Hello There!
This is the Memorial Tabernacle Newsletter - MTC ONLINE speaking!

I am coming to you today to ask you a few questions, and if you are reading this, you opened the newsletter.
  1. Do you find the MTC ONLINE valuable?
  2. Do you appreciate receiving the worship services and information on other ministry engagements via email?
  3. What is your preferred method to learn about what is happening at Memorial Tabernacle Church?
  4. Does the newsletter share information about ways you can engage and service in the ministry?

If you have a moment, please answer those questions above and respond to our info@memorialtabernacle.org email address. We want to ensure you know we see you as a part of this ministry, and communication between us is key!

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your response!
MTC ONLINE, MTC's Newsletter
Welcome to Memorial Tabernacle Church!
Pastor Ulysses Stephen King, Jr., Mrs. Tiffany, and the Memorial Tabernacle Family invite you to become a member of a family of believers God is using to "reach to teach, teach to change" one person and one block at a time. We pray you will choose to attend the reunion to receive the love God has given us to give to you specifically!
This past Sunday, Elder Stanley Campbell blessed us with a powerful Word entitled "I May Have Been Broken" (Psalm 51:1-4, 10-13, 17). Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to listen and learn with us. You may also click the video to the right.
Let's continue to love and care for one another. We are ONE COMMUNITY! Join us at Memorial Tabernacle Church as we serve, love, and share God's love. Learn ways to connect at http://linktr.ee/memorialtab58. #ReachingOurCommunityWithLove #HopeIsTheAnswer
Giving is Worship
There are several ways to securely give:
  • Online at memorialtabernacle.org, select the “Giving” tab.
  • Text "MTC25" to (510) 800-7112 and follow the next steps.
  • Mail to: Memorial Tabernacle Church, PO Box 3024, Oakland, CA 94609.
  • Drop-off your contribution at the office located at 514 - 58th Street, Oakland, CA.
  • CashApp: $GiveMTC58
Memorial Tabernacle Church (CHSC) is now a part of Amazon Smile! Click this https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8914498 to order, identifying the church as the organization you would like to support. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Memorial Tabernacle Church. You support even when you buy Pastor's new book! Thank you in advance for identifying MTC as your non-profit of choice.
Submit your prayer requests to prayer@memorialtabernacle.org.
Study God's Word at Conversational Bible Study Tuesdays at 7PM PST.
Worship with us every Sunday at 10:30AM PST. Choose to engage in-person or virtually.
Serve with LOVE! |
As the world opens up and we make the necessary changes to engage our in-person and virtual worshipers, your consistent help is needed. Unfortunately, we will be making changes once again to location of the cameras because more support is needed. Where do we need support?
  • Audio
  • Visual
  • Media
  • Safety Greeters
  • Sound
Daily Devotionals |
Devotionals are available! Pick up 3 or 4 to be a blessing to someone else.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Tim 2:15
Our Mission Statement
The Memorial Tabernacle Church has come together by the Holy Spirit for the specific purpose of preaching and teaching the word of God, (the Bible), and about Jesus Christ, God's son, and to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the North Oakland Community and its environs; to bring healing to the brokenhearted and deliverance to the oppressed; to be a center of genuine concern for those in need, a sanctuary of community worship that is neither shallow nor restrained, a spiritual home where members find an expression of precious love for one another and a haven for the unsaved.

Connect with us on our online form. We look forward to doing awesome things together to increase the kingdom of God. #GodFirst #58thStAndTelegraphAve #FromGenerationToGeneration
Connect with Us!