September 2021
Dear Colleagues,

The Research Newsletter is back after a brief summer pause. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. This month you'll find a listing of the career development awards that have been awarded since the summer and a great collection of funding opportunities. And speaking of newsletters, we encourage you to sign up to receive the Office of Research's newsletter, called ReSearch ReSource. It is a great way to stay connected to the goings-on in the research community at UCSF. See the listing below and read on for other DOM related news.

Wishing you a successful and fulfilling academic year.

All the best, 
Diane and David

Diane Havlir, MD, Associate Chair for Clinical Research
David Erle, MD, Associate Chair for Biomedical Research 
National Research Administrator Day
National Research Administrator Day is observed annually on September 25th. If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to join us in thanking our research administrators. We value every member of the research administration teams and would like to recognize the contributions to the department’s research enterprise made by administrators every day. We thank them for their invaluable work and their crucial role in supporting research.
Career Development Awards
Daniel Calabrese, MD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Pulmonary at the SFVA received a K08 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for a project entitled, "Natural killer cells in pulmonary ischemia-reperfusion injury."
Milena Gianfrancesco, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor in the Division of Rheumatology at ZSFG received a K01 from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases for a project entitled, "Computational methods using electronic health records and registry data to detect and predict clinical outcomes in rheumatic disease."
James Harrison, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UCSF Health was named the inaugural Research Director of UCSF’s Age Friendly Health System. James also received a K01 from the National Institute on Aging for a project entitled, "Placing patient preferences at the center of care plans for older adults transitioning from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility."
Andrew Kerkhoff, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at UCSF Health received a K23 from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases for a project entitled, "Feasibility and acceptability of a peer-led strategy to improve community tuberculosis case finding among non-household contacts in Zambia."
Anil Makam, MD, MAS, Assistant Professor in the Division of Hospital Medicine at ZSFG received a K23 from the National Institute on Aging for a project entitled, "Post-acute care in the elderly: the role of long-term acute care hospitals."
Anthony Muiru, MD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Nephrology at UCSF Health received a K23 from the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases for a project entitled, "SEARCH-CKD: The nature of chronic kidney disease and elevated blood pressure in sub-Saharan Africa."
David Oh, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at UCSF Health received a 2021 Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award for early career physician-scientists working to develop new cancer therapies under the mentorship of the nation's leading scientists and clinicians.
Michael Peluso, MD, Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at UCSF Health received a K23 from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases for a project entitled, "Characterizing the virologic and immunologic signatures of HIV exceptional control."
Elise Riley, PhD, Professor in the Division of HIV, Infectious Disease and Global Medicine at ZSFG received a K24 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse for a project entitled, "Mentoring patient-oriented research on the health consequences of polydrug use."
First Time R01s or Equivalent Awards
Congratulations to Isabel Rodriguez-Barraquer, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Division of HIV, Infectious Disease, and Global Medicine at ZSFG on earning an R01 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases entitled, "Malaria across borders: Measuring imported infections and contributions to local transmission in Uganda and Zimbabwe."
Office of Research Newsletter Sign-Up
If you'd like to be added to the ReSearch ReSource newsletter from the UCSF Office of Research, please email your request to Shelley Wong.
Career Development Programs
Application deadline is October 1st

The Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub is recruiting for its next cohort of physician-scientist fellows. Launched in 2019, the program aims to provide young doctors with a new track to pursue scientific training and reduce barriers.

Applications are due by October 1, 2021. The program begins July 1, 2022.
DOM K Info Session for Basic Science Physician-Scientists

Are you an MD or MD/PhD bench scientist thinking about submitting/re-submitting a K? Or are you already supported by a K? Two informal sessions will be held on the dates below with other pre-independent basic science physician-scientists at various stages of the K (pre-, writing-, on-K) to share advice, resources, and support. 

If you would like to attend, please just join one of the sessions below, or email Rachel Rutishauser for an outlook calendar invitation.

To join on Wednesday, 10/13 at 3pm, click here.
To join on Thursday,10/21 at 4pm, click here.
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center K12 Physician Scholar Program in Clinical Oncology (PSPCO) 
Application deadline is December 3rd

The goal of PSPCO is to foster the development of the next generation of clinical scientists to be effective partners with discovery scientists and conduct high impact and innovative patient-centered cancer research. PSPCO will support cancer-focused junior faculty, giving them 75% protected research time for up to 2 years.

Applications are due by 3:00pm on December 3, 2021. To view the RFA, please click the button below.
Funding Opportunities
Application deadline is September 27th

The Resource Allocation Program, which manages the dissemination, submission, review, and award of various intramural funding opportunities, announces the Fall 2021 Funding Cycle.

Submissions are due by September 27, 2021. For more information, please click the button below.
UCSF Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine (BCMM) 
Application deadline is September 28th

The BCMM is pleased to announce a call for UCSF proposals for their 2021 Microbiome Research Program.
Projects will be funded by two mechanisms:

Trainee/Staff Pilot Award
  • 1-page Project Description + supporting documentation
  • Award level: Up to $10,000 for one year

Faculty Pilot Award
  • 2-page Project Description + supporting documentation
  • Award level: Up to $150,000 total over two years

All applicants must submit an application for BCMM membership before submitting their proposal. Click here to apply for BCMM membership.

Applications are due by September 28, 2021. For questions, please contact Kristin Dolan. To read more about eligibility requirements, click here.To apply, click the button below.
UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research
Application deadline is October 22nd

The Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (PBBR) invites proposals for funding in two award categories: New Frontier Research (NFR) and Technologies, Methodologies & Core (TMC). The program seeks to stimulate and support highly innovative basic science research at UCSF. Both single-PI and multiple-PI applications are welcomed. PIs can receive up to $25,000 - $150,000 for one year for NFR, and up to $50,000 - $500,000 for one year in matching funds for TMC. 

Proposals are due by 5:00pm on October 22, 2021. To apply, please email the proposal documents as a single PDF to Linda Reilly, PBBR Program Manager. To read more about eligibility requirements, please click the button below.
UCSF Call for Applications: 2021 Chancellor's Funds
Application deadline is October 1st

The UCSF Academic Senate has re-opened its 2021 Chancellor's Funds Awards for application during the month of September. With the remaining funds after the winter 2021 call, they are now offering the following awards:
  • Conference Registration and Small Grants
  • COVID Relief Funds 
  • Faculty Learning & Development Awards

Application deadline is due October 1, 2021.To apply, please click the button below.
Extramural Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Application deadline is October 1st

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund recently issued a call for applicants for Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS).
The CAMS is a highly competitive program that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists, who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service.

Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. BWF is also interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible.

Please email Suzy Beemer to announce your intention to apply, then follow application instructions in RFP, conferring with your Research Services Coordinator as needed.

Applications are due by noon on October 1, 2021. To read more about eligibility requirements, please click the button below.
NIH Updates
NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRP)
Application deadline is November 18th

The NIH Loan Repayment Program Application Cycle will open on September 1st and close on November 18th. As a reminder, awardees can receive up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year contract. The NIH LRPs are unique programs, with tremendous benefit to early-stage researchers, so we strongly encourage those that were not successful in getting their applications funded to apply again.

In addition, on September 1st, the Research on Emerging Areas Critical to Human Health (REACH) LRP will be available for all extramural LRP applicants. The objective of this new subcategory is to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into doing research designed to pursue major opportunities and gaps in biomedical research and expand clinical research in emerging areas of human health. You can read more about the program here. For those intending to apply, please note the NIH LRP Institutional Business Official for the Department of Medicine is
For additional resources, eligibility requirements, applications dates, and all of the benefits of the NIH LRPs, click on the button below.
Help with Grant Preparation
Requests for grant reviews are accepted on an ongoing basis

Get peer reviews for your proposal via the PREPARE program! You do not need to have a draft to request a review – just enter the study name and a brief description and we'll match you with experts who will provide feedback and guidance. Submit a request today!
Help Us Spread the News
Click below to subscribe
If you'd like to contribute to future newsletters, please send your items to Ilona Paredes.
In Case You Missed It
ReSearch ReSource Newsletter

Vice Chancellor Lindsey Criswell delivers a monthly communication of news and resources dedicated to the research enterprise, a helpful companion to DOM Research News! Read the newsletter here.
Resources for Space Planning Updates

For updates on work space projects, be sure to check out the UCSF Space websites for Parnassus Heights and ZSFG. Also, check out the Parnassus Vision website, maintained by a group of Parnassus-based research faculty.
Copyright © 2021, University of California, San Francisco, All rights reserved.

Please send comments, suggestions and questions to:
Diane Havlir, MD, Associate Chair for Clinical Research (
David Erle, MD, Associate Chair for Biomedical Research (

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