news & events
May 20 - May 29, 2022
At this past Monday’s Vestry meeting, the Vestry listened, learned, and planned for our Church’s future: both the immediate and the not so immediate. We first recognized each member for their willingness at our Vestry retreat to take on leadership roles in guiding and executing the strategic plan with the many ministries in the Church. The various ministries of the Church were loosely grouped together and have a Vestry liaison assigned for support: Coleman Graham - Faith Formation; Ian McQueen and Laura Robertson - Parish Life; Rex Teeslink - Outreach and Evangelism; Resource - the Wardens; Pastoral Care - Barbara Coleman; Music & Liturgy - Nick Uros; New Member Ministry - Claiborne Porubsky and Bryan Hawkins and Year-round Stewardship - Bill Ford.  

The Vestry was honored to have the Reverend LaRue Downing share his thoughts and experiences on implementing a year-round Stewardship program. This involves a change in mindset and approach to honestly discuss money and to be cognizant that we are always stewards of our church, not just for the three week fall stewardship campaign. We were excited about the approach and will look forward to sharing that with the congregation. We are blessed to have LaRue care for us. 

We then discussed taking deliberate steps to resolve the Polk cenotaph controversy. The Vestry’s 2020 vote and decision was to move the cenotaph with no determination of a new location. The vote led to many emotions that may not have been addressed and the undefined placement is a question that needed and needs answering. The discussion will not be easy, but it is time for resolution. All the steps the Vestry pledged to accomplish to reach this point have been completed: congregational listening sessions, ongoing greater transparency in the business of the Vestry and of the Church, and the creation and adoption of a Memorial Policy. To resolve the outstanding issues and to address concerns and emotions arising from what appeared to many to be a flawed process, the Vestry voted to revisit the 2020 decision using the guidelines that are provided in the Memorial Policy to address whether to rescind the prior vote or act on the vote that was taken. Details on implementation will be a part of either action. 

A letter will be going out via email and snail mail outlining this process for resolution by the July Vestry meeting. The congregation is invited to provide input through June 15th and the Vestry will use the guidelines provided by the Church of England to answer fundamental questions on issues of contested heritage: does the cenotaph create a barrier to worship and does it adversely affect the execution of Saint Paul’s Church’s mission. 

We have come so far in this process and in these past two years we have grown as a congregation and continue to share the energy of Saint Paul’s in our work as a church. Pray for us as we all move Saint Paul’s through the remainder of this year and for years to come.

Cameron Nixon
Saint Paul's Nursery is OPEN
Sundays 9:30 AM -12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursey is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m. to allow parents to attend formation. If you have any questions about the nursey, please contact the parish office. Miss Connie and Miss Jenna are all VERY EXCITED to welcome you back!
Sunday Forum
Sundays, 9:30 AM, Berlin Room
The Good News of the Apocalypse: the Revelation to John as gospel

This Easter season, the second reading each Sunday comes from the Revelation to John--one of the most misunderstood and most frequently misused books in the bible. At 9:30 each Sunday we'll gather to explore how the Apocalypse, or Revelation, communicates the good news of God in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Godly Play (grades PK - 1st)
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
ALL children inherently know God, but it is up to us to give them the language of the Christian faith so they can grow to make meaning of our faith in their own lives. Godly Play is a profound method rooted in Montessori principles that forms child spirituality by attending to their natural gifts for wonder and discovery. Children are greeted at the door of the Godly Play room by the "door person." It is VERY important for parents to respect the boundary of the door threshold by not entering the children's sacred space--their Godly Play room. We cannot wait to welcome your children each Sunday!

For more information, contact Kim Butler or Ivey Coleman.
Spark: (grades 2-3)
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
Our older children will again immerse themselves in SPARK, where they will work with the same themes and Scripture that we all encounter in common worship. Every lesson follows a four-part pattern: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send. Week after week, the children and their leaders gather together, explore the Scriptures, enjoy one another's company, pray, and discover God's presence in their midst.

For more information, contact Coleman Graham or Laurie Montgomery.
Spark: (grades 4- 6) "Look at the Gospels”
9:30 AM -10:30 AM
In the Children's Ministry Center
Our older children will continue to "Look at the Gospels” of Jesus’ life and ministry. His parables, miracles and teachings are displayed with posters, colored drawings, and miniature models. They are also studying the many wonders of the Old Testament through the first seven books of the Bible.

Each Sunday using the Spark Curriculum we follow a five-part pattern: gather, read the scriptures, discuss its meaning, pray and play “Who dat?” (“Who dat” is a game of Bible trivia based on what they have already learned).

For more information, contact Susie Culbreth or
Sunday Worship Schedule

8 AM Rite I - In person
11 AM Rite II - In person
11 AM Facebook Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion

All three of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Sundays, 5:30 PM
Laura Tomlin is our guest musician this week.
EVENTS THIS WEEK| May 23 - May 29
New Adult Formation no homework!
Zoom meeting on Tuesday (May 24) 
7:30-8:30 PM
Why do readers read and travelers travel? Why do thinkers think and dancers dance? Why do we hope, gather, pray, and celebrate? The answer, according to author Brian McLaren, is that we are human beings seeking the "aliveness" described in the New Testament as "life in Christ" and "the kingdom of God." Join us for an hour on Tuesday nights for an informal, yet illuminating, look at We Make the Road by Walking. Questions? Contact Kitty Gordon.
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM Social time follows worship on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923

Password: Email the Parish Office to request.
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Caregivers' Support Group
Thursday, May 26, 1:30 PM, Chapel
Caregivers’ support group will meet Thursday, May 26, 1:30 pm in the chapel. This group provides support for people caring for people they love (our first thought is ailing spouses, aging parents, children who need extra attention, and other relations of mutuality in which one-way care has grown), but anyone who is a caregiver for another is welcome. Contact Fr. Eric for more information.
Mmm! Men's Monthly Meal
Wednesday, June 1, River Room
Men arrive 4 PM for cooking & fellowship
Parish arrives 6-7 PM, for dinner
The Men’s Monthly Meal (Mmm!) is the first Wednesday of each month, this month, Wednesday, June 1. (Men gather at 4 PM to cook, the parish gathers at 6 PM for dinner.) This month the Men of Saint Paul’s will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers and creating picnic sides for the parish. There are two sign-ups on our website and direct links below. Please RSVP for dinner and men, please sign up for this fellowship and meal team (separate sign-up from dinner reservations). Donations welcomed. Contact Eric Friedman for more information.
Pentecost Picnic
Sunday, June 5, following the 11 AM service
Wear red and bring a dish to share to the Parish Picnic for Pentecost Sunday (comfortably scheduled in the River Room) June 5, following the 11 AM service. We’ll spill out onto the terrace with music and games. This is a good opportunity to invite friends to share time with your parish family. The church will provide chicken. Please bring a side, salad, or dessert to the River Room kitchen before the 11 AM service. As always, we need help with set up and clean up! Please sign up on the website; a direct link is available below.
Baptism Offered
Sunday, June 5
The Prayer Book notes Holy Baptism is especially appropriate on four dates: at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saints' Day or All Saints' Sunday, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, June 5. All who wish to be baptized are invited to contact Fr. Eric.
OPEN Sundays for Altar Flowers
June 19 and June 26
June 19 and June 26 are open Sundays for altar flowers. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor one of these Sundays in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones please contact the parish office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
Donate to Summer Music
The Saint Paul’s Choir will begin their summer break on June 12. On the summer Sundays when the choirs are on vacation, special music is provided by guest instrumentalists or singers. If you’d like to donate the music on these Sundays, please email Director of Music Keith Shafer or call him (706) 724-2485 ext. 215 for further information and cost.
 "Oktoberfest by the River"
Saturday, September 10th, 6:30 - 10 PM
Here's a quick promotional video we're sharing on our social media.

More details coming soon! Save the Date!
Forward Day by Day
The new Forward Day by Day issue for May, June, and July has arrived. If you would like to have one mailed to you, please contact Hannah in the parish office. Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, “page-a-day,” inspirational meditations, each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experience. These meditations are also available online at the Forward Movement website.
Dates for your Calendar
June 1 - Mmm! Men's Monthly Meal
June 5 - The Day of Pentecost
June 12 - Birthday Sunday
June 13 - Vestry Meeting
June 15 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
June 18 - Quiet Morning
June 25 - Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Gathering Safely Plan Updated 03-17-21
The Vestry has approved a plan for gathering safely. This plan is available using the link below and on our website. Clergy, vestry, and regathering committee members will continue to monitor the situation and publicize precautions and changes.
From the Stewardship Chair

Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you, 
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.

The Finance Committee and the Vestry are beginning the work of preparing the 2022 budget. Your pledge allows them to prepare a more accurate budget. If you have not yet completed a pledge card, please prayerfully consider your pledge to a momentous year. Pledge cards are available in the Narthex and by contacting the parish office. You may also pledge online using the link below.

Pledge Cards Received: 138
92 Increase (23 new), 6 Decrease, 40 no change
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 05/18/2022

Offerings pledged this Week $12,981.00
Offerings received this Week $15,358.90

Operating Expenses to Date $327,627.82
Operating Income to Date $450,048.43
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.