April 2020
Waterville UMC News
Dear Church Family,
God’s peace be with you.
During the days, weeks and months ahead we will be dealing with the Covid-19 virus. The question I encourage all of us to ask ourselves is this: am I going to turn everything over to God? All my fears, anxieties, doubts and worry. In other words, do you believe that God is with you at this time? It is in moments like these that believers and unbelievers alike are looking for hope in the midst of the uncontrollable circumstances we are in.
So, how do we find God’s peace? That is, peace beyond understanding. Finding this divine peace starts with us putting our faith and trust in God through Jesus, the Savior of the world. Living by faith and trust in God is much more than simply believing that God exists and Jesus is God’s son.
Living by faith requires action. One action is to stay in communion with God through prayer and reading and studying God’s word. By staying in communion with God we are able to demonstrate to everyone around us the quiet peace that comes when God is with us. Another action is allowing the perfect love of God to set us free from fear and anxiety. In I John 4 we read that fear is thrown out and replaced by the perfect love of God.
The apostle Paul suffered a great deal at the hands of those who wanted to silence him. He was beaten, stoned and imprisoned. Yet, as a result of a dramatic conversion when God confronted Saul on the road to Damascus, Saul was transformed. God forgave Saul of all the persecution of the early believers and even changed his name to Paul. Paul, from this point forward, could not be intimidated by any circumstance he faced.
Paul discovered that there is nothing in this world to fear when we are in relationship with God. At one point Paul shared that he was threatened with death. Yet, he declared that he had a dilemma. Paul knew if he died he would be with God and that would be better than anything else. He also was convinced that God had more work for him to accomplish. Paul’s response was simple. Go ahead and do whatever you are going to do to me so that I can get back to serving God.
It looks like we will not be celebrating Easter together on April 12. Yet, the very message of Easter is new life through the resurrection of Jesus. This new life has no place for fear but of power. The same power of the Holy Spirit Jesus demonstrated even to the resurrection from the dead.
Are you willing to face this crisis with the same faith in God as Paul did? Put your faith in God and live in the freedom that comes when the fear of death is gone and living in the presence of God becomes our norm.
May God bless you with ever increasing hope and trust knowing that God is with you.
Pastor Mike
April Sunday Worship Opportunities:
8:00am Pastor’s Message on web, FB, Twitter & eBLAST
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School Parking Lot
We hope to provide more opportunities. Watch for details via web, Facebook, Twitter and eBLAST. Be sure and share with others these opportunities.
Sharing the Message
In these changing times, we are all communicating in different ways. Remember to share with your family, friends, & neighbors the blessed ways we are sharing the Lord's love at
Waterville UMC
through the weekly Pastor's message, Park & Pray, personal phone calls & cards, eBlasts, Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, and more!
We have included
Better Families
and our
Home Touch
in this newsletter. Click on the buttons to open, enjoy and share."
Waterville United Methodist Church invites everyone to a Park and Pray at Anthony Wayne High School parking lot each Sunday at 11 am.
We stay in our cars and maintain social distancing. A prayer paper is provided via e-mail or at the event. We pray for approximately 15 minutes and then remain as long as you feel led.
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
Financial Documents:
As a reminder, beginning in April our primary method for sending financial update letters and Quarterly Giving Statements will be by email whenever possible and by US Mail only when necessary. This decision was based on our continuing efforts to increase efficiencies and reduce administrative costs. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.
Quarterly Statements:
Your 1
Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, April 4th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be available for your pick up on Sunday, April 5th on the shelf outside the Church Office.
Direct Deposit:
Participating in our Direct Deposit program may be a convenient way for you to make your regular contributions for General Fund, Capital Fund, Missions, etc. Funds are automatically transferred from your financial institution and deposited into the WUMC bank account. Payments can be made bi-monthly or monthly. Program information is available on our website (form not available on-line for security reasons). That same information and the authorization form can be obtained by contacting Tom Wiggins, Financial Secretary, at financialsec@watervilleumc.org or cell 419-304-2254.
Giving Envelopes:
We appreciate your using your numbered envelopes for your contributions, as it not only helps the counters as they process the weekly offering but also improves the accuracy of your giving records. This especially true if the total amount is split, for example General Fund & Capital Campaign.
Please contact Tom Wiggins,
if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.
“Money is an excellent gift of God answering the noblest of ends”
John Wesley
Thank you, Leanne!
Leanne has served in our office for the past 3 years. She is leaving on a new journey. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents & love for the Lord with us. We wish you & your family all of God’s blessings as you go forward in your walk with the Lord.
Youth Mission Trip
This summer's
Youth Mission Trip
is scheduled to take place on
June 14-19
, and marks the 15th trip with
Group Mission Trips
and the second one to
. There are 24 youth attending and 5 adult leaders, who will be joined with about 75 other youth from around the country to serve the city of Nashville and its surrounding communities. They will divide into groups to work at a variety of different organizations during the day, such as summer programs for kids, thrift stores/food pantries, nursing homes, outdoor yard work, etc. In the evenings, the kids get a few hours of free time and also participate in evening worship services and devotional activities with their youth groups.
If you wish to support this Mission, you may mail a donation to the church or drop it off in the mail slot by the church entrance. Please make sure to note in the memo or on the envelope the word "Missions" so it is applied correctly.
Operation Christmas Child
This year's theme for the Operation Christmas Child is
just one more
. How many times a week do you say "just one more"? Please click on the button below to read just alittle more about..."just one more..."
Collection Items for April
Toothbrushes, floss, hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, stick deodorant, soap (in a plastic bag), washcloths, chap stick, Q-tips, Bandaids, nail clippers, emory boards.
April PRAYER FOCUS - Spiritual and Religious Belief
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
April’s Theme:
Spiritual and Religious Belief
Weekly Topics: Six Topics of Spirituality
April 5:
1.) A Belief in a Personal Relationship with God
2.) A Connection and Relationship with Others
April 12
3.) Spiritual Journey, Guide or Struggle
4.) Spiritual Essence of Self
April 19
5.) Spirituality Expressed in Actions
6.) Integral Spirituality
April 26
What is Spirituality and What is the Difference Between Spirituality and Religion?
is recognizing and celebrating that we are all intimately connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.
Practicing Spirituality
brings a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives. Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. (i.e., Christian, Islamic, Buddhism or the Hindi religions)
occurs and exists within. It's an experience that one harbors inside their individual soul and mind. On the other hand,
exists within the masses. You join others in one set of beliefs to practice and worship a higher being and holy books that exist outside of yourself.
is a solitary experience of the divine, while
involves a group of people brought together by their common faith or beliefs about the divine.
Praise you Lord, God, Creator, help us to become strong spiritual beings. Help us to understand that you created us in your image by placing the Holy Spirit within us. Help to recognize the holy Spirit within us and to draw upon it so we can be good Christians and be more like you. Help us to love you completely and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Help us to become good servants and bear good fruit. Give us your peace. All glory, honor and power be to your name through your son Jesus Christ, Amen.
Theatre for the World and WUMC's presentation of
A Little Piece of Heaven
had to be postponed.
We thank everyone who helped with this process, including putting up the set and then taking it down! We will be back and when we are it will be a blessing to all.
Watch for a date for the Youth Fundraiser dinner when A
Little Piece of Heaven
is rescheduled.
Church Office
Part Time Church Secretary
The Waterville United Methodist Church is seeking a part-time church Secretary. The job qualifications include strong computer skills, must be proficient in MS Office Suite, proficient in working with social media (Facebook, Twitter), administrative secretarial duties (answering phones, scheduling appointments, greeting guests, etc.). A detailed job description is available by contacting Charlene Monroe. Interested applicants should email their resumes including reference list by March 30, 2020 to
or mail to Waterville United Methodist Church, c/o Charlene Monroe, 102 N. Fifth St., Waterville, OH 43566. The Waterville United Methodist Church is an EEO/M/F/D/V employer.
The Easter Flower order had to be cancelled; however, it is our hope when WUMC returns to worship at church, that we can grace the altar with seasonal flowers in memory of loved ones, in honor of loved ones and for the glory of the Lord! Watch for details in future communications.
Click on the picture to listen to
"It Was Finished On The Cross" by Regi Stone
May 2nd from 9 am to Noon
Outdoor spring cleaning for the church!
JULY 13-16
March 8.....103
March 15 ....Cancelled due to COVID-19
March 22.....On Web, FB, Twitter & eBLAST
March 29.....On Web, FB, Twitter & eBLAST
April Sunday Service Opportunities:
8:00am Pastor’s Message on web, FB, Twitter & eBLAST
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School Parking Lot
We hope to provide more opportunities. Watch for details via web, Facebook, Twitter and eBLAST. Be sure and share.
Brian Snyder April 2
Larry Sheridan April 3
Chris Kirby April 3
Jack Peel April 4
Dawn Buskey April 5
Jim Pease April 5
Betty Pingle April 5
April Snyder April 6
Brogan Eisel April 7
Joel Smith April 8
Owen Hildebrand April 10
Alexandra Meade April 10
Bob Spychalski April 14
Nicholas Martin April 16
Cheyenna Lipinski April 19
Craig Varner April 19
Bob Hires, Sr. April 19
Steve Crandall April 19
Taylor Buskey April 19
Mia Rose April 21
Nathan Schultz April 25
Kate Hildebrand April 27
Sarah Plassmann April 28
Megan Gregory April 28
Wyatt Studer April 30
Happy Birthday to you!
If you have an April Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
The church office is closed; but we are regularly checking voicemail & email. If you need to reach us please call 419-878-3645 and leave a voicemail or send us an email at
. If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor
Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 . We are here for you.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|
Email Us