Weekly Update - December 10th, 2020
Sunday Service: "Enjoy the View"
led by Rev. Aisha Ansano
December 13th at 10:30 am
There is always so much going on in our lives, so many things to check off our ever-growing to-do lists. What might it feel like to remind ourselves to rest, to breathe, to take the time to be present to our bodies and everything around us?

To join online, go to zoom.us/j/89214621289
To join by phone, call 301-715-8592, meeting ID 89214621289
SMOC Food Drive for December
Please consider participating in a congregational food drive to benefit the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) which provides meals for people in Worcester. At this time they are especially in need of: 6-8 ounce juice boxes/pouches; fresh fruit, especially apples and pears; 16 oz. packages of bologna, pre-packaged slices; and boxes of chewy/soft granola bars. There will be a collection for these items on Tuesday, December 22nd between 4:30 and 5:45 pm at the Ruggles Street door of UUCSW. Please reach out to Libba Moore at libbamoore13@gmail.com ahead of time if there's a better time for you. Food will be delivered to SMOC on December 23rd. Thank you!
Help UUCSW Help People in Need
SMOC has identified the need for warm winter clothing, especially socks, coats, sweatshirts, sweatpants, long sleeve shirts, hats and gloves. New socks only please, other items should be new or gently used and clean; note the ratio of men to women served is 70:30. Hand warmers and ponchos are also welcome. Please bring your donations to UUCSW on Tuesday, December 22nd between 4:30 and 5:45 pm, the same day/time as the monthly food drive. If this timing does not work for you please reach out to Nancy Siegal via email at NSIEGAL185@msn.com or Pauline Sciarappa at psciarappa@gmail.com for other options. These clothing drives will happen monthly at least through February. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Stop & Shop Gift Cards Fundraiser
We are continuing this fundraiser throughout the year. For every card purchased, the church receives 5% of the face value back. If you are interested in purchasing some cards to support the fundraiser, contact Lisa Shumway at treasurer@uucsw.org.
This is the third week of talking about how to give with our UU values. So far we've done local bookstores, bath products that do good, and this week let's talk nature gifts. By that, I mean gifts that actively support the environment and the preservation of wildlife. I've tapped our friendly local biology professor, Scott Shumway, for ideas.

You could gift a membership or donate in someone's name to one of these organizations:

Give the gift of reforestation:
  • Eden Reforestation Projects to plant trees in someone's name (I did this for Mother's Day - fitting since my sister and I are named after trees!)

For tangible gifts:
  • Cora Ball is a ball you put in your washing machine that catches microfibers and prevents them from polluting the water stream
  • Parks Project for beautiful graphic t-shirts and apparel that donate funds to specific parks (I often gift these to my brother-in-law and he loves them - there's one where you can track all the national parks you've visited)

What's your small act? What are your favorite gifts that give back to the planet? - Rev. Laurel
Spiritual Resources for the Month of December
Stillness is a practice that helps us deal with feelings of being overwhelmed and find our center. During the busy holiday season, we all certainly can use those moments of peace that stillness brings.

Stillness allows us to perceive that which is truly precious. When we pause and find that sacred point of balance, the blur that usually dominates our attention fades to gray and we are able to notice that which truly deserves our focus.
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