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Monthly News & Updates

June 2022

Summertime in the Grand Valley

Summer is officially here, and with all the fun in the sun, we are also seeing things heat up for our neighbors in need. With high gas prices, climbing food costs, and kids home from school -- we are seeing more folks than ever in need of our services.

That is why we are here, and continue to remain a constant source of support and comfort for our community. In May the Community Food Bank provided 75,000 pounds of nutritious free groceries feeding over 5,700 individuals. For reference, in May of 2020 we served approximately 3,600 individuals...

We are busier than ever, and so happy to be able to support our community through thick and thin. However, food and gas costs are also climbing higher for us as well. We are doing our best to make our purchase power stretch as far as possible, and maintain a good variety of nutritious foods, but some items may be limited from time to time. 

With summer also comes an amazing bounty of local fruits and veggies available in our Grand Valley. We have been so excited to continue our close collaboration with many local farms and producers such as CSU Community Alliance, Two Fishes Farms, Early Morning Orchards, VanWinkle Ranch, and more to come! It is such an honor to work with these partners and to be able to increase access and remove barriers for our neighbors to enjoy fresh, local foods! 

If you have any local gardener friends, or extra garden bounty yourselves -- please let folks know that we are a great place to donate! Click Here for more information on our top food donation needs (can be found on our website under the "Food Donations" tab :-)

To our lovely volunteers and donors, we truly would not be able to meet our mission without each and every one of you. 

On behalf of our full CFB team and the clients we serve -- thank you. 

Alisha Wenger, 

Executive Director

(970) 640 - 0336 ext 3

Executive Director Alisha Wenger and food bank baby Olivia

Executive Director Alisha and food bank baby Olivia enjoying the Palisade Bluegrass Festival

Making a Difference

Please know that however you are supporting the Community Food Bank, you are making a real difference in the lives of one of your neighbors.

Here are a few reviews left on our google profile from CFB clients:

"Some of the people there are truly the nicest, most kind hearted people you can meet. I just moved down here and if it wasn't for this food bank and the people there I don't know what I'd do. They're truly amazing people. And all the people who donate are truly angels. Thank goodness. 😇"

"I got to pick what I eat. Healthy fresh with loving hearts and the sweetest folks there. Thank you for your help."

"This is one and only food providing the community. Very nice quick and easy pace. It you need a little tlc for you and your family that's a good idea to stop in. Offer help with snap benefits and other state programs . Good for anyone."

"Such a sweet bunch of folks. Helping the world be a less harsh place."

"Everyime I come to the Community Food Bank, I am treated with respect and appreciation. I have absolutely nothing bad to say about all the wonderful workers and volunteers that do great service for the people. Thank you to you all and I hope to get well enough to do my services of repaying the help."

"The people here are truly the sweetest. Always kind and generous. I always feel comfortable coming in and the food is great too! Thank you so much to everyone who works here. You guys are the best. 💕"

Do You Have a CFB Story to Tell? Click here to fill out a short testimonial form and help us tell our impact story!! 

Western Colorado

Community Foundation 

Many thanks to our friends over at the Western Colorado Community Foundation for awarding the Community Food Bank an additional Mesa County Blueprint to End Hunger implementation grant to support software costs to help us better track and evaluate our new programming efforts. 

WCCF is our largest annual funder and we are so grateful for this additional support made possible by Mesa County Hunger Alliance support from Colorado Health Foundation (managed by WCCF).

We look forward to being able to share more impact from our Delivery and Resource Navigation programs as we put these funds to good use and demonstrate our impact! 

Food Sourcing Spotlight 

With support from Food Bank of the Rockies bulk purchase power, and through grant funding from the Colorado State Legislature Food Pantry Assistance Grant -- we are so happy to be able to offer some super high quality, local meats to our clients! 

While this is only a portion of our total meat inventory (a majority of our meat comes in from daily grocery rescue efforts), it is incredible to have these fresh meats on hand and support our local agriculture sector in a small way. 

Ground beef from Van Winkle Ranch

Local ground beef from Van Winkle Ranch. Hooray for supporting our local ranchers! 

Pork taco meat from Early Morning Orchard

Local pork taco meat from Early Morning Orchards - yay for culturally responsive foods! 

Volunteer Spotlight 

Terry canning excess tomatoes rescued from the food bank!

Terry canning tomatoes with excess food bank produce from last season! 

Terry F. 

Intake Interviewer and more! 

Terry started volunteering with the Food Bank in 2019. Since then she has served in a variety of roles including Shopping Assistant, Client Intake Interviewer, and Packer/Stocker.

You will always see Terry (also known as TFab ;-) sporting a fabulous outfit and a bright smile at the Food Bank! We are so grateful to Terry for all the time and support she gives the Food Bank - thank you for making everyone's day a little brighter TFab! 

Are you from the valley?  If not, where? and what brought you here?

I was not born in Colorado but have spent the majority of my life here. I lived in Aspen for 25 years. I moved to Denver when I remarried for an additional ten years.  Upon retirement, we returned to Palisade where we had a home.  We remodeled an Old Victorian during our time in Denver, which was a crazy endeavor. Lot's of back and forth travel for 10 years. We now reside in Orchard Mesa, and love the weather and friends here.

What do you like to do when you're not at the Food Bank?  

When not volunteering at the Food Bank I keep busy with other volunteer activities. I helped Mesa County Health during Covid in various capacities. I've volunteered at Hope West in the Kids Programs and Hospice. I am currently working as a Downtown Ambassador with the Down Development Authority.  I love our community and enjoy meeting people and sharing all that GJ has to offer.

What brought you to the Food Bank?

When I retired, I told my friend Nan that I was getting bored.  She said, "well come work at the Food Bank." The rest is history! I started out with Director Marsha Kosteva and am now thrilled to be working with Alisha Wenger. So much has happened at the Food Bank since I started. Whew!

What is your favorite thing about volunteering here?

My favorite aspect of the Food Bank is, there is never a dull moment! I've worked in several positions and none were more challenging than during Covid and our move. I've enjoyed all the people and variety. I think we have a terrific Administrator and staff.

Anything else you'd like to share with the rest of the awesome volunteer team?

Giving my time to worthy causes keeps me engaged, happy, healthy and wise! Never rich! :)

Sign Up to Volunteer Today! 
Volunteers with 20+ hours in May!

Calling all CFB Volunteers! 

Mark your calendars and please join us for a casual volunteer appreciation event on July 20th - we will be announcing awards and having a good time all around :-) 

CFB Volunteer Appreciation Event 7.20.22
Program & Operations Director Chelsea

Happy Birthday Chelsea ! 

This June we celebrated our amazing Program & Operations Director Chelsea. 

Chelsea's passion and dedication to our mission and community is inspiring. She is working hard day in and day out to make sure the Community Food Bank is always doing the very best we can for our neighbors in need. 

From designing and managing our home delivery program these past two years, to handling monthly inventory, taking on weekly food ordering and tracking, and building new relationships with community partners -- we do not thank you enough. 

You are a very special person Chelsea, and we are so lucky to have you on our team!! 

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