Texts: Genesis 1:26-31
Preaching: Jeff Fox-Kline
New Day Band at 9:00
Chancel Choir at 11:00
New officers at 11:00
Sunday, January 26
Texts:Isaiah 2:2-4
Luke 6:27-36
Preaching: Deanna Hollas
New Day Band at 9:00
Chancel Choir at 11:00