A Note from the Executive Team at Sherman College of Chiropractic

Thank you all for your continued patience and resiliency as we adapt to our current circumstances. We are committed to keeping you informed. Should you have any questions beyond those addressed here, please reach out to Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer Karen Canup.
Covid Update for the Week of April 12
Each week, we will include an update on the number of positive Covid cases on campus.

For the week beginning April 12, 2021, Sherman College has two new positive Covid cases on campus, including one employee (1/98 or 1.0%) and one student (1/398 or 0.3%).

For more information on Covid cases in our state and area, visit the SC DHEC Covid page.
New Interns Join Chiropractic Health Center

Twenty-six interns are now ready to serve the community and see patients at the Sherman College Chiropractic Health Center, a teaching clinic for senior students in their final stage of internship prior to graduation from the doctor of chiropractic program.

You can watch the April 9 Pinning Ceremony (the ceremony starts at 6:08) on the college's main Facebook page. Congratulations, Interns!
Questions About COVID Protocols?

Please refer to our Return to Campus Guidelines if you have any questions about campus procedures. Students and employees are expected to adhere to the protocols at all times while on campus.

Most importantly – people who are sick, feel sick or think they may be sick must not come to campus. Keep instructors and department heads informed. Please direct any questions or concerns to Reopening Director Dr. Janice Higgins-Fordree.