Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. Partner spotlight
  3. Client and caregiver stories
  4. Family Leader Program
  5. From the Archives
  6. Your voice matters
  7. New Build update
  8. Community corner
  9. Research opportunity
  10. Upcoming events & programs

Message from the CEO

Last month, I wrote of the excitement of returning to school. My wife and I have only one daughter attending school this year; on her first day, she went by transit to Fleming College for her last year in their program for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. After many years of “first days,” it was smooth sailing.

The next day, I watched the drop-off for Campbell Children’s School students. The school is located within our Oshawa headquarters.

I stood out of the way, reliving past first days of our own daughters. I wasn’t alone: a gallery of parents and grandparents stood at the far side of the parking lot. It was not quite as smooth sailing, as these children were making this monumental transition for the first time. There were tears (some of them mine), as families separated, and students began their next big adventure. 

The emotion of these families in these moments of letting go and new beginnings was palpable. The Campbell’s team was amazing, reassuring students and caregivers, and taking whatever time was needed to make this important transition a smooth one.

Kudos to the brave students and parents, as well as the talented Campbell’s team… it’s going to be a great year! Read more about Campbell Children’s School – Grandview Kids’ valued education partner – in this issue of Gather.

This month, we also have an important job for the Grandview Kids community! We are seeking client/caregiver feedback about the future of Grandview Kids. In this brief, anonymous, online survey, you can share your ideas about what we should focus on in the next five years. Combined with the insights of our staff, community partners, Board members and donors, your feedback will set the foundation of our next Strategic Plan. Your voice matters and we want to hear from you! Tell us: how might Grandview Kids continue to serve (or better serve!) clients and caregivers?

There are other ways to get involved and create change for our community featured in this issue, too. We are seeking Grandview clients/grads and/or siblings to join our Youth Advisory Council, families to join our Ambassador program, and parents/guardians to join a local school board’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).

We also look ahead to our much-anticipated Accessible Trick-or-Treating event, hosted by the Family Engagement Team. This beloved event happens on October 29. Check out the details below. I look forward to seeing the costumes, as I have heard so much about the creativity on display each year.


Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids

The school year is off to a great start at Campbell Children's School! Staff are getting settled into new classrooms, students are learning routines and making friends, and everyone is looking forward to a fun and rewarding year ahead.


Campbell Children’s School is the education partner of Grandview Kids. It is a Ministry of Education funded Section 68 school, which means it's located within a Children’s Treatment Centre. This unique early intervention program integrates the Ontario curriculum with each child’s individual therapeutic goals. The school team works closely with the Grandview Kids therapeutic team, ensuring that student goals are achievable and supported in a small class placement. Individual strategies, equipment and technology are put in place before the student transitions to their home school after a one year placement at Campbell's.


This year, Campbell's educators are starting off with a critical focus on literacy instruction. The program is focused on an evidence-based approach to literacy, implementing explicit instruction, as well as building on phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. This approach to early literacy is proven to teach most students to read words accurately and effectively, and can provide further instructions or interventions for students in need of additional support. This focus on literacy and letter sounds is especially impactful for our students as their speech and communication goals are also supported through this approach.

Referrals to Campbell Children’s School are submitted by a child’s primary Grandview Kids therapist. Each year, an Admission Committee reviews the applications and students are accepted into the program for the following year. Referral and eligibility criteria are outlined on the Campbell’s website. Parents and caregivers of children entering year one or year two (JK or SK) may wish to speak to their Grandview Kids therapist for more information.

Celebrating our education staff

World Teachers’ Day is held annually on October 5 to celebrate teachers around the globe. We are fortunate to benefit from the skills and passion of some amazing teachers at Campbell Children’s School. Being a teacher provides the unique opportunity to make a transformative and lasting impact on the lives of others, contributing to shaping sustainable futures and offering personal fulfilment.

Meghan P., a Special Education Teacher and Literacy Coach at Campbell Children’s School (CCS), talks about her experience as a teacher: “Teaching at Campbell Children’s School has given me the opportunity to work closely with a team of experts, and it's a place of constant change and growth! The students and staff are remarkably caring and hardworking, which has profoundly influenced the way I live my life and perceive the world around me.”

Read more on the blog >

This month, we also celebrate Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Day on October 17. ECEs are integral members of the Campbell's interdisciplinary team.  ECEs work collaboratively with the classroom teacher to plan and implement the curriculum. They also collaborate in the design of programs and environments to enhance the students' cognitive, physical, social and emotional development.

For more information about Campbell Children's School, visit

Client and caregiver stories: Wesley and Abby

World Cerebral Palsy Day is October 6. Mom Abby says, “Wesley is a thoughtful and engaging social butterfly. He always has a joke or witty phrase on hand and approaches strangers like long-lost friends. He was also born 16 weeks premature and suffered a brain bleed, leading to extensive brain damage shortly after birth. He was diagnosed with both Hydrocephalus and Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy (CP). CP is the most common physical disability in children.”

Read more on the blog >

Last call for award nominations!

Elexicon Energy is a proud and longstanding supporter of Grandview Kids. In partnership with the Grandview Kids Foundation, Elexicon Energy is hosting a fundraising dinner on November 2, called “Dream Big, Dream Brighter.”

We are asking clients and families, as well as Grandview Kids staff, to submit nominations for the “The Spirit of Grandview Kids Awards,” which will be presented at the event. Clients and families can self-nominate. We have extended the nomination deadline until Tuesday, October 3 at 4 p.m. There will be two awards: one for a current client and one for a former client (grad).

  • Embody Grandview Kids’ values (caring and commitment, whole child and family-centred, trust and respect, innovation and continuous learning, accountability and excellence);
  • Have achieved their goals – inchstones, milestones, reducing barriers for others – we know “success” looks different and means different things to different clients and their caregivers, and we want to celebrate it all; and,
  • Dream big, and wants to make the future brighter for them and other Grandview Kids.

How to submit a nomination: If this sounds like someone you know, please send a few sentences describing why they deserve to win to The Family Engagement Team will anonymize each nomination and provide them to Elexicon Energy. Elexicon will select the winners, who will be notified by Grandview Kids staff.

Family Leader Program

Calling all youth clients, grads and siblings!

At Grandview Kids, we recognize that youth have different needs, dreams and goals than their caregivers or parents, so their voices need to be heard, too. That’s why, in 2019, we launched our Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

This motivated group of youth works to host inclusive events for Grandview Kids families and take the lead on events, such as our very popular Annual Accessible Halloween event at the Safety Village. It offers members an opportunity to provide feedback to the organization on topics important to them, while earning valuable volunteer hours.

The YAC helps members feel connected to other people who understand their experiences, so they gain a sense of belonging and value… while having fun along the way!

We are looking for new people to join our YAC. You are eligible to join the YAC if:

  • You are a current client of Grandview Kids, aged 12-25; or
  • You are a former client (grad) of Grandview Kids, aged 12-25; or
  • You are a sibling of a Grandview kid, and you are aged 12-25.
Apply here to join our YAC!

We are accepting applications until October 15. If you have question, or need help with the application, please email

KPR SEAC: Spot available!

Grandview Kids works closely with school partners to identify parents or caregivers that would be eligible to participate on Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC), using your lived experience to influence change in the school system for children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs.

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) is looking for a new SEAC member to fill a spot reserved for a Grandview Kids family. Parents/caregivers of a child or youth attending a KPR school, who currently or formerly received Grandview Kids services, may apply.

To apply to the KPR SEAC, or for more information, email

Seeking Grandview Kids Ambassadors

The Ambassador Program was created to give Grandview Kids families an opportunity to share their Grandview Kids journey with the community.

Ambassador Families must have and/or had a child/youth receiving services at Grandview Kids. These families have a passionate story to tell of how much Grandview Kids has made a difference in their lives. They also provide a strong message about the importance of giving in order to help children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs in our community.

If you would like to join the Ambassador Program, email to express your interest. Don’t miss this chance to tell your story to make a difference for other families in your community!

From the Archives

Over the summer, our Archivist, Mitchell Daniels, has been busy cataloguing the archival collection and building an area to store the artifacts when not on display. Throughout the cataloguing, we have uncovered some truly amazing pieces. We came across a letter from 1972, sent by the Parkwood Estate, which was the former home of R.S. McLaughlin. McLaughlin is considered a pioneer in Canada’s automotive industry. The letter was sent in response to a visit by Grandview Kids staff and clients. It recounts the pleasant experience the Estate staff had while entertaining the Grandview Kids group. Parkwood Estate and Grandview Kids are two longstanding Oshawa institutions!

The Parkwood Estate, located in downtown Oshawa. Source: Wikimedia Commons

We have hundreds of objects in our collection, each with their own unique stories. Each item is given a special number called an accession number, indicating the date the object was added to the collection. Then, a report is conducted on each item to assess its condition, as well as any preventative conservation methods that have been applied to slow the process of deterioration. This information is compiled into our artifact database, along with location information.

Now that we have a good amount of our collection catalogued, we are going to display items across our Grandview Kids sites, starting in November. The roadshow schedule will be shared in the November issue of Gather.

Grandview Kids celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2023. For seven decades, we have provided high-quality, family-centred rehabilitation services to children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs in Durham Region. If you have Grandview Kids stories or artifacts you would like to add to our growing collection, email

Your voice matters

Help us shape the future of Grandview Kids

We have an important job for the Grandview Kids community: set our future direction! We are looking for feedback from you to inform our Strategic Plan. A Strategic Plan is a roadmap for success. It sets out priorities for an organization to achieve over a set number of years, building on the success of our last plan. We are working with KPMG to develop our new Strategic Plan over the coming months.

Understanding the needs of those we serve – clients and their caregivers – will be key to helping us create a meaningful and sustainable Strategic Plan. Your voice matters and we want to hear from you! Feedback from all audiences, including Board of Trustees, community partners, staff, donors, Youth Advisory Council, Family Advisory Council, clients and caregivers will be combined and considered to help us identify new strategic directions.

You can share your ideas in a short, online, anonymous survey. The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. KPMG will be accepting survey responses until October 16, 2023. Your voice matters. Your feedback is crucial as we begin to identify organizational priorities and directions.

Fill out our Strategic Plan survey!

New Build update

Substantial completion for the New Grandview Kids is expected in early Fall 2024. Our internal “readiness” team is beginning to plan what our move-in will look like. We look forward to sharing more information with community partners, clients and caregivers about this much-anticipated milestone as we move through planning. There is lots to consider! Read more about construction progress, get a peek at interior finishes and furniture, and marvel in the project’s impressive safety record in our Summer/Fall New Build Update. Read more >

The Grandview Kids Foundation started Grandview Kids Week in 2013 to share feel-good stories about how Grandview Kids makes a difference for clients, families and our community. This year, Grandview Kids Foundation is using its online platform to continue telling impactful stories from families and staff to generate support and donations. Follow along on the Foundation's FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn pages.

We want clients and families to get involved, too! Join #TeamGrandview on Wednesday, October 4 by wearing your "Grandview gear" or clothes that are orange and blue (like our logo). Send your photos to to be featured on social media.

This year's celebration is especially meaningful, as we recognize Grandview Kids' 70th anniversary. To capture the most special memories and mementos from our past, the Centre will be collecting items for a time capsule. It will be stored at the New Grandview Kids, secured safely until re-opening in another 70 years! If you would like to provide an item, quote or photo to include in the time capsule, please email

Help preserve the current history of Grandview Kids for generations to come!

Community corner

Ajax Public Library

Head into fall at Ajax Public Library, with a number of fun activities!

Stay tuned for updates on a Town of Ajax/ Ajax Public Library partner sign pickup program entitled: Treat Accessibility, slated for October 16-31 (while supplies last).

Pickering Public Library

Join the Pickering Public Library for their monthly Neurodivergent

Drop-In Sessions

The library will be hosting a unique event, catering to families with neurodivergent children, to come and experience the library prior to regular operating hours. Children and families will have the opportunity to interact with each other in a safe and welcoming space.

This is a great place for families to:

  • Engage in play-based learning.
  • Explore the Library's resources and collection in a quiet, low-lighting environment.
  • Connect with other parents and caregivers.

No formal diagnosis is required to join this early opening experience!

Neurodivergent Drop-In Sessions are held at the George Ashe Library on the second Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The next drop-in session is Sunday, October 8.

Learn more on the Pickering Public Library's Events page.

Upcoming events and programs

Family Engagement events

Find all Family Engagement and Grandview Kids-hosted events here on our website!

Park Playdates

  • When: October 3, October 10 and October 17, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (weather permitting)
  • Where: Grandview Kids' Oshawa Main Site - 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa (in the playground)

No registration is required to attend Park Playdates.

Accessible Trick-or-Treat Event

  • The most fun event of the whole year! Wear your costumes, attend as a family, and join us for an inclusive trick-or-treating experience.
  • When: Sunday, October 29
  • The timing is not yet confirmed. Registration details will be shared at a later date. Ensure you follow @GrandviewKids on social media to be among the first to know when registration details are available. Posters will also be displayed at all sites.
  • Where: Kids Safety Village Durham (1129 Athol St, Whitby, ON L1N 4A6)

Binder Bootcamp

  • Organize medical information/reports, while networking with other caregivers.
  • In-person: Wednesday, October 18 at 6 pm
  • To register, email

Coffee and Connecting

  • Participate in an informal, online forum to connect with other parents and caregivers for advice, support and networking.
  • Virtual: Thursday nights at 7 p.m.
  • To register, email

Let's Get Active Program

Let’s Get Active is a program for children and youth with developmental disabilities, including Autism, that promotes physical activity, physical literacy and socialization.

  • Click here to register your child (ages 7 to 12) in the program
  • Click here to register your youth (ages 13 - 18) in the program

Photo taken at the ages 7-12 Let's Get Active session.

Photo taken at the ages 13-18 Let's Get Active session.

Beyond the Walls: Food and Fitness

The upcoming Beyond the Walls module will focus on Food and Fitness. This module promotes awareness of nutrition, and the significance of incorporating fitness into daily living. Participants will be provided with opportunities to engage in activities that increase understanding of a nutrition label, planning for a meal (including creating a shopping list, budgeting for the list, and going to the supermarket to purchase the ingredients), developing an individualized fitness routine and creating a plan to add it to a daily routine. 

This module consists of five sessions, which cost $5 each. Please note that some sessions may take place out in the community. Click here to learn more and register.

LEGO® Club

LEGO® Club is a fun, structured social skill opportunity designed for children and youth with developmental disabilities, including Autism, who enjoy creating with standard LEGO® bricks. A variety of LEGO® products and other media will be utilized to foster social communication skills and promote turn-taking and collaboration in a fun and social environment. The program curriculum includes group projects/challenges, “free-building,” creative LEGO® based activities and active play.

  • Click here to register your child (ages 7 to 12) in the program - few spots left!
  • Click here to register your youth (ages 13 - 18) in the program - few spots left!

Dates of significance

October is Occupational Therapy Month

We asked Grandview Kids Occupational Therapists (OTs) Ashley R. and Maddie C. to reflect on their experiences as OTs, sharing what makes them most passionate about their careers.

Islamic History Month

Islamic History Month Canada (IHMC), observed throughout October, is a profound celebration and exploration of the rich heritage of Muslims in Canada. It magnifies their noteworthy contributions to the advancement of humanity across various fields, encompassing scientific breakthroughs, humanities, medicine, astronomy and more. In 2023, IHMC's theme, "Celebrating Muslim Women in the Arts & Sciences," pays homage to the historical impact of Muslim women, acknowledging their profound influence on global and Canadian progress in arts, sciences, and society.

Read more on our blog >

Canadian Down Syndrome Week

Celebrate Canadian Down Syndrome Week from October 22 to 28 by supporting vital initiatives. Utilize 321 Funds, empowering students to plan projects benefiting Canadians with Down syndrome using their Community Fundraising Toolkit School Edition.

Plan an event and spread awareness by wearing mismatched socks throughout the week. Get your exclusive 2023 design at Friday Sock Co. to support impactful projects at the Canadian Down Syndrome Society.

Join the disability arts community in anticipation of the heartfelt short film, Chicken, portraying a sister-brother bond, one of whom has Down syndrome. Don't miss the premiere on Thursday, October 26th at 7:00pm Eastern.

Let's unite for awareness and understanding. #CanadianDownSyndromeWeek

Grandview Kids Foundation

Seeking new Foundation volunteers!

Do you, or someone you know, embody energy, passion, hard work and kindness? If so, you're exactly who we're looking for at Grandview Kids Foundation! Grandview Kids Foundation is looking for passionate volunteers that can help bring our vision to life. If yourself, your children, a colleague, or a friend, are interested in volunteering for the Foundation, please contact our Community Engagement and Donor Relations Officer, Lisa Pargetter! We would be lucky to have you.

Join Grandview Kids Foundation for a night of dreams!

Grandview Kids Foundation invites you to an exclusive, intimate dinner on November 2, where dreams come to life and extraordinary individuals shine. Join us as we celebrate the incredible achievements of the “Spirit of Grandview Kids Award” winners, the real-life superheroes who embody the very essence of Grandview Kids at the 2nd annual Dream Big, Dream Brighter: Making the Future a Brighter Place awards dinner, presented by Elexicon Energy Inc.! These remarkable individuals have not only achieved their goals, but they also dream big and have dedicated themselves to making the future brighter for all Grandview Kids children and youth. Their commitment, resilience and unwavering spirit are the fuel that powers our shared dreams.

Get inspired by the limitless possibilities and power of the collective community. Save the date, spread the word, and get ready to be part of something truly extraordinary on November 2. Your presence will make this night even more memorable.

Visit the website here to learn more, register, and buy tickets to join in on the fun! Please contact Lisa Pargetter for more information on ways to sponsor or get involved in this event.

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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