The Epistle
April 14, 2021
Dear St. Aidan’s family,

What better way to return to indoor worship this Sunday than to welcome a new member of the Body of Christ in the sacrament of Baptism?!

We rejoice that Anne Hope (Annie) Wallach will share this momentous occasion with us on Sunday, as our community celebrates what God has already worked in her. Annie’s brother, Ben, was baptized here two years ago. I first met their parents, Allison and Dan, when they brought their dog for a blessing in October and Annie was a couple of weeks from being born. It’s a great joy to welcome her into the household of God this Easter season. 

One of my favorite parts of any Baptism service is when we ask, “Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support this person in her life in Christ?” and the congregation responds enthusiastically, “WE WILL.” For none of us makes this journey alone; we all need one another’s help and support in our Christian life, and here at St. Aidan’s I see mutual care enacted every day, in many ways.

These days, one of the ways we demonstrate care for one another is in our response to the coronavirus that has changed our lives so dramatically. For more than a year, we have distanced and masked and sanitized, and we will keep doing so. Church will look different this week from the last time you were here, but whether you join in person or attend via Zoom, I hope the feelings will be the same. I hope you will feel embraced by this community and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share God’s love with the world.

Here are a few of the ways we will care for one another and our community as we gather indoors again AND continue to simultaneously welcome those who attend by Zoom:
  • You will notice that many chairs have been removed from the sanctuary. Remaining chairs are arranged to accommodate different size households, with plenty of distance between “pods.” Worshipers will wear masks and maintain physical distance between households, passing the peace with a bow, wave, or other gesture. 
  • Singing, even with masks, is still not permitted. We will enjoy the recordings of our choir (and an occasional live soloist) and “sing in our hearts.” (Those at home, of course, may sing their hearts out!)
  • Communion will also look different, as ushers guide people to tables near the altar, where they will pick up wafers packaged individually in small paper cups (we cannot use homemade bread at this time; and wine will not be served). Those at home will continue in spiritual communion.
  • Those on Zoom will remain muted to improve sound quality for all. We hope you WILL respond to the prayers, sing the hymns, and pass the peace silently from home. You are a full participant, even if your fellow parishioners cannot hear you.
  • Coffee hour will be virtual, at 10:45 a.m., in hopes that those who attend in person and online can come together for conversation. A separate link is provided in the Saturday ENews.

Like any new beginning, like any baby learning to walk, there will be bumps along the way. We are feeling our way into a new future. As Bishop Susan Goff likes to say,
we are not going “back” to church; we are going forward in a new way. I hope you will be part of discovering our future together!

The Rev. Dr. Rosemary Beales
Interim Rector
Discernment Committee Update
Dear St. Aidan’s Family,
With the parish self-study behind us, now is a good time for an update on the work of your discernment committee. 
We are focused now on the tasks of drafting our portfolio for the diocese and preparing updates and improvements to our website to offer a vibrant picture of who we are and what we do at St. Aidan’s. We are well-equipped for this effort, having heard from nearly 100 of you through the congregational survey and 50+ in listening sessions. This is an incredible response from a parish with an average Sunday attendance of about 110 souls.
We are grateful for your thoughtful, honest input, which enriches our process and our understanding. We have heard why you are here, what you love, what might change and what you hope to hold on to. We’ve learned about what we have in common and also gained insight into the uniqueness of each person’s perspective.
As our work continues, you may hear from a committee member with a question about a particular ministry or a piece of the St. Aidan’s story that you’ve been a part of. Many thanks to those who have already had such conversations. 
We’ll be able to share more of this story with you when we have finished the work of synthesizing the wealth of experiences you’ve shared with us. Stay tuned for more as our work progresses.
Thanks to all for the trust you have placed in this committee and for your prayers, which support us in this Spirit-led work. Please continue to reach out to us, as you have, with your thoughts and questions on this continuing journey.
Peace and blessings,
Your Discernment Committee
Children and Youth Formation
Families with children from preschool-5th grade are invited to outdoor game days on the THIRD Sunday of the month from 12-1 pm (adults and children welcome!).
Join us this Sunday, April 18 for our first gathering.

Until we begin regathering for children's formation next fall, recorded Godly Play stories will be posted to the St. Aidan's website under the education tab.
This is a great chance to experience these stories as a family.
They are as valuable for adults as for children!

EYC: Second and Fourth Sundays: April 25, 12:00-1:00pm
Join us for games and a lesson!
Links for Services
Please sign up with the links below for our 2 in person services.
Links to join us virtually will be sent in our usual
Saturday morning E-News.

If you'd don't already receive the Saturday E-news but would like to be added,
please send a request to Eileen in the office.

Sunday, April 18th 9:30 am In person service

Sunday, April 18th 5:30 pm Celtic In person service

Due to the virtual participation being less interactive we'd like to compile the names of anyone sharing a birthday or anniversary in advance.
Please use this link if you'd like your birthdays &/or anniversaries
to be remembered during the 9:30 service.
Send your requests to the office by Friday at noon.
Thank you!

*we will have a form available at the welcome table
for those attending in person to add their name/s as well.
Adult Formation
The vestry recently created a Social Justice and Racial Reconciliation ministry that will include Outreach and all programs that serve to support and strengthen a community that truly loves and serves others as Christ taught. As part of this work, Adult Formation in collaboration with this new ministry will be offering a book discussion on How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, beginning on Wednesday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. We hope you will consider joining in the reading and follow-up conversations as we learn together what actions we can take to support and ensure that we follow the teachings of Jesus and live out our baptismal covenant, which asks us to strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.

Now that we'll be back in the building we'd like to begin decorating our Sanctuary with beautiful bouquets again!
To make this happen we need 2 things.
First we'd love to expand our team of Flower members to create bouquets for the Altar and secondly we like to offer
parishioners the chance to support this effort by making donations and sending in your dedications and memoriams.
Your dedication or memorial will be
noted in the bulletin.

(or if you'd just like to learn more)

Outreach Continuing
As food is collected, volunteers will take it to Rising Hope which serves
many families along the Route 1 corridor in our area. 
They have asked for canned meat, canned vegetables, canned fruit,
cereal and diapers in all sizes.

*Besides the non perishables they have also requested the need for toiletries and feminine products
(specifically deodorant, tooth brushes, toothpaste & sanitary napkins).

The Outreach Committee greatly appreciates the ongoing efforts of the
St. Aidan’s community to provide food for those in need.
From the Treasurer
Thanks to all who support St. Aidan's in so many ways! Here is our Pledge Link if you would still like to donate

Your support makes so many good things happen at St. Aidan's and beyond.

Total annual pledge budget through March - $65,775
Received to date (April 2nd) - $54,362
Thank You for your support of this amazing community!
We are happy to report we now have a Make a Donation here button on the St Aidan's website. You will find the Donate button on
the Giving page under the Pledge button.
We still encourage parishioners to Pledge so our budget
can be planned in advance but this new format gives us all options.
Thank you.
We worship in person and virtually on Sunday at 9:30 am and 5:30 pm
as well as every weeknight evening at 7:00 pm (virtual only).
You are always welcome at St. Aidan's,
wherever you may be on your faith journey.
Service Links
If you are not receiving our separate mailing each week with links for worship gatherings and would like to be added to that list, simply reach out to the office and let us know. Those links are sent out on Saturday.
St. Aidan's
St. Aidan's has been serving the Stratford Landing area & beyond since 1963.
We worship in person and virtually on Sundays at 9:30 am and 5:30 pm (Celtic). We also offer evening prayer every weeknight at 7:00 pm (virtual only). You are always welcome at St. Aidan's, wherever you may be on your faith journey.
Some Helpful Links:
The Center for Spiritual Deepening at St. Aidan's supports the soul and heart work of those seeking a deeper sense of God's presence in their lives. Check out the Center and its offerings Here.