Links to Yavneh Virtual Classes - 12/13/20
Chanukah celebrations led by Rabbi Hannah and Rabbi Julie with special Zoom links in
the 12/13 document above. Students will sign into their regular classes after the celebration.

PreK-3rd Grade, 9:30am-10:00am
4th-6th Grades, 10:30am-11:00am

Please encourage your child/ren to make a Happy Chanukah and thank you sign for their teachers and madrichim. They will show them at the end of their Chanukah celebration.
It will be a fun surprise!

Friday, December 11th, 25th of Kislev 5781
Rabbi Julie's message,
Hill Havurah Rabbi Educator

Happy Chanukah! I hope you are enjoying lighting candles, frying latkes, and eating sufganeot (jelly donuts). Let's create unique ways to bring light, joy, and gratitude for our freedom, family, and community into our homes. Here are *great resources* to help you celebrate Chanukah at home. Enjoy the links to stories, videos, songs, crafts, and how to virtually play dreidel. I encourage you to safely place your hanukeyah (menorah) in your front window. It is our tradition to pirsum hanays to share our light and joy with our neighbors.

Hag urim sameach-blessings for a joyous and healthy Chanukah.

B'virkat shalom (blessings of peace),

Rabbi Julie
Hill Havurah Happenings
Register on the Hill Havurah website

December 12: Hill Havurah Torah Study 8:45am-9:45am,
Tot Shabbat 10:00-10:30am

December 14: Chanukah Candlelighting, 5:30pm-5:45pm

December 18: Hill Havurah Family Singalong Shabbat 6:00-6:30pm, Communal Shabbat service, 6:30-7:30

No Yavneh classes on December 20 and 27
Enjoy a relaxing winter break.
Classes resume on 1/3/21.
If you want to learn about the many and varied Hill Havurah activities open to members and not-yet members,
and you want to sign up for
Hill Havurah's weekly email newsletter, Schmoozy,
email Danny Tomares at

If you don't want to receive the Yavneh newsletter, email Danny Tomares at