Volume 63, March 18, 2020
Hello Trio Family,

How we can work at building meaningful, personal connections with God and people when we are being encouraged (or forced) to avoid people?

2 Corinthians 1:8-11 has been on my mind this week. In hard circumstances, God pushes us to rely on him and not ourselves, to put our hope and trust in his deliverance , and to help each other with prayer . That applies to our families, our Trio family, and our broader Mora/Kanabec communities too. We don't give into fear or panic, because " God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control " (1 Tim 1:7).
Here are some practical things we can do in the coming days:

Dig into God's Word and pray together. You, and your school/college aged kids if applicable, may have some extra time together these days. I hope to have a daily devotional from a group of pastors I meet with monthly available for you by next week. If you want those devotions, drop me a text or email and I'll send them your way.

Trio's staff and ministry depend upon your generosity and giving.
For the past 2 years, God has been faithful to Trio keeping us in the black financially even with small margins and savings. We won't be meeting for at least two weeks, possibly longer. This may be the time for you to set up an online giving account or to give one-time gifts online (no account needed for 1-time gifts). You can also mail offering/gifts (PO Box 11, Mora, 55051) or drop them off at the Trio Community Center.

Call, text, or chat with a Trio person or family once or twice a week . Though meeting together is discouraged, we have social media, phone calls, texts, and email to communicate with each other. We can build connections through these means.

Check-in with your neighbors . Especially if they are in a higher-risk category, be sure they are okay and see if you can bless or help them. We also support our neighbors by spending money at local businesses.

Catch the Eagle Brook messages and/or music on Sundays or when you can. Trio will post the links on our Facebook page. Share one thing you learned with someone in your electronic sphere of influence.

We can still meet in small gatherings. If you feel comfortable with it and your clan is healthy, invite a person or family to join you for a meal on Sunday, 3/29 , since we can't do brunch as a church. Watch a message together.

Finally, let's pray together . I will be using Google Hangouts to connect to up to 10 people at a time with Google accounts. These will be 5-10 minute prayer sessions to seek God for people and our church.
Reply to this email with your Gmail address and which date/time you want to pray. Then, I'll send you an invite within 5 minutes before whichever of these times you request:

Sunday - 3/22/2020 - 12:00pm
Sunday - 3/22/2020 - 6:00pm
Wednesday - 3/25/2020 - 8:00am
Wednesday - 3/25/2020 - 6:00pm

Note the changes and cancellations below.
Stay tuned to these Eblasts and our Facebook page for updates & changes.

Pastor Kirk

P.S. -You are always welcome to call, text, or email me:
Office : (320) 225-8746 Cell : (320) 469-8207 Email : kirk@triochurch.com
Sunday services are cancelled for 3/22/20 and 3/29/20.
We will reevaluate and update you
on our service schedule and location after 3/30/20.

Our brunch service on for 3/29/20
will be postponed to a later date.
The Feed My Starving Children event scheduled for April 4th is also canceled, since FMSC will be closed until at least April 12th.
We will try to reschedule when they know their schedule.
Trio’s annual Women’s Retreat will be held on Friday/Saturday,
April 24-25 at the Oak Forest Center in Frederic, Wisconsin.

The theme is “Be Still” and the focus will be on rejuvenating your souls with some time with God and other ladies!

Bring a craft, board game, book, project, or anything else that helps you relax/recharge. The cost is $80. Fill out a retreat sheet at the Welcome Table. Questions? Contact Rachel Norby - (320) 282-6239.
Trio Kids
Hi Trio Kids! Things might be crazy and confusing in our world right now, but you know what hasn't changed? 
It's so awesome to know that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is always our best friend, comforter and protector. I'd like to encourage each of you to take some time everyday to pray, read your bibles, and sing songs of worship to God. It's the best "medicine" I know for getting through all this COVID-19 stuff - but, don't forget to wash your hands, too!

Until we see each other again face-to-face, you might want to take 15 minutes to see what elementary aged students are learning at Eaglebrook Church. 
Here's the current message:

Remember parents that you and your Trio Kids have FREE access to RightNow Media. (See the link below.) It's like Christian Netflix!

Your Trio Kids teachers can't wait to see you all soon and hear about the creative things you did to spend time with God when you were at home! Want someone to pray with right now? Ask if you can use a parent's phone to call:
Jake Olson (612) 802-8650
Amy Schultz (608) 863-3359
Noelle Niskanen (612) 598-8360 
We'd love to pray with you!

If you have questions about Trio Kids, please contact Noelle Niskanen at (612) 598-8360. 
Fusion Youth (7th-12th grades) are meeting tonight at TCC at 6:30pm,
but future dates are uncertain. Stay in touch with Rachel for updates/changes.

If you have questions about Fusion Youth, contact Rachel Norby at (320) 282-6239.

Bowlero ! is being postponed to later this spring or summer.
Women's Bible Study
Trio’s women’s Bible study that meets Mondays at 6:30pm will have its final study on 3/23,
then 3/30 will be an appetizer potluck at
6pm at Jody Reynolds’ home.
(424 Wood Street N-lower level)

Talk to Debbie Anderson for details. (320)420-4324
Women's Bible Study
Trio's women’s Bible study that meets every other Thursday from 1-2:30pm is
meeting next on 3/26/20.
The study is called Life On the Frontline : “Equipping Whole Life Disciples."

It meets at Amy Schultz’s home.
(2177 153rd Ave, Mora)
Talk to Jenny Knudsen (320) 469-8208 or
Amy Schultz (608) 863-3359 for details.
Trio streams Eagle Brook services (worship & messages).
M essages are from the current week's Eagle Brook series which right now is
"Strong and Courageous."
Watch for the "Live Service" link on our Facebook page
this weekend.
If you or your friends need more options during the current phase of the Covid-19 ordeal, RightNow Media has great gospel-focused content
for kids, youth, and adults.

You can use this link:

Text Rightnow TRIOCC to 41411 (Include the space in the text)
Or email Pastor Kirk and he'll send you an invite.

Consider joining the
Set-Up/Take-Down Crew.

We need people to help with set-up and take-down on Sunday mornings.
Many hands make light work.
Contact Tim Anderson (320) 420-4313
or Mark Stegeman (651) 497-1021
if you would like to help.

Setup begins at   8:30 am. 
Are you great at making space look more welcoming and attractive? We need someone(s) who can do that for Trio at MES and TCC.

Text/Call Pastor Kirk if interested (320) 469-8207.
Trio Community Church | 320-225-8746 | PO Box 11, Mora, MN 55051