Weekly News
Closing the Distance

In these times of social distancing, I want you to know that MUMC is committed to trying to close the gaps created by social distance. Our church is providing much-needed relief to families in times of economic need through our food pantry. Our pavilion is used almost all day long as children youth and adult spend time outside shooting hoops. For our own church family, we are trying to provide both content and connection to make these times more meaningful. We are streaming worship at 8:30 and 11 AM Sundays on Facebook. You will find orders of worship in this email. Soon we will reach out to our Sunday school class leaders on how to have Sunday school classes remotely. My Bible study class on the parables will resume on Zoom on this Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:10 AM. Each weekday at 12pm we will have "Nourishment at Noon" live on Facebook. I will present on Monday and Wednesday, Mark Hixon on Tuesday, Kim Carroll on Thursday and Pastor Chansin or Pastor Jason Esparza on Friday.

During these days I pray that you will take care of yourself and take care of your neighbors as you remember to check on them. I believe that we will experience God in this crisis and that we will emerge stronger because of it. As my son, Reed, reminded me recently, "Biblically speaking, on the other side of every desert is a Promised Land. 
Join us this Sunday on our Facebook page to worship together at 8:30 and 11 a.m. with the help of livestreaming! If you watched us last Sunday, we are glad you joined us! 

When you join us this Sunday, please let us know that you're watching! We loved the comments from all of you last Sunday-keep them coming! Plus, it let's us know how many of you are worshiping with us!

See you on Sunday morning at  https://www.facebook.com/ManchacaUMC/.


Sunday, March 22, 2020
Fourth Sunday in Lent
8:30 a.m. Online Worship Order

1. Welcome- Chansin Esparza 
2. Prayer- Mark Hixon
3. Music Ensemble- Sanctuary Choir Quartet
4. Scripture- John 4:4-30 Kim Carroll, Mark Hixon and David McNitzky
5. Sermon- "Making Space for the Stranger"
6.  Panel Response- Chansin, Kim, Mark and David
7. Announcements/Reminders- Jason Esparza
8. Benediction- Jason Esparza 

Children's Time
with Kim Carroll
9:30 a.m.


Sunday, March 22, 2020
Fourth Sunday in Lent
11:00 a.m. Online Worship Order
Theme: Making Space For The Stranger 
Scripture: John 4:4-30

1. Welcoming Song: Fear Is A Liar (by Zach Williams) 
2. Welcome: Jason 
3. Praise Song: Walk Around My House (by John Mark McMillan) 
4. Prayer: Mark
5. Prayer Song: Wanted (by Danny Gokey) 
6. Scripture: David
7. Sermon: Chansin
8. Reflection Song: No Outsiders (by Rend Collective)  
9. Hospitality reflections: David, Chansin, Kim, and Mark
10. Benediction: Chansin
11. Sending Song: Sing Wherever I Go (by We The Kingdom)  
While MUMC has closed its doors to church gatherings, the church staff is still working daily to get God's Word out to you and to find as many ways as possible to stay connected to you through all the avenues available to us. Our church is still open to those needing the food pantry and to those needing emergency assistance. There is one thing you can do to help us get through this period, and that is to not forget your giving. Help us to keep this house, MUMC, open so that we can continue to minister to those who need us.

Thanks to those of you who give automatically through our website or through auto-pay at your banking institution. Thanks, too, to those who mail checks to us. If you normally give in person at church, please consider giving online or through the mail, if you are able. 

If sending us a check, please designate where your money should be applied in the memo line and mail to:

Manchaca United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 460
Manchaca, TX 78652

If you'd like to make a one time gift or recurring giving online through our website, go to  https://www.shelbygiving.com/App/Giving/manchacaumc. If you don't already have an account, it is easy to create one by clicking on the "Sign In" tab. If you need assistance, you may call the church during the week, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., 512-282-7274. Thank you!
You can submit prayer requests to us by filling out an Online Prayer Request Form from our website, manchacaumc.org.  These prayer requests will be forwarded to the prayer chain upon receipt.

Starting Monday, 3/23, join us on our Facebook Page each weekday at noon for a check-in with your church!
The MUMC Scholarship Committee announces the 2020 Chris Brown & Don Banker College Scholarships. If you are a graduating high school senior or current college student entering or enrolling in an accredited college or vocational school for the fall semester of 2020, you are eligible to apply.

Scholarship applications can be requested through our website, at  https://www.manchacaumc.org/media-resources/news-stories/2020-mumc-scholarships/ . Fill out the online request, and an application will be emailed to you.

Application Deadline: 
Postmarked by no later than May 15, 2020 or delivered by 5 PM on May 15, 2020 , to the MUMC Office. If you are mailing your application or transcripts to the church, please be aware that mail MUST be delivered to our .PO. Box. We do not receive mail at our physical location.
Manchaca United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 460
Manchaca, TX 78652
During the season of Lent, many of us decide to make a special sacrifice to improve our physical or spiritual selves. This year, consider helping others by participating in the Super Silver Saver fund drive as part of your Lenten experience.

If you weren't able to pick up a Super Silver Saver cup from the church, you can still  set aside coins or bills each day, saying a prayer of thanksgiving for God's many blessings as you do so. Whenever we are able to gather at church again, we can bring in the money we've set aside and celebrate together our common offering of sacrifice.
The money will be used by the Missions Team to fund mission activities sponsored by our congregation, such as local disaster victims, flood buckets, students at Akins High School who are experiencing homelessness, Habitat for Humanity, Back Pack ministry, our missionaries, Food Pantry, Angel Tree Program, housing improvement projects, and manna bags for the fall festival.
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