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"The Voter" Newsletter

December, 2024

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President's Notes

December, 2024

You may be wondering why there is a picture that looks like it was taken in a foreign country -- maybe of a dictator -- in your December LWVBCC newsletter. 

This is Gabriel Gonzalez Videla, president of Chile, who in 1949 finally granted Chilean women the right to full suffrage. 

Like women in the US, the Chilean women had been working on women’s rights since the 1880s. Also, like women in the US, Chilean women included human rights and social justice in their work. 

My husband and I just returned from a trip to Chile where we saw some fabulous scenery and learned so much about Chile’s history and the time of the Pinochet dictatorship. The Chilean people treasure their democracy as we do in the US. There are challenges to democracy in both countries, but there are also people who are working to protect civil rights and basic freedoms. 

When we met people and told them we were members of the League of Women Voters, they knew about our organization and appreciated what we do to make democracy work. To continue that work, the board is putting together January planning sessions beginning with small groups and ending with a membership gathering at the end of January. Watch your inbox for a special notice about that January meeting.

Thank you again for all your work during the election season. And thank you for paying attention to the Action Alerts coming from LWVUS – publishing the ERA, LWVMI – passing the Michigan Voting Rights Act and LWVBCC – passing the “Dark Store” tax reform bill. Unfortunately, as LWVMI co-president Denise Hartsough reports:

At today's LWVMI Advocacy Committee meeting, Judy Karandjeff (VP for Advocacy) indicated that the state-level dark store loophole bill has, unfortunately, not even been scheduled for a committee hearing. I think it is worthwhile to continue to raise awareness of the bill, because it could be introduced again next session. Last I heard, it takes on average 7 years to get a bill passed.”  

We will keep trying with this bill. In the meantime, I was told by Representative Joey Andrews that there may be a stop gap measure that would help the Bridgman Public Schools with some extra funding. I will follow up on that and report in the January newsletter.

In other news from LWVUS, there is a special committee working on a Judiciary Study.

Federal Judiciary Study Resources 

At the 2024 LWVUS Convention, Leagues overwhelmingly agreed to a new national study on the Federal Judiciary. The LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study Committee has begun to put together resources and materials for Leagues as we prepare for consensus meetings about this critical issue. Members can find a timeline of the study, as well as a recording and slides from a recent webinar on the League Management site.


ChapterSpot is coming. Board members are attending training sessions on how to make the transition to a new roster management and payment system. As I understand it, members will receive an email in January or February from LWVUS with details on how to renew their membership. We will update you with what we learn in early January.

I hope your Holiday season is off to a good start. It was wonderful to gather for our annual Holiday party at member Kyra Walsh’s home in Bridgman. We had many new members, and everyone enjoyed good food, drink and conversation. I talked to three people who had not even become members yet but who were invited to the gathering, and I know that at least one of them is joining. Thanks to all who worked to make this event so enjoyable. Here are some pictures.

--- In League, Faith Schoon

Voter Services Committee

It has been relatively quiet for Voter Services since the election. As Vice President of the League, I wrote an article regarding the National Popular Vote movement and two Bills currently under consideration in the Michigan legislature. We will be contacting local newspapers encouraging inclusion of my article about the National Popular Vote in the Opinion section of these newspapers. We hope to further develop the League's relationship with local media as way of communicating the League's views on local and statewide issues. 

--- Beverly J. Gray 


mobile: 708-945-3578

Membership Committee

The well-attended Holiday Party with great socializing and plenty of food was great fun! Though we did miss the members and guests who could not make it, we gave a big welcome to our newest member, Mary Ann


The January planning meetings are a great opportunity for new members to meet and get to know current members and to find their own space in the LWVBCC. All members will be able to provide input that will help shape our activities for the next year and help the LWVBCC better serve our communities.

Please mark your calendars – Tuesday, January 21 at noon in the St. Joseph area for a daytime meeting and Tuesday, January 28 at 6PM in Bridgman for the evening meeting. You, of course, are invited to attend both meetings and you will be notified of the locations..

Best wishes to all of you.

--- Mary Beth Mullenholz


Education Committee

A Town Hall in Bridgman on November 19 featured Ambassador John R. Nay, analyzing the presidential election in terms of effects on foreign policy and world alignments.  The audience was receptive and engaged, with questions continuing as we put the chairs away.  We hope to bring John back for another look at the world as events unfold.

January will bring our focus to local civic engagement for LWVBCC as we come together on Tuesday January 21 at noon in St. Joseph and/or the following week on January 28 in Bridgman at 6pm. Save the date that works for you - we hope to see ALL League members to start the year off with renewed energy!

--- Woodie Bennett

Book Club News

The LWVBCC met on December 2nd to discuss An Unfinished Love Story by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Weaving a complex tale of personal and political events, told from the perspectives of two main characters,  presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin frames the story of JFK, Lyndon Johnson, RFK and America during the 1960s and beyond. The author  met and married political speech writer Richard Goodwin in a swirl ot presidential ambition and defeat, the Great Society, Vietnam, the March on Washington and three assassinations - MLK being the third.

The group expressed powerful emotional responses to the retelling of events we  remembered.  We doubted that our own children would find the book so compelling but we are betting on the grandchildren.  We agreed that reconsideration of those dramatic times is a historical counterweight to present chaos.

The next book to read is The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams on January 13 at the home of Faith Schoon.

--- Woodie Bennett

Going Plastic Free

I have found many ways to cut back on plastic and paper for the Holidays. Some ideas for sustainable gifts are ceramic water bottles, plastic free travel mugs, bamboo kitchen utensil sets, Swedish reusable cloths, beeswax food wrap, loose tea along with a tea strainer and tea mug, books from a local bookstore or Half Price Books, or homemade treats.

Membership to a Park, Museum, Nature Center, Zoo, tickets to a concert or play, or a subscription to a news website are also great gifts. Plastic-free eCards are available online from numerous plastic free vendors: Plaine Products, Blueland, HumanKind, Package Free Shop, and Superzero, just to name a few. You can also search for plastic free gift cards online which can be sent to the recipient via text or email. Gift cards are available for many restaurants and retail companies.

For wrapping gifts, use brown craft or recyclable wrapping paper, with natural twine or yarn or reuse gift bags and saved gift wrap. When sending Holiday Greeting cards, send cards made from recycled paper or Holiday eCards. I use Jacquie Lawson eCards and can send cards all year long for many occasions to as many people as I want for a small annual subscription.

Hope I gave you some ideas to have a more sustainable Holiday. 

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.

--- Carla Ripley

Good News for LWVBCC

On Giving Tuesday, a LWVBCC member made a donation to our local public radio station WVPE and was rewarded with free announcements for any non-profit group he chose. LWVBCC is now able to send a news release to WVPE and they will announce our events. Thank you to our member from Bridgman.

Thank you for reading this month’s LWVBCC edition of "The Voter".

--- In League, Faith Schoon

Calendar of Events

December 15

Bill of Rights Day

December 25

Christmas Day

December 31

New Year’s Eve

January 9

Carrie Chapman Catt’s Birthday

founder of the LWV

January 20

Martin Luther King Day

January 21

LWVBCC Planning Meeting

Noon in St. Joseph

Location TBD

January 28

LWVBCC Planning Meeting

6PM at the Bridgman Public Library

February 1

LWVBCC Board Retreat

contact Faith Schoon if interested


Book Club Calendar

All meetings are at 10am

January 13

Host: Faith Schoon

The Dictionary of Lost Words

by Pip Williams

February 24

Location: Niles Public Library

Healing the Heart of Democracy 

by Parker J. Palmer

April 7

Host: Barbara Starke


by Percival Everett

May 19

Host: Judy Scully

That Librarian

by Amanda Jones

June 30

Location: Bridgman Public Library

John Lewis: A Life

by David Greenberg


Board of Directors

Faith Schoon - President

Beverly Gray - Vice-President

Woodie Bennett - Secretary

Merrily Smith - Corresp. Secy.

John & Carla Ripley - Treasurer &

Communications Coordinator

Mike Schnable - Member-at-large

Audrey Lester

Mary Beth Mullenholz

Dorothy Parker

Charmae Sanders

Amy Scrima

Barbara Starke

Kyra Walsh

Melissa Clapper - Consultant

Committee Chairs

Voter Services – Beverly Gray

Membership – Mary Beth Mullenholz

Education - Woodie Bennett

Environment – Faith Schoon

Communications (press releases, Instagram, publicity, flier distribution)

– John Ripley, Mike Schnable 

Newsletter – Faith Schoon

Website – Mike Schnable

Facebook – Mike Schnable

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Non-Partisan Policy
The League as an organization does not support or oppose any political party, candidate for elected office, or any group that supports candidates. As individuals, though, but not as representatives of the League, members are encouraged to participate in political activity and to run for office. Our non-partisan policy does require two Board members--the President and the Voter Service Chair--to totally abstain from partisan political activity.