
Open Gate Sangha supports the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti by making them available to all who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom.

Sun over ocean and beach



Meeting What Is

Welcome to the first newsletter in our NEW quarterly format! This issue features teachings, products, and downloads on the topic of Meeting What Is, and we are excited to announce the launch of AdyashantiA Revolution of Being 2020 ~ Revisited self-guided online retreat. 

Feet walking on beach by the ocean

Meeting the Moment

“To allow what we don’t like to be happening is not to condone it, but to take a step toward peace.”

Read Mukti’s Article
Man standing on beach at sunset

Joining with Life

“Our primary cause of suffering is that we think deep inside we’re going to win the argument with what is.”

Read Adya’s Article

Online Programs

A Revolution of Being 2020 ~ Revisited

Two-Month Self-Guided Retreat

We are excited to offer A Revolution of Being 2020 ~ Revisited. Whether or not you participated in this two-month retreat with Adyashanti before, this self-guided retreat is a chance to:

A Revolution of Being 2020 Revisited
  • Watch video sessions of Adyashanti transmitting his timeless teachings.
  • Gain insights and more deeply embody them in your everyday life.
  • Engage in exercises and meditations that will ground your spiritual practice.
  • Share with other participants how retreat impacts you through Impact Reports.
  • Go at your own pace.

“For true transformation to occur within oneself, and within humanity as a whole, there must be an inner revolution. Such a revolution is not static; it’s alive, ongoing, and continuous. It requires an emptying out of the old structures of consciousness and the birth of a living and fluid intelligence.” ~ Adyashanti

Adya and Mukti Meditating

Sunday Community Practice

Sunday Community Practice is an ongoing program that focuses on spiritual practice and how it can be lived in daily life. If you would like to practice meditation on a consistent basis, along with others who are dedicated to making enlightened living a priority in their lives, please join us on Sunday mornings.

Try out a single session or join as a monthly subscriber. Each practice is two hours and includes a guided meditation and a talk. Mukti will be leading these twice-a-month practices while Adyashanti is on sabbatical.

Scholarships are available for monthly subscriptions.

  • June 5 &19 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
  • July 10 & 24 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
  • August 7 & 21 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT (Prerecorded)
  • September 4 & 18 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
Learn More & Sign Up
Broadcast with Mukti

Free Broadcasts with Mukti

  • Wed, Jun 8 ~ 6:00 pm PT Live
  • Wed, Jul 6 ~ 6:00 pm PT
  • Wed, Aug 3 ~ 6:00 pm PT*
  • Wed, Sep 14 ~ 6:00 pm PT Live

Go to Mukti’s Broadcast Page or YouTube to watch these broadcasts. Replays will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.

* Prerecorded

Go to Mukti’s Broadcast Page
Broadcast with Adya

Free Broadcasts with Adya

  • Wed, Jun 22 ~ 6:00 pm PT
  • Wed, Jul 20 ~ 6:00 pm PT
  • Wed, Aug 17 ~ 6:00 pm PT
  • Wed, Sep 28 ~ 6:00 pm PT

Go to Adya’s Broadcast page or YouTube to watch these broadcasts. Replays will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.

These broadcasts are prerecorded.

Go to Adya’s Broadcast Page

Enjoy Adyashanti Video & Audio Subscriptions!

YouTube Membership

YouTube Membership

Adyashanti Membership on YouTube allows us to make available a selection of full-length video teachings not previously accessible other than by purchasing them in our online store.

  • Two Full-Length Videos posted each month from Adyashanti’s archived collection of online broadcasts, retreat talks, and coursesavailable to watch for as long as you are a member.

  • Q&A Dialogues in which Adyashanti answers questions from audience members or broadcast viewers.

  • Videos of Audio Recordings that contain talks enhanced with beautiful visual imagery.

  • $4.99/month. Cancel any time.
Learn More & Subscribe
The Stream Audio Subscriptions

The Stream on

The Stream on is an easy way for you to select and listen to full-length streaming audio recordings of single talks or broadcasts by Adya for a full month, so that you can delve deeper into teachings of your choice.

  • Stream Eight Audio Recordings each month from Adya’s media area. (Access as often as you like in the same month.)

  • 50% Discount to Purchase the Download of any of your current monthly audio selections.

  • Selections expire each month but you can reselect them on following months if desired.

  • $15.00/month. Cancel any time.
Learn More & Subscribe

Featured Products


50% Off CDs and DVDs

We are offering an ongoing sale of our entire selection of DVDs and CDs at 50% off in both Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s stores. The CD and DVD formats of these products have been discontinued. While stock remains, consider getting them for yourself or others as gifts! 


My Secret Is Silence

Softcover Book, $13.00 $10.00 

In this collection of Adyashantis early poetic writings, heartful lively poetry is woven together with short teachings and “one-liners” culled from journals, dharma talks, and dialogues with students.

Mukti’s Store
Adya’s Store

Explore Allowing What Is


We have curated a collection of Adya’s and Mukti’s audio downloads and excerpts under their websites Teachings Subject, Allowing What Is. We hope that exploring these will help you meet what is unfolding in your own life. Find these below and on their Teachings pages. (These subjects and selections will change each quarter.)

Already Allowing ~ Free Download!

From Muktis May 14, 2013 Berkeley Meeting

Featured Audio Downloads


A Fresh Look at Surrender

From Muktis February 27, 2019 Online Broadcast

Inviting Openness

From Muktis November 3, 2015 Berkeley Meeting

The Essence of Surrender

From Muktis September 3, 2013 Berkeley Meeting

Mukti’s Downloads

The Cosmic Yes

From Adyas September 27, 2019 Grass Valley Meeting

Joining with Reality

From Adyas August 9, 2014 Copenhagen Intensive

Complete Letting Go ~ Classic

From Adyas July 7, 2011 Santa Cruz Meeting (Discounted Price)

Adya’s Downloads

Complimentary Audio Downloads


The Pathfinder’s Koan

“Do I trust the way life is seemingly unfolding, or do I trust my internal compass and make my own path?” Mukti explores these two different pathways.

Mukti’s Download

What Is It to Allow What Is?

In this powerful talk, Adyashanti opens the door to the clarity, sacredness, and freedom of “what is” and conveys the deeper possibility of experiencing life directly.

Adya’s Download

New Teaching Video Excerpts


Excerpts from Mukti

Mukti’s Teachings

Excerpts from Adya

Adya’s Teachings

Open Gate Sangha Announcements

Sanctuary: During these extraordinary times, we hope you will consider Open Gate Sangha a sanctuary—a place of rest, renewal, and replenishment of spirit, offering a universal ground where everybody is respected equally; a shared space where spirit can be fully present and accepted—where whatever is in your heart can be revealed.

Read our Antiracism Statement here: Antiracism, Inclusion, and Open Gate Sangha: What We Are For and What We Are Doing

Antiracism Statement

Donations: Thank you for considering a donation to Open Gate Sangha. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our mission is to make the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti available to all of those who feel drawn to this expression of Truth. The money that is received by our organization goes directly to our mission, and no one individual profits from the money that we charge for our products and services or from donations that we receive. 

We offer a recurring monthly donation service for your convenience.

Donate to Open Gate Sangha

Join Us for a Peace Meditation

Self-Guided Meditation

Monday, June 6, 2022

9:00–9:30 am Pacific Time

Let’s join to meditate, each in our own place and also together in a 30-minute self-guided meditation. Let the power of our shared intention reach out across the globe.


To facilitate your self-guided meditation, we have created a 30-minute video with a starting and ending bell. Just start it when you are ready!

Go to Meditation Bell Video

The Community News pages of our website include our Press Page where you can discover projects that Adyashanti and Mukti are doing or have participated in outside of Open Gate Sangha, such as interviews, talks, programs, podcasts, and articles. Also access our News & Offerings archive.

Gatherings: Adya’s and Mukti’s teachings are shared globally in Gatherings which meet in locations or online around the world. Search our database to find a group that meets in person at a location near you, or meets online via Zoom.

Adyashanti on Sabbatical: Adya is on Sabbatical through 2022. During this time, Mukti will be acting as head teacher for Open Gate Sangha. Watch Adya’s message.

In-Person Programs: When we feel ready to add an in-person program to the calendar, it will be announced via email and published on the calendar page of our website.

Our Teachers


Mukti, whose name is translated as “liberation,” is a teacher at Open Gate Sangha, in the lineage of Adyashanti. Her talks point audiences back to their natural state of wholeness or undivided consciousness. For teaching excerpts, audio downloads and CDs, qi gong videos, and a calendar of Mukti’s programs, visit her website.

If you are new to Mukti, we invite you to watch an inspiring full talk: Weaving Consciousness (1:23:25)

Go to Mukti’s Site

Adyashanti, author of The Direct Way, Sacred Inquiry, The Most Important Thing, and The Way of Liberation is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. 

New to Adyashanti? Here’s a complimentary download of his 53-page book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Go to Adya’s Site

About Unsubscribing or Forwarding Emails: If you click “Unsubscribe” at the end of any email from, you will not be able to receive any emails regarding either Adyashanti’s or Mukti’s programs (even if you are registered for a program). Also, if you forward any email from to someone else and they click on “Unsubscribe” at the end of the email, they will be unsubscribing your email address.

Participants understand that all programs hosted by Open Gate Sangha will be recorded for use by Open Gate Sangha, Inc. Open Gate Sangha makes no representations or warranties as to any benefit that may be received by attending a program.

Open Gate Sangha provides access to the teachings of Adyashanti® and Mukti.

Copyright © 2022 Open Gate Sangha. All rights reserved.