Paticia is located in North Carolina. She is a licensed massage therapist who uses her extensive knowledge of structural integration, movement, and the fluid system of the body to bring wholeness to her clients. She is a teacher in Continuum Movement's teacher training program (CMTP) and also serves on the Teacher's Board of Continuum Movement. She teaches in-person and online.

What brought you to Continuum Movement?

My first experience of Continuum was with Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz. She was teaching a class at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH). At that point, I had been teaching and practicing yoga for many years. During this first dive, I became deeply aware of how “dead” I was inside, and I never looked at movement and the body the same way again. Over many lunches during my 3rd year at BBSH, my wonderful friend, Bonnie Kozac, was sharing her love for Continuum and the work of Donnalea's brother, Don Van Vleet. How could I resist to taste more of it? My first workshop with Emilie was in Neptune Beach at the Water Studio. All I say is, I came home!  

What are your favorite breaths and why?

Hums and cave wind are, right now, two of my favorite breaths. I take one breath and I am connected with my inner space as well as the cosmos. It feels like I am on a superconductor highway to wholeness.

What is your favorite Emilie-ism?

"Movement is not something we do; it is what we are." ~ Emile Conrad