Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Mark Bliss - Southeast Missourian
"... The goal, she said, is to force judges to start with the premise parents should be granted equal time with their children unless there is evidence showing such a move is not warranted. ..."
"... A parent's attempt to ruin their child's bond with the other parent leads to nothing else than harm to their own family. ..."
By Myra Fleischer - Communities Digital News
"... But if you’re going through a divorce this year, the holidays might look very different to you than they do embossed on a glossy Hallmark card. Tensions can run high ranging from things as uncontroversial as the best way to give gifts to issues as daunting as how to split custodial time. ..."
By RJ Frometa - Vents Magazine
"... Learning how to talk to kids about divorce is one of the last things you ever want to do as a parent. But it’s important for you to do it if you and your spouse are splitting up. ..."
By Storey Jones - Thrice Global
"... He later discovered that as he held onto his own disappointment of how every holiday fell short of what he believed his daughter should experience, for her the way they quietly celebrated it together remains a cherished childhood memory. ..."
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