4th of July Independence Day Since 1776

Ukraine continues to fight for its independence.

At the request and assistance of Viktoriia Serediuk-Buz, Nightlight’s Ukraine Program Coordinator, Nightlight set up a relief effort, allowing donations to be made to assist those in need in Ukraine, devastated by this catastrophic war. To date they have provided food, medicine, supplies and evacuation assistance to those greatly affected by this unnecessary violence. Help has been provided to families, children, the disabled and elderly, and those who cannot not physically leave due to health or age. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, your help has gone a long way! 

MAA has already donated $10,000 to this cause. We are matching your donations up to another $10,000. Thank you for considering this very worthy cause and please keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers!

Broken adoptions have been on the federal government’s radar for more than 20 years. Yet the government has done little to get its arms around the problem, despite funneling billions of taxpayer dollars a year into adoption assistance for families and incentives for government agencies that boost their adoption numbers. In a first-of-its kind data analysis and investigation, USA TODAY uncovers what's happening, finding breakdowns at every point in the adoption process.

Plea for Post Adoption Reports!


Dear Families,


We know that life is crazy busy and that the days can be long and hard. We would never want to give you one more thing to do… However, we have seen a significant decline in compliance and communication with the post adoption reports for our China program. We are asking for your immediate attention to turn this trend around!


While we deeply empathize with the concern and frustration surrounding the current shutdown and political climate, do not forget that post adoption reporting in China is still required and necessary! As your placing agency, together we have an obligation to provide these reports. We still need to show China that the children we have placed, your children, are safe, loved, and thriving!


Maybe frustration is not a reason... Maybe your child is doing great, and life has gotten in the way. Or maybe you are struggling, and you don’t want to type the actual words that you ‘need help’… But either way, we want to hear from you! We have greatly expanded our post adoption services and our staff is here to help and support you with whatever you need. And if you are thriving, let us know so we can cheer you on!


Please keep in mind that you paid a bond, and that $1000 check is still yours to be returned, when you honor your commitment. We want nothing more than to return it so you can pour it back into your family, especially during these hard times when we all could greatly use it.


And aside from the bond money, remember that post adoption reports are critical to keep adoption programs open. Yes, China is not currently completing adoptions, but it is our hope and prayer that this shutdown won’t last much longer. We need these reports. We need China and all countries to see how adoption changes lives! Please remember that you gave us your word. In a world with so much upheaval, please remember how important this is. Thank you so much in advance for your cooperation.

Welcome home!

Julie arrived home in June with her son Liam (11) and daughter Lucia (6) from Colombia!

If you are not in a position to adopt right now, but still feel compelled to help, please know that you can always make a donation directly to Madison Adoption Associates. Your generous gift will be directed where it is needed most, whether that be to provide food and medical services to vulnerable children both domestically and internationally, to support MAA’s growing therapeutic support services for adoptive and foster families, to help ease the financial burden for adoptive families, and/or many other areas where MAA serves deserving children. So please – consider making a tax-deductible donation today, so that children around the world may have a chance for a brighter tomorrow.

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